Politricks Podcast

Politricks Podcast is a weekly show that features lively political commentary that interconnects the Black and Brown experience. The show offers contrasting views in a unique exchange of political ideologies through respectful debate. Join two Liberals co-hosts, Kerstyn and Maxine with Conservative co-host, Chris in nuance conversations about cultural relevant, political news and social commentary affecting people of color. The Politricks podcast offers a space for sociopolitical differences and empowers the marginalized communities to take a stand and get involved in the political structure. Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support</a>

Thanks Vegan! (Feat. @JussNYC) - EP 27

On this episode, Norah Yahya,  NY lobbyist and stand up comedian guest co-hosts  and special guest, DJ Juss (@JussNYC) joins the show to discuss his journey becoming a plant based vegan, food desserts in low income communities as well as holiday vegan dishes to try. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Politics As Usual - EP 26

On this episode, Norah Yahyah, NY lobbyist and stand up comedian joins the show as guest co-host. The hosts discuss Roger Stone, former aide and longtime friend of President Trump, guilty verdict, Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg reconsidering entering the Presidential race,  Joe Biden's stance on legalizing marijuana recreationally, and Rodney Reed's pending execution. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Amber Guyer's Murder Trial and Trump Impeachment - EP 22

On this episode the hosts discuss Amber Guyer's bizarre Murder Trial (the Dallas cop who mistakenly killed Botham Jean in his home) and President Trump's Impeachment Probe. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Black Entrepreneurs Surge During Trump's Administration - EP 21

On this episode, the hosts discuss the surge in African Americans entrepreneurship and what they believe are contributing factors, as well as institutional education vs self education. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


What About Black On Black Crime? (With Paul Thomas)- EP 38

On this episode, Kerstyn and Norah are joined by Paul Thomas (partner at Parkside Group). They discuss black crime rate surge in Inner cities and the the uptick in snarky comments asking: 'What about Black on Black crime? Why aren't you protesting about that?", they also discussed if  Black Lives Matter failed to raise outrage about Black Americans killing other Black Americans, the media's role is perpetuating the narrative,  as well if  politicians should bear more of the brunt of the rise of violence in Black communities.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


It's Pronounced Comma-La! (Biden Announces Kamala Harris As VP Pick) - EP 37

On this episode, Kerstyn and Norah are joined by Maxine. They discuss Joe Biden's decision to select Kamala Harris as his VP candidate. They discuss her record and detractors challenging her racial identity, as well as Black Americans distrust with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' record on crime and what it means to have a Black woman VP candidate. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Where are Black people safe? (Special Black Girl Magic Episode) - EP 36

On this special Black girl magic episode, Kerstyn and Norah are joined by Political Organizer, Jacquelyn Martell they discuss the impact Black Lives Matter movement on society , the affect that 'Karen's" pose to Black and Brown people's safety, the taking down of statues,  their stance on Defund the Police and Joe Biden's potential running mate. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


US Leadership Handling of COVID-19 - EP 35

On this episode, the hosts are joined with Jackie M. The hosts discuss the rise in COVID 19 cases and deaths,  US Leadership and media role during the pandemic. They also discussed the importance in social distancing, the 2 Trillion Dollars Relief Package, former Florida governor hopeful, Andrew Gillum Miami scandal and Commissioner Omari Hardy vs Mayor Pam Triolo Viral exchange. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Building African American Wealth (Feat. Ash Cash) - EP 32

On this episode, the hosts are joined by Financial Guru, best selling author, Ash Cash and they discuss the median wealth of Black And Latino families could hit zero by 2053, Black consumers spending power, Pres. Trump policies that benefit people of color financially, Democratic Presidential candidates policies that benefit people of color, Billionaire, Byron Allen  wanted to get economic inclusion for people of color during President Obama presidency,  what the average person who makes $30K a year working a 9-5 job do to build his or her own wealth, and if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud of the advances of POCs today. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Has Trump Beat Iran? (Feat. Nola Haynes) - EP 31

On this episode, the hosts are joined by Nola Haynes. In a heated conversation, they discuss Trump's controversial decision to pardon Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher, Iran 2020 crisis, New York’s Jewish community  spate of anti-Semitic attacks, cash bail and Trump utilizing a portion of military budget for building the wall. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


2010s...A Decade in Review! - EP 30

On this episode, the co-hosts go down memory lane and discuss prominent things that occurred during  2010-2020.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Obstruction of Congress and Abuse of Power Enough to Impeach Trump? - EP 29 ( Feat. Kyle from Slightly Sophisticated)

On this episode, the co-hosts are joined by Kyle Ramos from Slightly Sophisticated Podcast they discuss Hillary Clinton's recent interview on the Howard Stern show where she showed more personality, changing the narrative that Democrats aren't affective leaders, US Congress charges Pres. Donald Trump with 2 articles of impeachment and is it enough to impeach the President, Kamala Harris drops out of the Presidential election, The Senate reaches a Bipartisan agreement to permanently fund historically black colleges and universities,  which  brings up the conversation that some folks feel like HBCUs should no longer exist now that PWIs accept all students and Kyle explains what a Constitutionalist is. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Politically Disengaged (feat. Jackson White) - EP 28

On this episode, Chris and Kerstyn are joined by Jackson White, Co-Founder of Politiscope App. They discuss black politicians like Cory Booker and Kamala Harris potentially missing an opportunity to govern on a local level instead of running for President. They also discuss Colin Kaepernick recent work out for NFL teams; a Texas woman sentenced to 10 years in federal prison after sending in the mail explosives to President Obama’s home, Stephen Miller caught sending emails to White Nationalist; Jackson explains why he is a Bernie supporter and how Politiscope can help push voter turnout in future elections --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


You Can Either Rap or Play Ball - EP 25

On this episode, Elad from Barely Informed with Elad joins the show as a guest co-host. They discuss politics in sports, Veteran's Day, John McCain,  Trump's accomplishments while he is in office, Jeff Bezos visiting a predominantly black High School computer class in DC and does not get recognized by the students, women out earn men, past election results direct Juli Briskman wins political seat after being fired from her job because she gave Trump's motorcade the middle finger while cycling, Andy Beshear wins Governor seat, Steven Reed first black Mayor in Alabama, Nepotism in politics,  tolerance for transpeople, and Donald Trump Jr.'s case for why his father is the most unfairly treated US President. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Harriet Tubman is More Iconic Than Beyonce - EP 24

On this episode, the hosts discuss the new film, Harriet which is opens on 11/1, as well as discuss the black family structure, Harriet on the $20 bill,  Democrat Presidential hopeful, Tulsi Gabbard feud with Hillary Clinton; and they question whether the Electoral College should be abolished and immigrants patriotism to the US. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Facebook Needs A Disclaimer - EP 23

On this episode, the hosts discuss the Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren attacks on Facebook CEO,  Mark Zuckerberg for his policies on political advertising and fact checking,  the NYC City Council approving to close Rikers Island and replace it with four smaller jails in Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn by 2026; they also discuss Trump wanting to have the G7 meeting in Trump Doral Hotels. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


We're Back! (Political Rapid Fire Episode) - EP 20

On this episode, the hosts are back from Summer hiatus and have a rapid fire style podcast. They discuss Jay Z's NFL deal, the Democratic Presidential Debates,  Andrew Yang VS The Media, Shaun King Allegations, Transwomen Inclusion In BET's Black Girls Rock, Felicity Huffman sentencing, and Trump Fundraising. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Can You Really Relate to Politicians? (Featuring Karl)- EP 19

On this episode, the hosts are joined by returning guest, Karl (@_TheCivilRight), they discuss relatability to politicians like Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. They also discuss Trump involvement in  A$AP  Rocky case and the leaked Regan tape where he makes racially disparaging remarks against African delegates in the United Nations. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


Mass shootings: America's Gun Problem - EP 18

On this episode, the  hosts discuss the recent mass shootings that have taken place in El Paso, Tx and Dayton, Ohio as well as Chicago shootings this past weekend and Mario Lopez's controversial opinions about children wanting identify as another gender - and wanting to make the transition.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


What Am I A Liberal or A Conservative? (Featuring Elad) - EP 17

On this episode, the hosts discuss many political policies and topics with guest,  Elad. He gives his stance on  football,  abortion policies, the environment, gun control, Black community's trust in the police, his disdain for Colin  Kaepernick, and do the police have an inherit bias when dealing with Blacks, as well as NYC politics, his stance on marijuana, outlawing abortions, toxic masculinity. The hosts then get into do Donald Trump's latest tweets attacking Rep. Elijah Cummings Of Baltimore; calling it "unlivable" and "rat infested". --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politrickspodcast/support


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