The trial involving Derek Chauvin, the police officer is accused of murdering George Floyd, has come to a close and a verdict has been given. My mind has been changed on this case, especially after the trial. Also, Maxine Waters is inciting violence, but she's not being punished for it. Listen to this episode to hear more. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Derek Falkowski (host of Truth Talk USA) joins us to discuss the voter ID laws that are a hot topic as of recent weeks. The Democrats, and mainstream media, are painting these laws out to be racist. Their arguments against the laws that are being put in place are very racist themselves and they don't get called out enough for their racism. We need to talk about these voter ID laws and support them. In this episode, Derek helps us understand why the media is painting this as a bad thing and also what conservatives can do about these laws going into place. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode, we talk to Brijan Crispin about Biden’s attack on Christianity. Birjan is a young patriotic Christian who has gone to school for business and political science and is a co-founder to The Providence Networks Foundation. We discussed Biden’s stance on abortion, the trans movement and gay marriage, as well as discuss what we, as Americans, can do about these horrible things that are happening in our country. If you want to learn more about The Providence Networks Foundation, go to for more information. Bio for Brijan is to come! Check back in 24-48 hours for the link to that or find it later by going to Our Website. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Let's discuss what gaslighting is and what ways we can see gaslighting happening in America. It is important to speak up about the evil going on in our country so that we, as a whole, do not grow complacent with it surrounding us in our daily lives. Fight for what is right and never give an inch to the left and what they are pushing for. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Stop right there! Be careful... If you listen to this episode, you will be cancelled! The cancel culture mob is taking down anyone in their path. They are looking deeply for anyone that they can get their hands on to destroy. It isn’t just the big name celebrities that are being cancelled, and they are not the ones that we need to be worried about. The reason to fight against cancel culture is for the smaller names that are having their livelihood destroyed by this mob that is relentless. Stand up against the mob and don’t apologize, ever. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
As Joe Biden keeps signing executive orders, in attempt to "unify" the country, we see a recurring pattern. It seems that everything he does, or doesn't do, just divides the nation more. Remember when he stated that he "doesn't see red and blue states, but the United States"? Or maybe when he promised to work for Americans whether they voted for him or not. Well, most, if not everything, he is doing is only working out for those on the extreme left. We dive into some big things that he and his administration have done to strive for unity in our country. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Abortion is a serious topic that many hold dear to their heart, and rightfully so. We are discouraged time after time with not making progress on making abortion illegal. Not today, my brothers and sisters. We are making strides for the pro-life movement and it is encouraging to see! Tune in to hear of all the great things that are going on around the country for the pro-life movement. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Parler Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We kick off the show with a tribute to Rush Limbaugh, the GOAT of radio talk shows of all time. Rush is getting attacks, even on the day of his death, from many on the left that were afraid of him and how much influence he had. A poll from ABC News shows 56% of Americans that were surveyed believe that there was enough evidence to convict Trump of incitement. This is alarming to know that people want to convict a man for saying that we need to “fight like hell”, but don’t hold the same standard to Democrats that use the same exact words many times previously. Stop trusting mainstream media. In fact, don’t trust anyone. Our Website Twitter Instagram Telegram Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Donald Trump breaks another record of being the most acquitted president! He has accomplished so much throughout his time in office, and many of those accomplishments were also record-breaking. We take a look at all of the records broken by Trump and also call out the Republicans that voted against our constitution. We must take these senators by name and make sure they don't get into office. They do not stand for America, the constitution or our conservative values/American values. Source of list of Trump's accomplishments: Our Website Twitter Instagram Gab Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
As Christians, we should never... let me repeat that word... NEVER (it is in caps so that it is easier for Big Tech to read) encourage violence. I condemn anyone who is advocating for a violent civil war in this country without, first, letting our voices to be heard and fight for our country without engaging in violence. We must take a stand now and not prolong it any further. Stop growing complacent with the government trying to take our freedoms and fight for your country. We should not hope for violence, but we can't sit back and let evil run this country. Our Website Twitter Gab Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Reading through a CNN article is very hard to do. It is constant lies and false, fake news. They have an agenda, and the agenda that we see from this article is that they believe Trump can still be impeached, even though he is not currently sitting in office as president. Is it constitutional to impeach a former president? Let's read through this CNN article together without getting too annoyed (WARNING: it is impossible). Our Website Twitter Gab Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
***Disclaimer: Some of the views shared by the guest are known to be conspiracy and views are not held by Josh Mahler and those involved with Politically Insane*** Those practicing Falun Gong in China are being brutally murdered to have their organs harvested by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). This is an evil that we must spread awareness of. We see many similarities in America today, the way that the Chinese regime framed these peaceful people as violent and cult worshipers. Mitchell Gerber has been on the front lines fighting against this evil for 19 years. He joins us on the show to explain what is going on, and has been going on, so that we can spread awareness of this evil. We need to be careful as our government shows many signs of similar things that have happened to those practicing Falun Gong in China. The CCP is working further than just China and we need to spread this awareness. Learn More About Mitchell & Links On How To Help By Clicking Here Our Website Twitter Gab Leave a Review Visit Politically Insane Radio Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Ever since the beginning of the shutdowns, we have been told that Trump did a bad job dealing with COVID. We need to be locked into our homes, stress about a virus that is nearly harmless and wear a mask. We are constantly told to "trust the science", yet those that tell us this are denying the science that we have had for years. Shutdowns are causing more deaths than COVID and causing irrecoverable damage to our nation. We need to put an end to these shutdowns and stop listening to the liars telling us otherwise. Our Website Twitter Gab Leave a Review Support the show - Receive a custom Politically Insane coaster with a donation of $25 or more! One coaster per $25 donation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We now have a new president in office, President Joe Biden. His first 8 days in office have been busy ones with signing 24 executive orders. This is a LOT of executive orders to put into place. Are they good ones? Well... not if you are on the side of fighting for peace and unity. These executive orders are horrible for our nation. In comparison to Trump's first 8 days of signing 6 executive orders, Biden is not on a good start. We are seeing his administration coming out to be exactly the opposite of what we, conservatives, did not want to see in the office of the President of the United States of America. Our Website Twitter Gab Leave a Review Support the show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
As more evidence comes out, we learn a bit more about who was involved in the riots at the Capitol, last Wednesday. There was more violence than right-wing media is willing to admit, but far less than what left-wing media is giving you. We discuss who was involved, who was to blame and shut down the hypocrisy that we are fed from the left. Our Website Twitter Leave a Review Get 10% off Hunter's Blend Coffee online orders by going to Support the show ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
With some horrible acts done in D.C. yesterday, January 6th, we see that America is still divided and, if anything, creating more division points to get past to get to unity. What happened in D.C. was a crime, not an overthrowing of a tyranny government. There is a lot of hypocrisy over what happened, which is another divider in our nation. We need to pray for healing, unity and love in our country. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our next president and vice president and we should pray for them and our nation under their administration. Our Website Facebook Twitter Leave a Review Get 10% off Hunter's Blend Coffee online orders by going to Support the show ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Happy New Year! We are told as Christians to stay out of politics. Left-wingers want us out of politics, because we disagree with their corrupt mindset. Right-wingers want to go all in and focus on our physical nation. Christians tell us that we can't be in politics, because it just isn't the role of a Christian. So what? We have to let immoral, corrupt, non-Christians make the decisions for our nation? Are there any examples of God's people being involved in politics in the Bible? Is there any good that can come from Christians being involved in politics? We discuss all of this and more in this episode. Our Website Facebook Twitter Leave a Review Get 10% off Hunter's Blend Coffee online orders by going to Support the show ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2020 is going to go down as a year that many want to forget. It will be remembered for all of the bad that happened, but I don't want us to be negative that way. Let's dive into some of the good that happened this year and try to remember how strong this year made us. Here is an episode to set us up for a great way to end the year and head into 2021 with our heads held high! Happy New Year to everyone! Our Website Facebook Twitter Leave a Review Get 10% off Hunter's Blend Coffee online orders by going to Support the show ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This virus is causing panic among the nation, specifically in the children. The "experts" are not helping, though they think they are. Fauci states that Santa is safe to travel for Christmas, but you are not. The lock-downs will last forever. We discuss this and more on this episode. Get 10% off Hunter's Blend Coffee online orders by going to Our Website Facebook Twitter Leave a Review Support the show ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Questions about how I really feel about the election are answered. Voter fraud has happened, but did it really affect the election? Will you take the vaccine? Does it matter if everyone takes it or not? Was 2020 the worst year ever? Some think it was, and we discuss why on today's episode of Politically Insane. Get 10% off Hunter's Blend Coffee online orders by going to Our Website Facebook Twitter Leave a Review Support the show ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit