Pint-Sized Marketing Podcast

Pint-Sized Marketing is a monthly meetup in Dublin, Ireland. We bring together new and experienced speakers to share actionable tips, tactics and strategies with 100+ marketers each month. Listen back to past talks to get a feel for what to expect at our next meetup.

Will Hobson - How To Utilise Reactive PR for Link Acquisition in Almost ANY Industry

In Will's session, he discusses the tactics and how to use reactive PR for link acquisition. From finance to fashion, he reveals his top tips to creating some stunning reactives for almost any brand. 


Faye Watt - An SEO's Guide to Website Migrations

In this talk, Faye will take you through the necessary steps you need to take to ensure a successful website migration, how to avoid the loss of organic traffic and search visibility, and why migrations often fail.


Azeem Ahmad - Success With Small Budgets on Google Ads

Azeem will show you tips on how you can successfully set up, and run a campaign on Google Ads, even with a small budget. As well as this, Azeem will also provide you with key settings to look out for and avoid, as well as a process you can run through in your own accounts to audit them, and boost your ROI with Google Ads.


Thea Chippendale - Landing Product Page Links With Viral Digital PR

Thea Chippendale aka ‘The ASOS dress girl’ reveals her secrets to achieving BIG results with small budgets. The types of campaigns that make your competitor jealous because you don’t just land links, but social noise and traffic too.


Barry Adams - What You Need to Know About Core Web Vitals

Google has retired the old speed report in Search Console and replaced it with the Core Web Vitals report. What does this report show, and how does it impact on your website? Learn about the metrics that Google uses to evaluate a webpage's usability, and how you can turn this data into actionable insights to improve your website for both users and search engines.


Abi Bennetts - Psychology Principles to Power Your Digital PR Success

Based on key research by Dr. Robert Cialdini, Abi will take you on a whistle-stop tour of his '6 Principles of Persuasion' - 6 mental shortcuts that we all use when making decisions. She will then share how we can tap into these 6 mental shortcuts to better understand the underlying motivations and thought patterns of our audiences, customers or clients, and communicate more effectively online.


Sam Nemzer - How Getting to Grips with APIs Will Make Your Life Easier

When someone starts talking about APIs, a lot of people's eyes glaze over due to all the technical jargon. Maybe that's you. Even if you're familiar with the concept, it can be hard to know where to start. Sam will take you through what APIs are, some examples of how becoming comfortable with various APIs can make tasks easier as an SEO consultant, and make the whole topic of APIs significantly less intimidating. And for those who are already confident using APIs, Sam will share some ideas to add inspiration to your next project.


Matthew Kay - A Repeatable Content Generation Process that Generated Over 100,000 Search Clicks in Less Than 12 Months

Content creation is hard. In spite of all the tools and data marketers have available we still generate content that, after launch, doesn't always resonate with users and search engines in the way we'd hoped. During this talk, Matthew dives into Aira's content generation process that's helped one client get over 100,000 organic search clicks by using a repeatable methodology based off thorough keyword research and content brief creation.


Claire Carlile - Google As Your New Home Page - Optimising Google My Business in a No Click World

Claire talks about the changing SERP landscape, zero-click (and what this ACTUALLY means), the changing look feel and functionality of the business profile (or business knowledge panel, or whatever Google are calling it this week) - and how important it is to monitor everything that Google pulls into this panel, as well as lots of tactics for how to make sure that what YOU want to be seen gets featured in this panel - including photos, reviews, Q&A, posts, products and more!


Aoife O'Connor - The Psychology of Language and Online Persuasion - Tactics We Should Be Using For PR & Link Building

Aoife O'Connor discusses the correlation between Digital PR and Psychology and how we should be using online persuasion to engage our audience further to build links.


Aiden Carroll - How To Track Traffic Like A Champ

Tracking your campaigns is not a nice to have, it is critical. You need to know what is working, what is sucking, and using data from your analytics to back up your budget and resources for all your super smashing marketing wizardry.What if I were to tell you that you may be doing your tracking all wrong?Would you feel nervous? A pang of panic? Have you made the right decisions when sacking that agency for not delivering, or put money on a channel that was actually wrong, did you back the wrong horse? As a marketer (or anyone whose job it is to get people to your website) you have to really understand how Google Analytics works.How they define your website traffic.How they may be bucketing your wonderful work. 


Kevin Moore - PPC and SEO for Double Domination in the SERPs

It's always better when we work together, and in Wolfgang we love to integrate our services, I'll be exploring one of the biggest Search Marketing myths of the past decade - that once organic dominance is obtained, you can turn off your targeted ad campaignsUsing data and research, I'll show you how to measure the impact of integrating your SEO & PPC strategies to dominate your key value search terms and turn your siloed 'Search Strategy' into a 'Double Domination Strategy', ultimately delivering a consistent brand message and increasing your online revenue.'You'll take away 2 proven strategies of using both SEO and PPC to increase your online revenue.


Jon Quinton - Automated Reports to Help You Survive Facebook Ads Nightmares

The Facebook Ad Manager makes life pretty difficult when it comes to extracting actionable insights.To start making real progress you either need to know how to manipulate the reports in the ad manager itself, or you need to use tools to create your own bespoke reports. This talk runs through how to create your own automated reports to preempt issues, diagnose drops in performance and generally take the stress out of managing Facebook Ads.


Helen Pollitt - Stop Making Decisions Whilst Stumbling in the Dark

Google Analytics can be a goldmine of information for marketers, but is it all accurate? Helen investigates the trustworthiness of Google Analytics out-of-the-box, including breaking down the problem of “dark” traffic, how to identify if your website analytics isn’t tracking visitor sources correctly, and how to rectify these problems.  Don’t miss this talk if you rely on Google Analytics data for any of your marketing decisions!


Julia Logan - Wordpress Security

WordPress powers a large part of today's web and as such, is a popular target for exploits. Find out what you can do to protect your Wordpress site's security and minimise the risks.


David White - Using Social Media as a PR Tool

As comms pros, we understand that what others say about our brand defines it, yet in a social sphere plagued with viral and fake news, it’s alarming that so many PR pros are failing to utilise social media for PR purposes. In this talk, David will discuss the future challenges social is causing PR and how to adapt.


Sam Marsden - Data Studio for SEOs: Creating BAMF Dashboards That Inform & Persuade

SEOs need to place more emphasis on visualising data, not only to convince those that we work for and with, but so that we can make more informed decisions faster. In this talk, Sam will show you how you can revolutionise your reporting by creating impactful dashboards so that you can become a more efficient SEO.


Clark Boyd - The Death of 'SEO Content'

The world's biggest businesses go into forensic detail in their branding strategies. And yet, their landing pages show no sign of these carefully crafted brand voices. As we move into a more sophisticated era of search, simply stringing keywords together with a few prepositions will no longer suffice. With voice and visual search on the rise, the SEO industry is in danger of being left behind in the content space. The branding specialists will take over if we don't up our game. This talk looks at how businesses can inject some personality into their content without losing their SEO rankings. 


Danny Richman - How to Earn Links with Incentivised Guest Posting

Need quality links but hate doing link-building and outreach? Danny demonstrates a quick-win method for earning high-authority, relevant links guaranteed to work for any business.


Shannon McGuirk - Tactics for Landing Big Links on Low Budgets

In her talk, Shannon explains why you don't need a 5 figure digital PR or SEO budget to secure high-quality links and coverage. She will take you through some vital tactics from creating evergreen content, utilising key spokespeople and free datasets, all of which she's used in the past, present and will most likely continue to use in the future to help you score big links for your brand. 


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