DiscoverPort of Entry
Port of Entry

Port of Entry

Author: KPBS

Subscribed: 2,121Played: 24,542


These are cross-border stories that connect us. Border people often inhabit this in-between place. From KPBS and California Humanities, “Port of Entry” tells personal stories from this place — stories of love, hope, struggle, and survival from border crossers, fronterizxs, and other people whose lives are shaped around the wall. Rooted in San Diego and Tijuana, we are a transborder podcast for transborder people. We live life on la linea. Hosted by Alan Lilienthal and Natalie Gonzalez, written and produced by Julio C. Ortiz Franco, and mix and sound design by Adrian Villalobos.
119 Episodes
El Derecho a la Ciudad

El Derecho a la Ciudad


La congestión vial es un problema enorme en Tijuana y San Diego. Si conduces durante el día, seguramente te tocará estar en algún embotellamiento de tráfico. Entonces, ¿deberíamos construir más carreteras para aliviar la congestión del tráfico? En este episodio, quisimos explorar qué es lo que impide a los Tijuanenses obtener una mejor calidad de vida. La respuesta nos sorprendió. Conversamos con los arquitectos y urbanistas René Peralta y Sharlinee Ceniceros Toscano, y Andrew Bowen de KPBS, para escuchar su opinión sobre qué impide que los tijuanenses tengan una mejor calidad de vida. ¡Nos vemos pronto! Arte de portada por René Peralta Echa un vistazo al podcast de Andrew, “Freeway Exit”, Redes sociales y contacto De KPBS, Port of Entry cuenta historias que cruzan fronteras. Para escuchar más historias visita Facebook: Instagram: Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento podrás recibir un regalo. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro podcast. Créditos Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Escritor/Productor: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Productor Técnico/Diseñador Sonoro: Adrian Villalobos Editora: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodios traducidos por: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people
The Right to The City

The Right to The City


Traffic is a huge problem in Tijuana and San Diego. If you drive around during the day, you will most certainly be caught in a traffic jam. So should we build more roads to ease traffic congestion? In this episode, we wanted to explore what is keeping residents of Tijuana from a better quality of life. The answer took us by surprise. Join us in our conversations with architects and urbanists René Peralta and Sharlinee Ceniceros Toscano, and KPBS’ own Andrew Bowen, to hear their take on what is keeping Tijuanenses from a better quality of life. Nos vemos pronto! Cover Art by Rene Peralta Check out Andrew’s podcast, “Freeway Exit”, About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS , “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Facebook: Instagram: Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people
Iniciamos nuestra nueva temporada con la historia de cómo Tijuana y San Diego ganaron la designación de Capital Mundial del Diseño 2024. Hablamos con Jorge Francisco Sánchez y Catalina Silva, dos colaboradores del equipo de Tijuana sobre cómo lograron la designación en conjunto con el equipo de San Diego y qué hizo que su propuesta destacara. ¡No te pierdas este primer episodio de nuestra nueva temporada! Redes sociales y contacto De KPBS, Port of Entry cuenta historias que cruzan fronteras. Para escuchar más historias visita Facebook: Instagram: Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento podrás recibir un regalo. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro podcast. Créditos Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Escritor/Productor: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Productor Técnico/Diseñador Sonoro: Adrian Villalobos Editora: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodios traducidos por: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people
We kick off our newest season with the story of how Tijuana and San Diego won the designation as World Design Capital of 2024. We spoke with Jorge Francisco Sanchez and Catalina Silva, two contributors of the Tijuana side of the team as to how they landed the designation as well as what made their proposal stand out. You won't want to miss the first episode of our newest season! Nos vemos pronto! About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS , “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Facebook: Instagram: Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people
En este episodio bonus, Natalie nos lleva a través de la marcha del Día Internacional de la Mujer en el corazón de Tijuana. En esta fecha, mujeres de todos los ámbitos se reunen para exigir justicia, igualdad y el fin de la violencia contra las mujeres en México. Acompañamos mientras navegamos los sonidos y testimonios de resiliencia y solidaridad que hacen de este 8 de marzo un evento tan transcendente.  No te pierdas este episodio! Nos vemos pronto! Port of Entry tiene una nueva temporada con más historias de nuestra región fronteriza. En esta ocasión, estamos mostrando las perspectivas de algunos moldeadores y visionarios de las tierras fronterizas. Te contamos historias de personas que están impactando la región, y en algunos casos, el mundo con su trabajo e investigación; desde urbanismo hasta arquitectura, educación y política, y hasta arte y robótica. ¡Escucha nuestra nueva temporada! Redes sociales y contacto De KPBS, Port of Entry cuenta historias que cruzan fronteras. Para escuchar más historias visita Facebook: Instagram: Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento podrás recibir un regalo. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro podcast. Créditos Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Escritor/Productor: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Productor Técnico/Diseñador Sonoro: Adrian Villalobos Editora: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodios traducidos por: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people
Bonus Episode: March 8th

Bonus Episode: March 8th


On this bonus episode, our host Natalie takes us on her journey through the International Women's Day march in the heart of Tijuana. On this special date, Women from all backgrounds gathered to call for justice, equality, and an end to violence against women in Mexico. Join us as we navigate the sights and sounds of the collective spirit of resilience and solidarity that make this March 8th such a transformative event. You won't want to miss this episode. Nos vemos pronto! About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Facebook: Instagram: Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Writer/Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people
Hola Amigoooooos!! Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Come and join us in this new season. New season drops April 17th Nos vemos pronto! @portofentrypod ************** Port of Entry is in a production hiatus! We will be back with more stories soon! Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Elma Gonzalez is our Editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
¡Que shouuuuu amigos! Actualmente estamos en receso de producción trabajando en nuestra próxima temporada. Pero no queríamos perder la oportunidad de hablarles sobre Amal, un títere gigante de 3.5 metros de altura que anda esparciendo un mensaje de esperanza donde quiera que va. ¡Acompáñenos para escuchar sobre el impacto que esta marioneta tuvo en las personas que la vieron y en nosotros mientras estuvo aquí! ¡Nos vemos Pronto! @portofentrypod ********* Port of Entry está en un receso de producción. ¡Pronto volveremos con más historias! Por lo pronto Sigue a nuestros maravillosos hosts Natalí y Alan, mientras escuchan estas increíbles historias. ¡Caile! Si te gusta este episodio, mandanos un mensaje en @portofentrypod. *********** Encuentranos en Facebook y en Instagram Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento te mandaremos un regalito de parte del programa. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro show. ‘’Port of Entry’’ es escrito, producido y dirigido por Julio C. Ortiz Franco Adrian Villalobos es el Productor Técnico y Diseñador Sonoro Los episodios son traducidos y adaptados por Julio C. Ortiz Franco y Natalie González. Elma Gonzalez es nuestra editora en Español Lisa Morissette-Zapp es la Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones. John Decker es el Director de Desarrollo de Contenido. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! We are currently on a production break working on our next season. But we didn't want to miss this opportunity to talk to you about Amal, a 12-foot-sized puppet girl who spreads a message of hope wherever she goes. Join us to listen to find out the impact she made on the locals and us while she was here! Nos vemos pronto! @portofentrypod ************** Port of Entry is in a production hiatus! We will be back with more stories soon! Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Elma Gonzalez is our Editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
¡Hola amigos! Antes de cerrar esta temporada y tomar un pequeño descanso, queríamos dejarlos con la historia de Jardín de las Mariposas, un albergue en Tijuana exclusivamente para migrantes queer. Este albergue ha impactado las vidas de miles de personas queer que huyen de la violencia o que enfrentan discriminación en su país de origen, siempre con el objetivo de apoyar los refugiados con techo y comida para que puedan a definir su próximo paso en su vida. ¡No se pueden perder esta inspiradora historia de esperanza! ¡Hasta pronto! @portofentrypod ********* Port of Entry tiene nuevas historias para ti, esta vez centradas en la experiencia LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta temporada, acompañamos a diferentes invitades que nos cuentan que significa ser queer en las fronteras, encontrarse a uno mismo y luchar por sus derechos. Sigue a nuestros maravillosos hosts Natalí y Alan, mientras escuchan estas increíbles historias. ¡No te pierdas esta temporada! ¡Caile! Si te gusta este episodio, mandanos un mensaje en @portofentrypod. *********** Encuentranos en Facebook y en Instagram Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento te mandaremos un regalito de parte del programa. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro show. ‘’Port of Entry’’ es escrito, producido y dirigido por Julio C. Ortiz Franco Adrian Villalobos es el Productor Técnico y Diseñador Sonoro Los episodios son traducidos y adaptados por Julio C. Ortiz Franco y Natalie González. Elma Gonzalez es nuestra editora en Español Lisa Morissette-Zapp es la Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones. John Decker es el Director de Desarrollo de Contenido. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! Before we close this season and take a little break, we wanted to leave you with the story of Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter in Tijuana exclusively for queer migrants. This shelter has impacted the lives of thousands of queer folks who are fleeing violence and face discrimination in their land of origin and is helping many more figure out their next move in life. You won't want to miss this inspiring story of hope! Nos vemos pronto! @portofentrypod ************** Port of Entry has a whole new set of stories for you, this time centered around LGBTQ+ issues. This season we dive with our guests on what it means to be queer in the borderlands, finding yourself, and fighting for your rights. Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Elma Gonzalez is our editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
¡Hola friends! Ya casi terminamos de contar historias LGBTQ+ de la región fronteriza. En esta edición, hablamos con Andrés Hernández, una escritora y artista visual transgenero no binaria de Tijuana, quien nos cuenta la historia de cómo el arte le ayudó a lidiar con las difíciles realidades de ser queer en Tijuana y nos compartió parte de sus luchas intentando descubrir quién es. No te pierdas esta historia de resiliencia. ¡Feliz año nuevo! ¡Nos vemos pronto! Si tú o alguien que conoces ha sido victima de violencia sexual, comunícate con Red Iberoamericana Pro Derechos Humanos al +52 1 664 374 7223. Si sufres de pensamientos suicidas o has intentado lastimarte, llama al 014. Hay profesionales del otro lado dispuestos a ayudarte. @portofentrypod Puedes seguir el trabajo de Andrés en: Si deseas apoyar el arte de Andrés con alguna compra, dale click al siguiente enlace: ************** Port of Entry has a whole new set of stories for you, this time centered around LGBTQ+ issues. This season we dive with our guests on what it means to be queer in the borderlands, finding yourself and fighting for your rights. Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Alisa Barba is our editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Elma Gonzalez is our Spanish Editors. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! We are almost done showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, we talk to Andres Hernandez, a Non-Binary Writer and visual artist from Tijuana. She retells the story of how art helped her cope with the difficult realities of being queer in Tijuana and shares part of her struggles of coming out to her family and figuring out who she is. You won't want to miss this uplifting story of resilience! Nos vemos pronto! If you or anyone you know is a rape survivor please reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673. If you are in Tijuana, contact Red Iberoamericana Pro derechos humanos at +52 1 664 374 7223 If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts please dial 988 for help. @portofentrypod Follow Andres and her work at If you would like to support Andres and her work consider buying some of her work ************** Port of Entry has a whole new set of stories for you, this time centered around LGBTQ+ issues. This season we dive with our guests on what it means to be queer in the borderlands, finding yourself and fighting for your rights. Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Alisa Barba is our editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Elma Gonzalez is our Spanish Editors. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! Port of Entry anda con todo y esta temporada estamos compartiendo historias LGBTQ+ de la región. En este episodio bonus, Natalie y nuestro productor Julio se sientan con los protagonistas de nuestros dos primeros episodios, Alejandro Sánchez y Meritxell Calderon para conversar sobre algunos temas que no lograron salir al aire ; desde acontecimientos actuales hasta la nueva frontera de los derechos queer y humanos en Baja. (pequeño spoiler: Alex y Meritxell no se conocían) Caile a escuchar esta conversación sobre los nuevos desafíos que enfrenta la comunidad queer en Baja. Escucha donde sea que escuches tus podcasts. Nos vemos pronto ********* Port of Entry tiene nuevas historias para ti, esta vez centradas en la experiencia LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta temporada, acompañamos a diferentes invitades que nos cuentan que significa ser queer en las fronteras, encontrarse a uno mismo y luchar por sus derechos. Sigue a nuestros maravillosos hosts Natalí y Alan, mientras escuchan estas increíbles historias. ¡No te pierdas esta temporada! ¡Caile! Si te gusta este episodio, mandanos un mensaje en @portofentrypod. *********** Encuentranos en Facebook y en Instagram Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento te mandaremos un regalito de parte del programa. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro show. ‘’Port of Entry’’ es escrito, producido y dirigido por Julio C. Ortiz Franco Adrian Villalobos es el Productor Técnico y Diseñador Sonoro Alisa Barba es nuestra editora. Los episodios son traducidos y adaptados por Julio C. Ortiz Franco y Natalie González. Elma Gonzalez es nuestra editora en Español Lisa Morissette-Zapp es la Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones. John Decker es el Director de Desarrollo de Contenido. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! Port of Entry is in full swing showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, Natalie and our producer Julio sit down for a video conversation with the features of our first two episodes, Alejandro Sánchez and Meritxell Calderon. They discussed a wide range of issues facing the queer community in Baja that didn't make it into the final cut. From current events to the new frontier of queer and human rights in Baja. (little spoiler: they never met each other!) You won't want to miss this enlightening and thought-provoking conversation. Tune in wherever you get your podcasts! Nos vemos pronto! @portofentrypod ************** Port of Entry has whole new set of stories for you, this time centered around LGBTQ+ issues. This season we dive with our guests on what it means to be queer in the borderlands, finding yourself and fighting for your rights. Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Alisa Barba is our editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Elma Gonzalez is our Spanish Editors. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! Port of Entry continúa su temporada mostrando historias LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta edición, nos sentamos con Xaime Aceves Equihua, un terapeuta y artista Drag de la región de San Diego Tijuana. Debido al rechazo que enfrentó desde temprana edad, Xaime encontró difícil permitirse ser quien era hasta que encontró una manera de poder expresarse: el Drag, o el transformismo Ahora lidera una serie titulada "Drag Story Time" en la región junto a su compañero Francisco, para promover la visibilidad y aceptación de los jóvenes queer en la región. ¡No te querrás perder esta historia inspiradora! @portofentrypod Xaime es un consejero clínico asociado que brinda sesiones presenciales y en línea en San Diego, California. Xaime se especializa en terapia de afirmación de género y bilingüe. Para obtener más información, puedes contactarlo por correo electrónico: Queremos agradecer a Paul Detwiler, director del cortometraje "La Reina de los Cuentos", y a Fernando García, editor, por permitirnos presentar partes del documental. ********* Port of Entry tiene nuevas historias para ti, esta vez centradas en la experiencia LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta temporada, acompañamos a diferentes invitades que nos cuentan que significa ser queer en las fronteras, encontrarse a uno mismo y luchar por sus derechos. Sigue a nuestros maravillosos hosts Natalí y Alan, mientras escuchan estas increíbles historias. ¡No te pierdas esta temporada! ¡Caile! Si te gusta este episodio, mandanos un mensaje en @portofentrypod. *********** Encuentranos en Facebook y en Instagram Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento te mandaremos un regalito de parte del programa. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro show. ‘’Port of Entry’’ es escrito, producido y dirigido por Julio C. Ortiz Franco Adrian Villalobos es el Productor Técnico y Diseñador Sonoro Alisa Barba es nuestra editora. Los episodios son traducidos y adaptados por Julio C. Ortiz Franco y Natalie González. Elma Gonzalez es nuestra editora en Español Lisa Morissette-Zapp es la Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones. John Decker es el Director de Desarrollo de Contenido. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! Port of Entry is showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, we sit down with Xaime Aceves Equihua, a therapist, and Drag Artist from the San Diego Tijuana region. Due to rejection he faced early in his life, Xaime found it challenging to allow himself to be who he was until he found an outlet: Drag. He now leads a series of Drag Story Time in the region with his duo, Francisco, to promote visibility and acceptance of queer youth in the region. You won't want to miss this inspiring story! @portofentrypod Xaime is an associate clinical counselor who is providing in-person and telehealth sessions in San Diego, California. Xaime specializes in gender-affirming and bilingual therapy. For more information you can contact by email: Special thanks to Paul Detwiler, Director of the short film “La Reina de los Cuentos” and Fernando Garcia, Editor for allowing us to feature parts of the documentary. ************** Port of Entry has whole new set of stories for you, this time centered around LGBTQ+ issues. This season we dive with our guests on what it means to be queer in the borderlands, finding yourself and fighting for your rights. Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Alisa Barba is our editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Elma Gonzalez is our Spanish Editors. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
¡Que onda amigos! Continuamos nuestro inicio de temporada con la última parte de nuestro primer episodio: La lucha por el Matrimonio Igualitario en Baja California. En esta segunda parte, nos unimos a Alejandro, un analista de políticas públicas y activista de derechos queer de Mexicali. A través del poder de las redes sociales, Alejandro logró movilizar a las masas a favor de una iniciativa que revocó con éxito la prohibición del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en el estado de Baja. Acompáñanos a escuchar su historia. ¡No te puedes perder la conclusión de este histórico logro! ¡Caile! @portofentrypod. ********* Port of Entry tiene nuevas historias para ti, esta vez centradas en la experiencia LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta temporada, acompañamos a diferentes invitades que nos cuentan que significa ser queer en las fronteras, encontrarse a uno mismo y luchar por sus derechos. Sigue a nuestros maravillosos hosts Natalí y Alan, mientras escuchan estas increíbles historias. ¡No te pierdas esta temporada! ¡Caile! Si te gusta este episodio, mandanos un mensaje en @portofentrypod. *********** Encuentranos en Facebook y en Instagram Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento te mandaremos un regalito de parte del programa. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro show. ‘’Port of Entry’’ es escrito, producido y dirigido por Julio C. Ortiz Franco Adrian Villalobos es el Productor Técnico y Diseñador Sonoro Alisa Barba es nuestra editora. Los episodios son traducidos y adaptados por Julio C. Ortiz Franco y Natalie González. Elma Gonzalez es nuestra editora en Español Lisa Morissette-Zapp es la Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones. John Decker es el Director de Desarrollo de Contenido. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! We continue our season kick-off with the second part of our two-part series: The Fight for Marriage Equality in Baja. In this second part, we join Alejandro, a policy analyst and queer rights activist from Mexicali. Through the power of social media, Alejandro was able to mobilize the masses in favor of an initiative that successfully repealed the same-sex marriage ban in the state of Baja. You don't want to miss the conclusion of this historic achievement! Join us as he shares his story. Tune in to listen! @portofentrypod ************** Port of Entry has whole new set of stories for you, this time centered around LGBTQ+ issues. This season we dive with our guests on what it means to be queer in the borderlands, finding yourself, and fighting for your rights. Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at Find us on Facebook at Find us on Instagram or at Support our show at Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Alisa Barba is our editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Elma Gonzalez is our Spanish Editors. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations and John Decker is the Director of Content Development. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
Hola Friends! Lanzamos nuestra nueva temporada destacando historias LGBTQ+ de la región con un episodio de dos partes: La lucha por el matrimonio igualitario en Baja. En esta primera parte, nos sentamos con Meritxell y Nancy, una pareja queer de Tijuana que ha luchado por los derechos LGBTQ+ en el estado de Baja y en México. Nos comparten su historia de cómo lucharon por el matrimonio igualitario en el estado de Baja. ¡No te pierdas esta increíble historia! ¡Caile! @portofentrypod. ********* Port of Entry tiene nuevas historias para ti, esta vez centradas en la experiencia LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta temporada, acompañamos a diferentes invitades que nos cuentan que significa ser queer en las fronteras, encontrarse a uno mismo y luchar por sus derechos. Sigue a nuestros maravillosos hosts Natalí y Alan, mientras escuchan estas increíbles historias. ¡No te pierdas esta temporada! ¡Caile! Si te gusta este episodio, mandanos un mensaje en @portofentrypod. *********** Encuentranos en Facebook y en Instagram Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento te mandaremos un regalito de parte del programa. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro show. ‘’Port of Entry’’ es escrito, producido y dirigido por Julio C. Ortiz Franco Adrian Villalobos es el Productor Técnico y Diseñador Sonoro Alisa Barba es nuestra editora. Los episodios son traducidos y adaptados por Julio C. Ortiz Franco y Natalie González. Elma Gonzalez es nuestra editora en Español Lisa Morissette-Zapp es la Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones. John Decker es el Director de Desarrollo de Contenido. This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.
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Our "Port of Entry" season, which is about artists and musicians who have harnessed the power of their grief, concludes with the tale we're sharing today:

Nov 2nd

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