Positive Affirmations from NuYu

You are talking to yourself all the time. <br /><br />We all do. <br /><br />For most of us, it is the creation of other people's judgements of us and our life choices that creates a negative experience. <br /><br />With the help of positive affirmations and binaural music from Nuyu, you can create a new powerful voice that transforms your life into the one you deserve. <br /><br />Join me Damian Appleby clinical hypnotherapist and advanced NLP practitioner every Friday as we explore the powerful effect of positive affirmations to empower you to take control of your life and transform it into the one you deserve.

Bonus: Free Manifestation Challenge

Exclusively on the new Yoga Nidra Meditation and Manifestation App, the free manifestation challenge, just download the app and begin to transform your life today. Apple Store Google Play Store I look forward to seeing you in the app.


Positive Affirmations: Stop Drinking

Positive Affirmations: Stop Drinking Make Dry Jan work for you!We all have habits we would rather stop. Drinking is no dfferent, it is a habit. Little conversations in our mind that eat away at our self-esteem and make drinking the solution to life's problems can make it feel like an addiction. By changing that conversation in the first place you can take control of drinking. Just to listen to these affirmations repeatedly and you will find your mind taking control of your drinking again.


Positive Affirmations: Attract Wealth and Prosperity

Positive Affirmations: Become a Wealth MagnetThe straightforward way to encourage wealth to your life. Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to attract money? Whatever they do, they seem to come up counting the green?What's the difference? Their Mindset. You can transform yourself into a money magnet, just by changing your mindset.


Positive Affirmations: Love Yourself

Positive Affirmations: Love YourselfLearning to love and respect yourself can make a huge difference to anyone's self improvement. In fact I would go as far as: knowing you are worth it is the single largest largest contributor to you having a happy life. Through using a unique blend of professionally create affirmations and binaural music you can say with confidence that you really are worth it, and know it's true.


Positive Affirmations: Weight Loss the Easy Way

Positive Affirmations: Weight Loss the Easy WayWe can be our own worse enemies when trying to lose weight. Bad habits crawl so easily back into our lives. By changing our mindset, not only to weight loss, but to our body as a whole, we can make it so much easier to shed those pounds and lose the weight forever. This isn't a diet or a fad, this is quite simply a way to change your approach to a healthy lifestyle so you can forever be the weight you want.


Positive Affirmations from NuYu Trailer

A new way to take control of your life. You are talking to yourself all the time. We all do. For most of us, it is the creation of other people's judgements of us and our life choices that creates a negative experience. With the help of positive affirmations and binaural music from Nuyu, you can create a new powerful voice that transforms your life into the one you deserve. Join me Damian Appleby clinical hypnotherapist and advanced NLP practitioner every Friday as we explore the powerful effect of positive affirmations to empower you to take control of your life and transform it into the one you deserve.


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