Ponca City Church Podcast

Welcome to the audio podcast of Ponca City Church. We hope that these podcasts give you hope, faith and encouragement throughout your week. To learn more about Ponca City Church visit www.poncacityfoursquare.com

Trusting Through "The Wall" | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 12.29.19

Faith in Jesus is a journey that eventually hits “The Wall” or as others have defined it, “The Dark Night Of The Soul”. These seasonal “walls” are crucial to our faith and to be processed in an emotionally healthy way. In this message, we process through the nature of these “dark nights” and the transformation on the other side as we trust God through the process.


My Family Is Flawed | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 12.15.19

Did you come from a perfect family? The obvious answer for anyone would be a resounding “no”, but why then do we often times hold our family traditions and culture in such high regard? In this message, we begin to unpack the inevitable family baggage we all carry from our past in order to find freedom for our future.


All The Feels | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 12.8.19

What does it mean to be created in the image of God while coexisting with our broken human emotions? The truth is, God created human beings with a variety of emotions and God Himself is an emotional being in his nature and personhood! In this message, we discover how God uses human emotions to reveal Himself to us so that we might better discover ourselves and our connection with Him.


Symptoms Of Emotional Unhealth | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 12.1.19

Are we self aware concerning the image God created us in? Emotional health is deeply tied to our own self awareness, especially in regards to our spirituality. In this message, Pastor T.D. walks us through 10 symptoms of emotional unhealth as presented by Pete Scazzero in the book “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”.


There's Something Missing | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 11.24.19

“Pretending is safer than honesty and vulnerability”. The truth is, everyone has an imperfect family of origin. Shame, secrets, lies, betrayals, relationship breakdowns, disappointments, and unresolved longings for unconditional love lie beneath the surface of every family. But how have we acknowledged and allowed God to redeem those deeply broken places? In the first part of this new series, we begin to “open the can” of emotional health in regards to spiritual maturity.


Greatest Hits: David & Goliath | Scott Barron | Ponca City Church | 11.17.19

You have what you say... But what are we saying? In this message, Scott Barron helps us discover the power of confession through the classic story of David & Goliath.


Greatest Hits: Joseph | Julianne O'Neal | Ponca City Church | 11.10.19

The story of Joseph is a classic Biblical story of someone who lived an unpredictable and challenge-filled life. Interestingly enough and unlike many Bible characters, Joseph is also never described as making major mistakes in his journey with God. In this message, Julianne O’Neal challenges us to live like Joseph by asserting value to everything in front of us and in turn, “bloom where we are planted”.


Greatest Hits: Nehemiah | Sara Bell | Ponca City Church | 11.3.19

What work does God have for your hands today? In this message, Pastor Sara reminds us through the life of Nehemiah that there is always opposition that threatens to weaken the work of God. Although we are tempted to quit at any moment, we are encouraged to take the same posture of Nehemiah and ask God to strengthen our hands!


Greatest Hits: The Great Commission | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 10.27.19

Before Jesus ascended to His heavenly throne, He gave His church a mission. The church, as is true for any organization, is no exception when it comes to being tempted by “things” that can keep it distracted and threatened from executing the mission it was originally set out to do. In this message, Pastor T.D. helps us create simple definitions to make sure we stay faithful to the “why” behind the “what” of “church”.


Greatest Hits: Joshua | Dale Henshaw | Ponca City Church | 10.20.19

The Biblical character Joshua saw many triumphs in his life, especially as the leader of God’s people. But this legacy was first preceded by a time when he positioned himself for the success he would eventually see. In this message, Dale Henshaw helps us discover 3 key areas of Joshua’s life that helped set the stage for his most fruitful season of life and ministry.


Greatest Hits: Mary & Martha | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 10.13.19

The story of “Mary & Martha” in Luke 10 illustrates the contrast of two women in response to hosting Jesus at their home. At face value, there are many helpful applications to be made regarding spirituality, but it is underneath the surface of this story we find a deeper narrative in regards to women in the first century. In this message, we take the backdrop of Jesus’ posture in this story to help inform a helpful paradigm regarding women in ministry leadership.


Greatest Hits: The Ten Commandments | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 10.6.19

Thou shall obey the Ten Commandments? Even if you didn’t grow up in church, chances are you’re familiar with the story surrounding God giving “The Ten Commandments” to Moses. In this message, we investigate the surrounding cultural context in regards to the nature of Biblical covenants and help answer the question: Are Christians required to follow these rules today?


Greatest Hits: Creation | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 9.29.19

From a narrative perspective, the Biblical creation account is foundational for any spiritual seeker. Where did all this come from? What is life all about? What am I created for? In this message we navigate popular perspectives surrounding the creation accounts of Genesis 1-2 as well as the implications for humanity and its relationship with an all-powerful creative God.


Secrets Make You Sick | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 9.22.19

Many times we are fascinated with people’s secrets being publicly exposed. Although it’s easy to become fixated on the secrets of others, God cares about the deep areas of our lives that we personally manage and resist being exposed. In this message, we examine 3 main lies that the enemy of our soul uses to keep our “secrets” in darkness, which in turn prevents us from becoming all God has called us to be.


Team Sunday - Fall 2019 | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 9.15.19

Who’s your favorite team? When Jesus walked the earth, he began to put together what has now arguably become one of the greatest teams of all time: His Church! In this message, we find out what it means to be a part of “Team PCC”, a unique local church in the midst of the massive vision of Jesus.


It Really Is THAT Important | Kalli Davis | Ponca City Church | 9.8.19

A common question we ask in our current culture is: What source is actually true? As the early church was growing rapidly, hearsay and gossip was a common form of division that was attempting to dilute the good news of Jesus for humanity. In this message, Pastor Kalli helps us understand a major tension of the early church as they wrestled with being united while also learning how to freshly “think” about the diversity of people around them.


Inclusive Growth | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 9.1.19

The early church is rapidly growing with "outsiders". So what’s required of these outsiders? Do they need to become culturally Jewish? And what does this imply for the modern church today in how we “judge” others? In this message, Pastor T.D. helps us understand “good judgment” as modeled by the early church as they discovered what it meant to be one large inclusive family.


Grace Is Better Than Law | Sara Bell | Ponca City Church | 8.25.19

Sometimes our unique experiences in life lead us to a place of unfair expectations of others. In this message, Pastor Sara Bell journeys us through the tension of an expanding church family in Acts 15 where unfair assimilation guidelines were being placed on newcomers. Through this unexpected tension, we can learn to offer grace in moments where we can so easily place rigid rules on others that we never would place on ourselves.


Take A Chance | T.D. Davis | Ponca City Church | 8.18.19

Who are we taking chances on? Entrusting others with their own autonomy and independence can be a worrisome thing, but early church leaders Paul & Barnabas were relentlessly empowering others into leadership at a fascinating rate. In this message Pastor T.D. invites us to trust God at a level of entrusting others into His care so we can catalyze newfound purpose for our lives.


Discovery / Results | Dale Henshaw | Ponca City Church | 8.11.19

In Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas continue to face hardships on their journey sent by God, while simultaneously experiencing His grace and power. In this message, guest speaker Dale Henshaw helps us discover simple practicalities in the midst of this journey that apply to the uniqueness of who we are today.


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