Pinchas Zukerman on Brahms from CBC Radio 2

Four conversations about Brahms' Symphonies, with Pinchas Zukerman - Music Director of the NAC Orchestra - and CBC Radio 2 host Bill Richardson. Some musical illustrations will be played by violinist Pinchas Zukerman himself, and also by pianist Les Dala. Concert performances of the symphonies by Zukerman and NACO are also available for streaming at CBC Radio 2's Concerts on Demand.

Brahms Symphony No. 4

Pinchas Zukerman talks to Bill Richardson about Brahms' Symphony No. 4, the composers who came after Brahms and the enduring nature of art.


Brahms Symphony No. 3

Pinchas Zukerman talks to Bill Richardson about Brahms' Symphony No. 3.


Brahms Symphony No. 2

Pinchas Zukerman talks to Bill Richardson about his special relationship with his "music brother" Zubin Mehta, who conducted NACO's performance of Brahms second symphony and Zukerman in the Brahms violin concerto.


Brahms Symphony No. 1

Pinchas Zukerman talks to Bill Richardson about Brahms' Symphony No. 1.


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