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Pod King Bible Study
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Pod King Bible Study

Author: Donnie King

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Our goal is to present to our audience, a clear rendering of God's Word. Our intention is to understand the truth of the Bible as it was written, using the KJV Bible, the original Hebrew and Greek texts, and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Our purpose is to help God's people understand the Bible. If you want to contact us, you can do so at If you want to support our podcast, PayPal me @DonnieKing77.
303 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we study through one of the most beautiful portions within John’s Gospel. This passage has been leaned upon through hard times, used in funeral services, and has given hope to countless souls. Thomas and Philip both ask the Lord questions from their hearts, and Jesus gives them powerful answers. This should give us hope for when we pray, that He will also answer our prayers. We include several interesting points about this portion, and we also looked i...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we go over one of the saddest portions of scripture found in the Bible. At the Last Supper, Jesus tells His disciples that one of them shall betray Him, and then He gives a hint as to which one. He said it would be the one He gives the sop unto. Satan entered the heart of Judas, and then Jesus told him to do what he was going to do quickly. As Judas left, Jesus expounded to the remaining disciples of how they should love one another. This is how we are...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we slip into the room with the disciples and Jesus as they partake of the Passover. This meal is also known as the Lord’s Supper, and during this evening, many things began to happen. The Lord gets down and begins to wash the feet of the disciples, and then Judas leaves early to go betray Jesus. All throughout this evening, Jesus gives several hints at who will betray Him, and how He will die. He taught the disciples and us the need to have this supper...
Ep. #299: Q&A #19

Ep. #299: Q&A #19


Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we are thrilled to give a special gift unto our audience: We conduct our 19th Q&A, and in this edition, we were asked some tremendously good questions. We have a blast answering these heavy questions sent to us by our wonderful listeners. We pray that this episode will challenge your heart, strengthen your faith, and bless your soul. Come along with us right now for one of our best Q&A’s yet!
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we open with Jesus explaining to the people His relationship to the Father. He gave them the perfect picture of how He would save lost souls when He said: And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me. He declared judgment was coming to the world, and the prince of this world was cast out. John then explains why the people could not seem to believe on Him, and takes us back to the prophet Isaiah. Jesus finishes up by telling them that He is the L...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we cover some ground! We go from the dinner where Mary anoints Jesus and Judas complains about it, to people taking palm branches and strowing them before the Lord who was riding a colt. We see where some people believed on Christ, but at the same time, others were plotting how to get rid of Him. Before we finished, there were some Greeks who came and they had one desire… to see Jesus. In our Q&A segment, we respond to this question: In 1Kings 13, ...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we begin digging into some of the most surprising verses from the Old Testament. We raise the idea that the Lord made some actual appearances before Bethlehem. We examine texts from Genesis, 1Samuel, and Jeremiah to name a few. There are some definite things brought out to us within these passages, and we feel they need to be heard. If you have ever wondered if Jesus existed before the incarnation, or if Christophanies happened, this is for you!Come on...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we begin on a good note, for many of the Jews began to believe on Jesus after He raised Lazarus from the dead. This caused the chief priests and Pharisees to get together and conspire of how they could get rid of Him. Interestingly enough, the wicked Caiaphas prophesied to the group, and then they all began to get ready for Passover. Jesus is eating with His friends from Bethany, and then a woman comes in and anoints Him with some costly ointment. This...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we jump back in with Jesus just outside of the town where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived. As Jesus observed everyone weeping and crying over their loss, Jesus asked where they had buried Lazarus. They took Him there, and then Jesus began to weep too. The Jews were amazed that He wept, and then they began to reason among themselves whether Jesus could have done something if He had been there. They got to witness firsthand what Jesus could do, for He di...
Sp. Ed. #129: Q&A #18

Sp. Ed. #129: Q&A #18


Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we were blessed to be able to present you with our 18th Q&A. In this one, we had to answer some pretty tough questions! We were asked if a particular room was the same room as the Upper Room from Acts, then we were asked about men and head coverings. Then we gave answers to an interesting question regarding Balaam and a certain offering, and on which is the best formula to baptize people with.We think you’ll also like the cute question we received ...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we are introduced to a sick man named Lazarus, who has 2 sisters, Mary and Martha. They sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was very sick, and then something odd happens. The Lord tarries a while before He goes to them! Jesus explained to the disciples that this was not a sickness unto death, but so that the Son of God might be glorified. Jesus finally arrived… 4 days late, and Lazarus is already in the tomb, and mourners are everywhere! Jesus claimed that...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we begin with a disagreement between Jesus and the Jews… again. Then we follow Jesus into Solomon’s porch, and listen as He explains that no man can pluck us out of His hand. He then shocks the crowd by saying that He and His Father are one, then they determine to stone Him for blasphemy. Once again, we watch as Jesus gives them the Truth, and then escapes from their wicked hands again. In our Q&A segment, we received a question: I recently read a ...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we go over some of the concepts we have been studying for the past couple of months. We gave a summary of what we have covered, and it really began to pull a lot of things together for us. It is amazing when you can see the themes of the Bible coming together and agreeing with one another. This episode is a must for those who have been struggling to follow the many threads we have visited lately.We trust you will be blessed by this today, and we pray t...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we continue the thought we looked at last week concerning the Good Shepherd and the false shepherds. We talk about the thief and what he has come to do, what Jesus has come to do, and what hirelings will do. We compare and contrast these things and a few others. We discuss how Jesus said that He would lay His life down for the sheep, but He also had the power to take His life up again. There are several things that we incorporate into this study today,...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we discuss some of the reasons behind the necessity of the cross. We talked about the horror of the cross, along with several positive aspects. We also have a little bit of a surprise within this study, and we believe you will be very pleased. Before we finish, we change gears and talk about the resurrection, and what it means to us believers. What else would you expect of a Bible Study around Good Friday and Easter time?Quit your stalling, and jump in...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we examine the difference between the Good Shepherd of John 10 against the false shepherds of Eze. 34. Jesus claims to be the Good Shepherd, the Door, and the only Way for the sheep to make it in. He teaches against the false shepherds, strangers, thieves, and robbers, while describing all of them. Jesus uses a lot of shepherding imagery, along with several bold claims to His identity. We have a very lively discussion about many elements found within t...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we go back in time, and uncover some very intriguing portions of history. We dig into the history of Babylon, some of their books and teachings, along with a certain group of beings. We also talk about how 1Enoch can be seen in the writings of Peter and Jude. We look at the similarities between the Biblical account of Gen. 6 along with the Babylonian records. We dive in deep today, but we believe you will benefit from today’s discussion.Put on your div...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we finish up the 9th chapter of John, and we see how the story of the man who was born blind evolved. He schooled the religious leaders by reminding them that God doesn’t hear sinners, and then he told them Jesus couldn’t have done anything unless He was of God. He said this because Jesus is the One who opened his eyes. Jesus met back up with this man, and revealed His identity to him, and at that point, the man worshipped Him. Then Jesus rebuked the P...
Sp. Ed. #125: Q&A #17

Sp. Ed. #125: Q&A #17


Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we are back at it with another Q&A! This is our 17th edition of our popular question and answer series, and it is packed with great questions. We hope our answers are as good as the questions we were asked, and this includes a question concerning whether angels eat, and if so, what do they eat… does everyone have to make restitution… how do we interpret Heb. 6:4-6… how do you know if you’re in God’s will. Then the child’s question was concerning Sa...
Send us a Text Message.In today’s study, we finish looking at the man who was born blind, that Jesus healed. The leaders were so tore up about this, they brought the man’s parents in to question them. They asked them if this was their son, if he was born blind, and then they asked them how was he able to see now. They feared the Jews, and feared being cast out of the synagogue, so they made their son speak for himself. He gets a little upset, and he tells them that he doesn’t know much about ...
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