DiscoverPolitical Gravity with Jane, Jon, Don & Suzette
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Political Gravity with Jane, Jon, Don & Suzette
Author: GoldenRod1960
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© Copyright Jane Hoffman (C/O Blogtalkradio)
Jane Hoffman is the executive director of this 14 year podcast that began in 2010 under Ernest Radio Network. We have 3 solid cohosts - Wade, Suzette and Don. We recently let go of 2 hosts who were anti semitic and one who was a conspiracy theorist. We have a journalist, political scientist and a moderate on the show as of 2024.
700 Episodes
Have you ever gone to a church where you agreed with 80 per cent of the Pastor said, but not the other crucial 20%? Or a church member seduced half the congregation and didn't leave until he was threatened? Or funds magically disappeared from the treasury? Find out what drives church conflicts and which members are likely to secede...
I will elaborate on two more church conflicts regarding a former Pastor, a theft in the Church. I will also discuss how Obama's allegiance to the church was misperceived & how Black ministers use the bully pulpit as means for good.
Just when you think you cleaned out your spiritual confession booth, someone else comes along to make you feel like a schmuck and test your worth against what God considers us. The spiritual wear and tear can take its toll and we must be strong under Christ. Christ commands us to turn the other cheek when people are cruel. What happens when you feel like you aren't doing anything wrong and still rubbing people the wrong way. Join me as I discuss conflict how a childhood friend dampened my Easter Outlook. What was must reaction? Disappointment is not going to get me down. Flesh against flesh is what prevents a spiritual opening. God can only open the hearts of the bitter to sweet. Why do people shut down and who can open the passage to restoration?
Be obedient to your inner voice based on spirtual convictions. Don't compromise whether you are 15; 25 or 50. Listen in and comment about your spiritual struggles.
Be obedient to your inner voice based on spirtual convictions. Don't compromise whether you are 15; 25 or 50. Listen in and comment about your spiritual struggles. We will further explore how to cope with spiritual battles in today's fallen, spiritual world. Trust godly intuition.
Tonight I will be discussing a 45 yr friendship that has taken its toll on me and my identity within that childhood friendship. When I look back, my 50 years on earth went by fast and why am I now clinging to a childhood friendship that was never rich to begin in depth.
The Fisa Courts were created in 1978 to allow the government to conduct acts of surveillance agst. certain individuals and groups by permission by this special court. The Courts rule in matters of National security without exposing what types of surveillance tracking were committed. One local conservative said tapping phones have gone on since the Truman administration. If we have a whole apparatus of government that is shielded to the American public on the nuts and bolts of thier operation, who is really aware anyway and what really can they squeeze out of the average Joe who is likely not involved in terrorist activities? That and more, about Wisconsin 537% payday loans.
Why did the owner of the Clippers have to play the race card? He's busted and he will pay for it. Also, a student stabs his desirable prom date to death on the East Coast.
We decided to start our own network because of political and spiritual differences with the owner of Ernest Radio Network. I am an Obama supporter and pro government solutions which is the opposite of the owner of the network. Jon is a moderate leaning to conservative and not a fan of big government. We are a good mix. We will discuss our new protocol and premises on this episode.
Lionel Rolfe wrote an article recently for the Huffington Post about people involved in a conspiracy to kill both Kennedys that was wider than the government theories of his death. Lionel states "Gale was telling me about how Robert Kennedy was part of the “Jewish-Communist conspiracy.” As he talked he was fondling a gun with a mammoth-sized silencer. When he got angry he would brandish the gun, so much that I got quite nervous." In 1969, New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison tried Clay Shaw for what he believed was his involvement in the conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. Lionel was working with the Garrison people on the Shaw trial for the Newhall Signal because Colonel William Gale, named by Garrison as part of the conspiracy, was a local Republican primary congressional candidate in the Newhall area. But Lionel also interviewed Gale tthe EARLY EVENING OF THE ASSASINATION OF RFK. He was brandishing a weapon while he spoke. Lionel believes a second hit taken from the rear of where RFK was standing could have been by Gale who had organized paramilitary groups in Calif. foothills, Posse Comitatus and other sub terror groups. Tune in for this delicious episode. I am a personal friend of Lionel Rolfe.
After making my second trip to the food shelf this month, I wonder, what the hell am I doing wrong? I am working a lot of overtime and paying bills left and right but still not making I deserve this free food that I even had to fight to get? That and more, the life of a single parent who works had and can't make it. Also--my movie review of the French Film "Blue is the Warmest Color" about a 15 year old who explores her sexuality, life's meaning, philosophy and literature within the context of her evolving life.
The job she was waiting for was a let down. Maybe it was a distraction from the two jobs she has. Jon lends Jane spiritual advice for coping with life's toughest problems. Plus, dishing on Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.
Thomas Merton said "One mortal sin is more powerful than an atom bomb." What he meant is that each individual chooses sin like hate, greed, lust and it manifest itself - it is a driving force for war and other human conflict. Jane will read excerpts tonight and Jon will respond. Other current events. too.
Taking responsibility is a hard thing. Accepting ressponsibility for your own problems is one thing but how about people what judge you when its not their problem? Those seem people seem to be the ones who never face their problems similar to my 300 lb. friend Cathy from h.s. Do people bring judgment on themselves when they can't forgive?
Saying the N word is not okay, especially if you are a public official. Get some class America. Why America can't respect and spawn good leadership or retain it.
Acts 17:24-28 The God who made the world and everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands, nor is he served by human hands as though he needed anything, since he himself give to all mortals life and breath and all things. From one ancestor he made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and he allotted the times of their exitence and the boundaries of the places where they would live so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him though indeed he is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being as even some of your poets have said.
What was entailed in Supereme Court ruling about political campaigns, advertising and way candidates can be depicted? Why did Elliot Rodger slay a half dozen people just to appease his broken ego? Jon may have a guest caller from Seattle, tune in.
A benign subject cannot be rebuked but how can someone have real enemies if making minimum wage? Damn girl.
Why is Nigeria so out of control? They have Presidents die left and right, they have no local authority to protect their citizens. Christians are being killed by the hundreds including church leadership. Will anyone intervene? Also, some history on BiAfra genocide, Igbo culture & the like. Syria also has bouts of mass killings including 61 school children injured in April 2014 from bombing of a Catholic school. Are all these shock waves for the final battle of Armageddon?
Barbie Woods was a neighbor of mine. She had a sex change operation. Should it be a federally approved medical procedure? Or is it vanity as Barbie's doctor suggested. What is the survival rate if you do or don;t?
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