DiscoverPolska Biblia (udramatyzowana) Nowe Przymierze Translation - Polish Bible (Dramatized)
Polska Biblia (udramatyzowana) Nowe Przymierze Translation - Polish Bible (Dramatized)
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Polska Biblia (udramatyzowana) Nowe Przymierze Translation - Polish Bible (Dramatized)

Author: Faith Comes By Hearing

Subscribed: 954Played: 1,198


The Polish Audio Drama New Testament (NCV) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
260 Episodes
Jezus rodzi się - Jesus is born.
Jezusa rodzina przeprowadza - Jesus' family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee.
Jana Chrzciciela - Jesus' way is paved by John the baptist.
Jezus jest testowany przez szatana - Jesus is tested by Satan.
Jezus - szczęścia i prawa - Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law.
Jezus - efekciarstwa i stres - Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.
Opatrzności i owocowych - Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.
Jezus uzdrawia wielu - Jesus heals many.
Jezus uzdrawia i Matthew zwany - Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.
Jezus wysyła dwunastu uczniów - Jesus sends out twelve disciples.
Jezus i Jan Chrzciciel - Jesus explains his relationship with the baptist.
zasady Jezus w szabat i demony - Jesus rules the Sabbath and the demons.
Jezus mówi przypowieści o królestwie - Jesus tells parables about the kingdom.
Jezus tworzy żywności i uspokaja burzę - Jesus creates food and calms the storm.
Jezus naucza o szczerość - Jesus teaches about sincerity.
Jezus zapowiada Jego śmierć i kościoła - Jesus predicts the church and his death.
Jezus wydaje się Eliasz z Mojżeszem i - Jesus appears with Moses and Elijah in glory.
Jezus naucza o przebaczenie - Jesus teaches about forgiveness.
Jezus naucza na temat bogactwa i rozwód - Jesus teaches about divorce and about riches.
Jezus naucza o nadchodzącym królestwie - Jesus teaches about the coming kingdom.
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