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Plot Points

Author: Ben Riggs

Subscribed: 182Played: 8,060


Plot Points is a monthly podcast which discusses table-top role-playing games and their supplements as literature. Our quirky panel discusses games old and new, spotlights innovations in the hobby, and links to literature.
175 Episodes
Ladies and Gentlemen, people of all genders, and gifted woodland animals, this is Ben Riggs, Brad Davies, and Sarah Babe coming to you with a very special message. Since starting Plot Points in September 2013, we have put out 264 episodes. Today, we announce that Plot Points is going dark. Running this podcast has been a tremendously fulfilling experience, and we can only hope that our listeners have gotten as much enjoyment from it as we have.  We’ll maintain our email (, Twitter (@PlotPointsPod), and keep the archive of the show open.    Remember, you can still find more of our work out in the interwebs. Both Brad and Sarah are part of Theatre of the Mind Players. You can find still more Sarah on Encounter Party and Romancing the Game. Buy Ben's book, SLAYING THE DRAGON anywhere books are sold.  and Reading the Dungeon Master's Guide Aloud will doubtless find a home somewhere.  Thanks to our endlessly generous patrons, our loyal listeners, and the TTRPG community that welcomed us with open arms. For the last time for the foreseeable future, we are Ben Riggs, Brad Davies, Sarah Babe, and the always wonderful Producer Chris.  -Brad, Sarah, Chris & Ben  
One last call for alcohol! Ben, Brad, & Sarah dive deep into OSR darling and Zinequest champion, Barkeep on the Borderlands! If you want to talk about this more, here is a (functional) link to the Discord:
Well. That blew up and went everywhere. Ben responds to some comments and thoughts here on episode 263. With him as always is Dr. Scott! If you want to talk about this more, here is a (functional) link to the Discord:
Is D&D a postmodern medium? Scott & Ben also chew over the WotC layoffs.  Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can’t get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It’s poppin’ and hoppin’ over there!
We have lived in a bright and fortunate time as TTRPG fans for over a decade. Have recent events brought that to an end? Historian Ben Riggs & academic Dr. Scott Bruner reflect.  Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can’t get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It’s poppin’ and hoppin’ over there!
Ben & Scott continue, and to be frank repeat a little bit, of the section on henchmen from the 1st edition DMG.  Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can’t get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It’s poppin’ and hoppin’ over there!
This week, game designer Julian Kay talks to Sarah, Ben, & Brad about his current RPG hotness, Mutants in the Now, which takes a modern look at playing a mutant animal with the martial arts skills of your choice! Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can’t get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It’s poppin’ and hoppin’ over there!
Learn the secrets of the steward and the castellan in this week's episode of Reading the DMG Aloud with historian Ben Riggs & academic Scott Bruner! Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can’t get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It’s poppin’ and hoppin’ over there!  
Ben Riggs and Scott Bruner chew the fat on whether or not there will be an OGL for 6th edition D&D.  Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can't get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It's poppin' and hoppin' over there!    
An interview with the creators of a GM-less RPG of eldritch horror, Becky Annison & Josh Fox! Back their crowdfunding campaign here!
Our intrepid hosts once again wade into the wilds of the 1st ed Dungeon Masters Guide. What setting is implied by Gygax's text? Like what we do? Support us on Patreon! Can't get enough of Scott? Join us on Discord! It's poppin' and hoppin' over there!  
We take a break from the 1st edition DMG this week to ask a different question: Is the 4th ed Player's Handbook the greatest intro to the game in its history? Join us over on Discord! It’s booming over there! Here’s a link!  
  RPG historian Ben Riggs and RPG academic Dr. Scott Bruner continue their long chew on the Sage section of the 1st editin AD&D DMG! Join us over on Discord! It's booming over there! Here's a link!
Historian Ben Riggs & RPG academic Dr. Scott Bruner chew over the sage from the 1st edition AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide! Here's a link to the Matt Colville video where he talks about The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings as D&D models: Join us on Discord! It’s booming over there! (
We're back with Sarah Babe of Encounter Party and gamer about town Brad Davies to review the new quickstart rules from Critical Role, Candela Obscura!
It's a celebration today as we recognize the graduation of Scott Bruner, Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin! We also discuss sages! Join us on Discord! It’s booming over there! (
We talk about the D&D movie a mere two months after it came out, and then march on with our merciless read-aloud of the 1st edition Dungeon Master's Guide.  Join us on Discord! It’s booming over there! (
We continue our unrelenting and merciless recitation of the 1st edition Dungeon Master's Guide. This week! Gem cutters and heavy cavalry! Oh my! Join us on Discord! It’s booming over there! (
Hobilar? Hobilar? What the heck is a hobilar?  Harken and enjoy the 1st edition DMG's rules for expert NPCs as read and commented on by RPG historian Ben Riggs and RPG academic Scott Bruner! Join us on Discord! It’s booming over there! (
Haberdashers! Teamsters! And more! Oh my! Harken and enjoy the 1st edition DMG's rules for expert NPCs as read and commented on by RPG historian Ben Riggs and RPG academic Scott Bruner! Join us on Discord! It’s booming over there! ( Like Plot Points? Support it on Patreon!