Podcast to Fall Asleep to

Welcome to the Podcast to Fall Asleep to archives. In each episode, I talk in a soft voice about things that are both unimportant and uninteresting. Put it on low and let me bore you to sleep. Sweet dreams. New episodes weekly. Warning: May cause drowsiness. Sponsor a topic or just help keep the wheels turning by donating at https://www.patreon.com/podcasttofallasleepto

PtFAt 162: Sleep Tight

Thank you for the years of support. Here's the story of how we found Walter. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 161: Back Again

Welcome to season two. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 160: We Love You, Melvin

This episode is not the start of season two. And it's not relaxing. This episode is a brief account of some parts Producer Melvin's life. Melvin left this world shortly after season one ended. If you don't want to hear about his passing, please, listen to a different episode, relax, and have some sweet dreams. Otherwise, here is my best attempt at talking about some of my experiences with the sweetest creature I have ever known.


PtFAt 159: I'll Be Back

Season one finale. Thank you all for a great first season. I'll be back next year to start the next 159 episode season.


PtFAt 130 Again: Feel the Earth Supporting You

This episode was originally released on March 29, 2020. Let's all take some time to relax. We deserve it. We need it.


PtFAt 158: My Next Haircut

My hair's getting long.


PtFAt 140 Again: Black Lives Matter

Usually when I repost an old episode, it's due to poor planning/laziness on my part. This week, however, it's due to something that came up last minute that was totally out of my control. This episode was originally released on June 7, 2020 and because of boring technical stuff that I won't get into, the original file got screwed up so this is actually the track ripped from the internet and then uploaded again. How will that affect the audio quality? We all get to find that out together. This is another important episode. If you want a mental escape from the world, I suggest listening to an older episode (older than last week's episode). Much love. Black lives matter.


PtFAt 157: Relax

There are some helicopters and sirens in this episode, which I would have made a greater effort to avoid if this was the type of show people listened to while driving, but nobody should ever listen to this show while driving (because it can cause drowsiness). Anyway, although there is so much more to do in order to help create a safer, more equitable, more compassionate society, we have earned (in my opinion) a moment to relax for at least a couple days. Be happy. Spread love. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 105 Again: Everything Will Be Alright

This episode was originally released on September 15, 2019. It seemed like something worth hearing again. Everything will be ok, even if it seems hard right now. Changes might be scary, but they are not impossible. Everything will be alright and turn out fine. Much love.


PtFAt 156: Official Voter Information Guide California General Election Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020 Part 4

I keep reading from the Official Voter Information Guide for the California General Election this upcoming November 3. I finish reading the summaries of props 23-25. Remember to vote No on Prop 22 and No on Prop 20, if you're in California. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 155: Official Voter Information Guide California General Election Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020 Part 3

I continue reading through state propositions on the California ballot for the upcoming election on November 3 and, not gonna lie, I get a little heated. This definitely isn't a chill episode at certain parts. As much as I've been trying to just read through this thing without commentary, I have to say vote no on props 20 and 22. 22 is the big one where the misinformation campaign in support of it has really gotten a lot of people confused, but Prop 22 will only hurt workers if it passes. Please vote NO on 22. And No on 20. Anyway, if you want a chill episode go listen to something from the back catalogue. Much love and sweet dreams.


PtFAt 154: Official Voter Information Guide California General Election Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020 Part 2

I continue reading from the Official Voter Information Guide for the California General Election on Tuesday, November 3. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 153: Official Voter Information Guide California General Election Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020 Part 1

I read through some of the Official Voter Information Guide for the California General Election on Tuesday, November 3. Also, there are crickets. Also, please vote. Also, sweet dreams.


PtFAt 131 Again: US Census 2020

My fellow Americans, there's still time to fill out the census. Please do it. This episode originally released on April 5, 2020. Listeners in the USA: do the census. And if you live somewhere else but they're also doing a census, probably do that. And be nice to animals. And be nice to yourself. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 95 Again: Earthquakes

I am taking a break this week. Rest up, be kind, and take care of those around you. This episode was originally released on July 7, 2019. After the 7.1 or 6.9 (or whatever the measurements end up being) earthquake on July 5, I talk about the recent earthquakes in Southern California (their epicenters were over 100 miles from me, but we still felt them) and read some of the info from the website www.ready.gov/earthquakes. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 152: Year Three

A look back on the third year of the podcast.


PtFAt 142 Again: Wear a Mask (Still)

I was going to record a new episode this week but it's soooo hot (over 100 F today--I think it was like 43 C for international listeners?) and I don't want to turn off the fans and stuff for 30 minutes to record, so here's an old episode that's, sadly, still relevant. This episode was originally released on June 28, 2020. Black lives matter. Black lives are also disproportionately endangered by the pandemic. One of the easiest ways to help? Wear a mask. Also, if you want to be a member of society in any meaningful way, WEAR A MASK.


PtFAt 151: I'm Growing My Hair Out

There is a time to deal with all the craziness in the world and that time is not while you listen to this episode. This episode is for relaxing and taking the train to sleepytown. Sweet dreams.


PtFAt 150: Beer Can

I do some of the ending talky stuff in the first half and talk about Producers Melvin and Moose's preferences on beer can cat costumes.


PtFAt 149: The Postal Service

I have been regularly using the United States Postal Service for a long time.


Danika FT

The most recent Black Lives Matter episode was perfect.

11-22 Reply

Grai Brad

could do without the trans stuff and BLM i doubt anyone wants to go to sleep listening to politics

07-21 Reply

Grai Brad

it sounds like someone struggling to get out of a box in the background 😮😮

05-22 Reply

Sherie Hoyhtya

Love your podcast thank u much much

10-31 Reply

Sherie Hoyhtya

What was your name on Instagram ?

10-31 Reply
















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