Plastic Surgery Uncensored

Plastic Surgery Uncensored
Author: Dr. Rady Rahban
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© Rady Rahban MD
Plastic Surgery is more popular than ever before but with this increase comes inherent dangers. Beverly Hills award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban is here to help us navigate through the possible dangers.
As more poorly trained and unqualified doctors join the industry, with unregulated procedures becoming more mainstream, patients are making misguided and dangerous life changing choices every day. He will present topics such as; how to get to the truth behind med spas and the taboos of plastics to the questions you should ask in a live consultation. Dr. Rady is a doctor on a mission to create awareness and send a message.
Join Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban in “Plastic Surgery: Uncensored” as he and his guests give us unfiltered and valuable information that all patients wish they knew before they went under the knife. It will definitely be an eye-opening podcast you won’t want to miss.
As more poorly trained and unqualified doctors join the industry, with unregulated procedures becoming more mainstream, patients are making misguided and dangerous life changing choices every day. He will present topics such as; how to get to the truth behind med spas and the taboos of plastics to the questions you should ask in a live consultation. Dr. Rady is a doctor on a mission to create awareness and send a message.
Join Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban in “Plastic Surgery: Uncensored” as he and his guests give us unfiltered and valuable information that all patients wish they knew before they went under the knife. It will definitely be an eye-opening podcast you won’t want to miss.
260 Episodes
Getting plastic surgery can be daunting, so imagine going through it twice. Is it easier the second time around or just as intimidating? Should you use the same doctor or not? In this episode, Dr. Rady introduces us to one of his patients who had a rhinoplasty the first time around and then a breast augmentation four years later. Not only did she do two different procedures years apart she had the extra burden of traveling outside her city to have her surgeries. Join Dr. Rady and patient, Jenna, as they discuss her experience the second time around and what, if anything, she would have done
Abdominoplasties, or Tummy Tucks as they are popularly known, havebeen around for some time and remain to this day a popular procedure.However, some of these tummy tucks are done poorly, creating a horribleoutcome. You might assume that these flawed procedures are beingperformed by shady or inexperienced doctors or, worse yet, in foreigncountries. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Many of these badtummy tucks are beingformed right here in major cities in the UnitedStates by plastic surgeons. In this episode, Dr. Rahban is joined by hisgood friend and colleague, the world-renowned Dr. Towfigh, whospecializes in hernias and the abdominal wall. Together they will discusssome of these lousy tummy tucks and scars that Dr. Rady and Dr. Towfighhave witnessed, such as belly buttons that were done too small to too littleto the most common wrongly done, life-altering mistakes in tummy tucks,the high scars. Listen in and hear if you or someone you know has had abad tummy tuck and what you can do to correct it or avoid it if you arethinking about getting one yourself.Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:· Click here to subscribe via Apple Podcasts · Click here to subscribe via Spotify
Today more than ever, young adults are suffering the consequences of socialmedia. They are trapped in a vicious cycle of comparing themselves to those onsocial media,posting filtered pictures that are misleading reality. In our latestepisode, Dr. Rady is joined by a young college student, his niece, who sees thisregularly as a freshman in college. Listen in as Dr. Rady has a no-filtersconversation with his niece onthe consequences and dangers of these unrealisticexpectations and the ramifications of this new era of social media that is pushingyoung adults into premature cosmetic procedures such as lip lifts, Botox, andbreast implants,just to fit in and be accepted.Instagram:@DrRadyRahbanFacebook:
Nipples seem simple, yet they aren't. It is an essential anatomical feature of the body. In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady will discuss all things nipple related. Many women have issues with their nipples but don't bring them up because they think it's not important, yet when the subject comes up during consultation, they seem to have a lot to say. Without a doubt, it is a source of insecurity for women, especially during intimacy. Join Dr. Rady as he talks about two of the most common nipple issues affecting women, inverted and prominent nipples. Do you suffer from either one of these nipple-related issues? Well, you don't want to miss another eye-opening episode as he delves into these problems and discusses what they are and what procedures are available to correct them. We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Please leave us a review and make sure you subscribe. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producers are Maria Alvarez + Mike Morse for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to
Plastic surgeons are the masters of marketing and branding but are they promoting reality or an illusion? Are they using smoke and mirrors to get your attention? Some of these sophisticated techniques in branding can lure you into a trap if you aren't careful. In this episode, Dr. Rady interviews one of his patients Sara who is an expert on brand awareness. Join them as they discuss the importance and dangers of brands and what to look for on the many plastic surgeon's websites available today. How does Dr. Rady's website fair out? What made his platform stand out from the rest for her as an expert in brand marketing and how important is the doctor's brand in helping you create your unique brand?We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producers are Maria Alvarez + Mike Morse for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts The Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to
Breast augmentation with fat transfer has become popular in the past years and continues to create interest among women. Dr. Rady with the help of his producer delves into many of the questions he has received regarding breasts. Everything from fat transfer to when should implants be replaced and everything in between. We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producers are Maria Alvarez + Mike Morse for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to
There is a general misconception that a Tummy Tuck is more painful than C-section. Well, it’s anything but the truth. Although there are many parallels, there is a significant distinction between the two. Join Dr. Rady and one of his tummy tuck patients, Sheila, as they take a deep dive into the differences between C-section and a tummy tuck, from the procedure to the differences in the healing process. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover that Tummy Tucks aren’t as bad as you thought.Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
Can you imagine being unable to smile, laugh or even blink your eye? Facial paralysis can cause a dramatic and significant impact on a person's quality of life, as was the case with Justin Bieber. He recently revealed he was suffering from Ramsey Hunt Syndrome, a virus that causes facial paralysis. His condition was so debilitating that it forced him to halt his world tour for 2022. In this episode, Dr. Rady is joined by the renowned Dr. Babak Azizzadeh, the country's leading international facial nerve expert. Listen in as they go in-depth on facial paralysis and discuss the causes and treatments, including the advanced state-of-the-art surgical procedure, Facial Animation. Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
Since the FDA's recent warnings, there have been many more questions regarding breast implants. Dr. Rady answers his listener's questions, everything from; can mammograms detect cancers associated with breast implants too, can capsular contracture be prevented? He also responds to one listener's questions on the future of plastic surgery. Don't miss out on another informative episode of Plastic Surgery: Uncensored with Dr. Rady Rahban. Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
Thanks to social media, lip lifts have had a resurgence in cosmetic surgery, but to acertain point, it’s being overdone. What exactly is a lip lift? Who is a goodcandidate, and what can you expect if you decide to get it? Join Dr. Rady and hisrecent lip lift patient Naomi as he answers these and many more questionsregarding this procedure. He will also discuss Naomi’s journey and how shethought she needed one procedure and finished getting a lip lift and correctingother minor details to create the perfect facial harmony. Don’t miss this episode,and hopefully, you too will discover your facial harmony.Producers:Sally Chacon,Maria Lopez AlvarezInstagram:@DrRadyRahban Facebook:
Labiaplasty is an important topic that isn’t discussed much in public because of its stigma. The reality is many women, after a certain age or childbirth, suffer from excess skin of the inner labia, causing a lot of discomfort and embarrassment for women. Unfortunately, many don’t know enough about the subject and don’t realize that there is a reasonably easy remedy to this condition. In this episode, Dr. Rady will discuss the A to Z of Labial Plasty. What is it? Why does it happen? What problems it creates, and, more importantly, how to treat it. Ladies, don’t miss out on this vital topic that might help you or a loved one you may know who suffers from this condition.Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD· Subscribe via Apple Podcasts · Subscribe via Spotify · Subscribe via Google Podcasts
One of the elements that make up a surgeon’s identity is their website and how a doctor sells their practice, combined with a social platform, patient reviews, and a gallery of pictures. However, the average patient doesn’t see or know how easily unscrupulous doctors can manipulate these sites. Join Dr. Rady and his guest website designer and marketing executive, Matt Bartilson from Studio 3 Marketing, to discuss some of these unethical practices and what he has experienced. Learn what you should look out for when researching the many websites and social platforms. Learn how to spot a manipulated review, look for doctored pictures, and what keywords to look for that will tip you off right away to these unethical practices. Don’t miss out on another eye-opening episode; you won’t believe what is happening in the cyber world of plastic surgery. Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
The month of October is Breast Cancer awareness, and Dr. Rady is dedicating his podcast this month to talk about relevant topics in plastic surgery regarding breast cancer. In this episode, he will discuss breast reconstruction, a procedure that in the past was done very aggressively without taking much consideration for the aesthetics. Fortunately, there have been many advancements in recent years in the preservation of the area of the anatomy with the muscle, breast skin, and nipple. Join Dr. Rady and his two distinguished guests, Dr. Lisa Jewell and Dr. Michael Newman, experts in the field of breast cancer reconstruction, as they discuss the importance of finding a balance between reconstruction and cosmetic surgery and walk us through some of the options women have today in breast reconstruction. Executive Producer: Maria Lopez Alvarez Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
Many doctors specialize in breast augmentation, tummy tucks, facelifts, rhinoplasty, and even butt implants. However, you hear very little about thigh lifts. It makes you wonder why. Well, the reality is that few doctors specialize or even do thigh lifts because of the challenging nature of the procedure. In this episode, Dr. Rady introduces us to his patient Renee who had a thigh lift to remove excess skin from her inner thigh. She developed this after having lost over fifty pounds while working on getting fit. Join Dr. Rady and Renee as they discuss her journey with the procedure before, during, and after and how she was able to boost her confidence with her new and trim thighs. Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
Many women and men deny they have even had plastic surgery. So, what is the stigma that prevents some people from openly admitting they have had plastic surgery? In this episode, Dr. Rahban talks to one of his patients who has had nine different procedures and is proud of it. Sara originally went to Dr.Rahban for a mommy makeover, but after a year of looking at herself on zoom calls, she felt she needed some things done to her face too. Listen to this episode as Dr. Rady’s very confident patient, Sara reveals how her self-esteem was elevated even more thanks to her multiple procedures. So why is there such a stigma today, more so than ever before? Is it social media’s fault? Are you scared of suffering from body dysmorphia? Don’t miss this very revealing episode regarding the stigma of plastic surgery and how to overcome it.Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
The benefits and risks of breast implants have been a debated topic of discussion for years. In the past, studies concluded insufficient evidence linking implants to breast cancer. It wasn’t until recently, that the FDA submitted a warning about rare cancer associated more frequently with textured implants called Breast Implant-Associated ALCL. Fast forward to this month with a new FDA warning that was just released regarding breast implants and the rare association of lymphomas in the capsule of the breast implant called Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). In this episode, Dr. Rady will explain what this all means to women with breast implants. What are the signs, what should you do if you have implants, and how this is treated if you are one of those rare cases of this type of cancer?Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook:
In this week's episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady Rahban responds to the listener's questions regarding Tummy Tucks and Breast Implants. Should you have a tummy tuck before or after a hysterectomy? What is the maximum age you should have a tummy tuck? Should you get an internal mesh bra when doing a breast lift? These questions and more are in this month's questions and the answer's with Dr. Rady.We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producer is Maria Alvarez Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to
In the last five years, there have been 19 deaths in South Florida due to the cosmetic procedure Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as BBL, and eight alone were in 2021, more than any other year. So, what is the reason women are dying while getting this procedure? In 2019 there was a global mandate that doctors could no longer inject fat directly into the muscle area because of the high risk of death. This year, Florida‘s Board of Medicine put emergency regulations in place to combat the problem in their state. Yet the number of deaths in Florida attributed to this procedure continues to grow. So why is this procedure, with the highest mortality rate of any cosmetic procedure, so popular? Join Dr. Rady Rahban as he delves into the three factors that create the perfect storm with this highly controversial procedure, the Brazilian Butt Lift.We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producer is Maria Alvarez Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to
Is it possible to see a plastic surgeon for one thing and leave being convinced of having another procedure? Dr. Rady Rahban’s patient Danessa went to see him after she had a significant weight loss and wanted to have a Tummy Tuck. Much to her surprise, he recommended a complete body lift. So what did he tell her to convince her? The reality. He told her her options and not just what she wanted to hear. Join Dr. Rady and his patient Danessa as they discuss her journey with her body lift. What were her concerns? What was the recovery like, and what were the risks and possible complications she could face? Listen in to this unique story of transformation and how she is doing today after having made her decision to do a full body lift.We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producers are Maria Alvarez + Mike Morse for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to
In this week’s episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady Rahban once again answers all of his follower’s questions. Can you remove tummy tuck scars? Is it essential to know who the anesthesiologist is? What can be done if you have “man boobs”? Why doesn’t my filler on my face never last? These, and many more questions will be answered in this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored! We would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, or if you find our podcast helpful, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, please reach out to us on: Producers are Maria Alvarez + Mike Morse for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts Associate Producer is Sally ChaconIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Rady Rahban as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to podcast@yeanetworks.comVisit our sponsor at for 10% OFF your first month and start living a happier life today! #podcast #listen #podcastlife #podcaster #podcastshow #podcasts #podcasting #drradyrahban #drrrahban #radyrahban #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #boardcertified #cosmeticsurgery #cosmetics #truth
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who did her revision? I'm happy she was able to be restored with the third surgery. thank you for this informative podcast