What is the wrath of God? The Bible does talk about it so how do we reconcile divine wrath with the fact that God is love? That’s what I talk about in this Plain Talk podcast. After you listen, let me know what you think about it in the comments section.
Jesus came into the religious world of His day telling them that they had it all wrong when it comes to understanding God. The outcome was His crucifixion. He’s doing the same thing today and they still don’t like it.
One of the worst things religion has told us has to do with sin. The subject has been used to terrify and control people, keeping them from turning to the God who is Love. In this episode, Steve McVey talks about the real meaning of sin and how changing our minds about it can transform us.
Church, parents, teachers, and other leaders have knowingly or unknowingly communicated messages to us about ourselves but did we get it right? A wrong understanding of your value can be debilitating for life unless it is changed. In this program, Dr Steve McVey speaks to this issue and describes how to know our truth worth.
The message of religion is that there is something inherently wrong with us and that we need to try harder to become better by letting God help us. Is it by dedicating ourselves to God that we become what we ought to be? Or is it possible that our real need is simply to know who we already are at this very moment? Join Steve McVey as he talks about this subject.