Poetry of Dust

'speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.' Words. They have the ability to speak life or death, after all the Bible does say that the tongue has power over it. Poetry of Dust is not just a podcast but a journey. A commitment to unravelling, to becoming poetry as we push past our human condition. Hosted by Heritage Kristilere, and empowered by the Spirit, who alone gives life, it is an invitation to yielding to the breath of God. The future is here. The time is now. Manifest.

P&H || Doxa eis Doxa

2 Cor. 3:18 instructs us, that the key to becoming like God is beholding Him. And that becoming is an ongoing process, where we are constantly moving from glory to glory.Hence, this is an invitation to transformation.To renewing our hearts and minds as we continue to gaze upon His face, to know Him through His word.There is nowhere else to go but up.Will you come?Inspired by:Psa. 84:11, Psa. 3:3Longings for Likeness to Christ by Witness Lee & Harold GreenIntro and Background Music by Alex...


S2 Finale- Doxa eis Doxa

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.The key to becoming is beholding.And the key to reflecting that glory is becoming.However, only a dead man can carry the glory of God.It's our final Music Monday episode of season 2, but trust us when we say, God's not done with us.In fact, He's just getting started.Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayCharge by Min. ...


P&H || Pentecost is Here

It's the penultimate 'Three Minute Prayer' of the season and what better way to round off, than to pray for revival.The fire of God is needed for every area of our lives.It is impossible for us to function in our God given talents without Him.We want fire to fall? It's time to build an altar.Inspired byPsa. 119:37, Psa. 69: 32, Psa. 80: 17 Lord, Send a Revival by B.B. McKinneyIntro music by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background music by OY Studio from Pixabay.


P&H || The Firstborn from the Dead

Today, we pray that the revelation of our new identity sinks into our consciousness, that we walk worthy of this calling that we have received.That the Lamb of God receives His reward in us.Inspired byPsa. 16: 9-11I Serve a Risen Saviour by Alfred H. AckleyBuried with Christ and Raised with Him Too by T. Ryder.Intro music by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background music by Vitaliy_Hryshko from Pixabay.


The Firstborn from the Dead

Jesus Christ.The firstborn over all creation.The firstborn to rise from the dead, never to die again.The first born of a dead race, men who are dead to sin but now alive to God in Him.It's a new dawn, folks.It's time to walk fully in.Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayPlaylist links (Plug & Play)Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e10-the-firstborn-from-the-dead/pl.u-EdAVv5dCD9LZBr8YouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFF...


P&H || A Living Sacrifice

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise." - Psa. 51:17The aim of this week's 'Three-Minute Prayer' is simple.Re-dedication and re-alignment with God's will and path for us.It's a decision to choose consecration over compromise.Are you ready?Inspired by:Take My Life and Let It Be by Frances Ridley HavergalIntro and background music by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.


A Living Sacrifice

What is consecration and why are instructed to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God?Join us as we journey into what it really means for us to be living sacrifices. Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayPlaylist links (Plug & Play)Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e9-a-living-sacrifice/pl.u-qxylK7YT38LZ9PvYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFFTOd3ncPm-y_vgFne4n3Yj


P&H || Eyes Fixed

Prayer works.It does, and the Bible instructs us in Col. 3:2 to set our affections on things above. What better way can we cleanse and realign our hearts but through prayer?Today and for the rest of our lives, we resolve to keep our eyes fixed. Inspired by:Psa. 34:5Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus by Helen Howarth Lemmel Intro by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background Music by Lexinmusic from Pixabay.


Eyes Fixed

What's the secret to walking on water? To looking beyond the waves and seeing potential instead of impossibilities?Join us this week as we journey into steadfastness. Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayPlaylist links (Plug & Play)Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e8-eyes-fixed/pl.u-55D66ZKs6PzqBjdYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFE3kfpiMh3zF0ZhLsl9qA-J


P&H || Grace upon Grace

Today we approach the throne of our gracious God, where we might find grace and mercy to help us in our time of our need.It doesn't matter the challenge.There is. more than enough grace available to meet every need. Inspired by:Psa. 103:8He Giveth More Grace by Annie Johnson FlintGrace for the Body of Christ by FTTA Spring Class of 2019Intro by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background Music by Ashot Danielyan Composer from Pixabay.


Grace upon Grace

The concept of grace is important for every believer, not just for knowledge but for our edification and dominion in this life.Today, we discover what grace is and most importantly, who it is and what that means for us. Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayPlaylist links (Plug & Play)Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e7-grace-upon-grace/pl.u-4JommaGtJdKgNvxYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFEhRImi6ZCtRhD2uq1E60Lw


P&H || Sanctuary

God is our hiding place, our wrap around shield, a shelter in the time of storm, our hiding place.This week's 'Three Minute Prayer' focuses on that, the fact that we can run to Him always.That no matter what, He is our sanctuary. Inspired by:Psa. 91A Mighty Fortress is Our God by Martin LutherIntro by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background Music by Lesfm from Pixabay.



When was the last time you felt truly safe?When was the last time you thought about your future without fear, dread and trepidation?This week, we journey into what it means for God to really be our sanctuary.Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayPlaylist links (Plug & Play)Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/mm-s3e6-a-safety-net/pl.u-qxyllaBF38LZ9PvYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFGuca7rLVKXgWmWRExoWOZX


P&H || Identity

Today, we acknowledge whose and who we are.We acknowledge that we are called by a new name, that we are chosen.Today, we decree and walk in the awareness of our true identity.Inspired by:Psa. 100:3. Psa. 139:14I Have Been Possessed By God- Writer UnknownIntro by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background Music by The Mountain from Pixabay.



Today, we unpack and answer one of the most important questions knit into the human condition."Who am I?"And upon that discovery, maybe we can finally become who we were always meant to be.Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayPlaylist links down below (Plug & Play)Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e5-identity/pl.u-qxyllEls38LZ9PvYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFGSgyeCUbz7sKNmMXLDBMam


P&H || People of the Presence

Join us for this week's Three Minute Prayer as we chase the presence of God.We're seeking God, not just for the bread that He gives but the bread that He is.Are you ready to stay?Inspired by:Psa. 139:7. Psa. 97: 5, Psa. 16:11, Psa. 73:28. Psa. 51:11Abide with Me by Henry Francis Lyte.Intro by Alex Make Music from Pixabay.Background Music by Lesfm from Pixabay.


People of the Presence

The presence of God must be our priority. As temples of God, we house divinity.We house the fullness of God in bodily form.But what really does that mean for as His believers?Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayApple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e4-people-of-the-presence/pl.u-zPyLm0gIeEAmPJrYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFFFORX1mxW8zFSaHcinEvCv


P&H || Healing Begins

Today, we are declaring the promise of healing as it is clearly outlined in the word of God.And what does that scripture say again in Psa. 138 vs 2b? "... for Your promises are backed by all the honor of Your name."Let's go. Let faith arise as we pray in psalms and hymns.Inspired by:Psa. 30:1-3. Psa. 147: 3, Psa. 73:26, Psa. 107:20.Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior by Fanny Crosby.Intro by Alex Make Music from Pixabay. Background Music by OYStudio from Pixabay.


Healing Begins

Healing begins when we meet God.Healing begins when the light meets the dark.But really, what do you do when you've gotten tired of trying? Do you just accept it as your lot?Intro music by Comastudio from PixabayOutro music by Amaksi from PixabayApple Musichttps://music.apple.com/ng/playlist/pod-s2e3-healing-begins/pl.u-XkD046Bu2odpazvYouTubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mOSjFS_xFGaZfIzCjtqyU9m1NXMuxNQ


P&H || Abba, Father.

It is important that when we go to God, we remember that not only is He our God, He is also our Father.Join us in this week's Three Minute Prayer, as we fellowship with our Abba.Inspired by:Psa. 68:5, Psa. 103:13.I Am So Glad that Our Father in Heaven by Phillip Paul Bliss.Intro by AlexMakeMusic from Pixabay.Background music by OYStudio from Pixabay.


Ireoluwa Akinlolu Fakeye

I am super pumped about this Heritage . Cheers to a new beginning!!!

06-21 Reply

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