DiscoverPositive Affirmations
Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations

Author: Selfpause

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Learn about the science behind positive self-talk, self-affirmations and mindfulness in order to retrain your brain for positivity and unlock your true potential in all areas of your life!
237 Episodes
Discover how affirmations can shape our mindset and pave the way for greater resilience. Through engaging discussions and real-life examples, we unravel the science behind affirmations and their potential to strengthen our inner resolve. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
Here’s the app my husband and I created! In this episode of the podcast, we explore affirmations for self love. I would love to hear from you! If you would like to share your story or breakthrough with the podcast community, or have a personal question to ask me, feel free to reach out at! (Put Law of Attraction Pod in the subject line to help me find it in my emails!)
Here’s the app my husband and I created! In this episode of the podcast, we explore affirmations for entrepreneurs. I would love to hear from you! If you would like to share your story or breakthrough with the podcast community, or have a personal question to ask me, feel free to reach out at! (Put Positive Affirmstion Pod in the subject line to help me find it in my emails!)
Download the Selfpause Affirmation App Explore the profound impact of positive psychology on mental and physical health in this episode. Dive into research-backed insights, debunk common myths, and discover 10 powerful affirmations to nourish your mindset and boost your well-being.
Unlock the mysteries of the mind in this enlightening podcast, delving into the fascinating science of how meditation rewires our neural networks. Learn how meditation serves as a potent remedy for the detrimental effects of fatigue, and find solace in the soothing affirmations provided at the conclusion of each episode, tailored to combat weariness and restore vitality.
Join us on this transformative podcast as we explore a groundbreaking study on the power of affirmations to reshape our brains. Discover the inspiring potential of mindfulness as a therapeutic tool for high-risk veterans, while ending each episode with uplifting affirmations for personal growth and healing."
In this enlightening episode of "Positive Affirmations", we examine the manifold benefits of self-affirmations, with a special focus on stress alleviation. Drawing from a compelling study, we reveal how affirmations can effectively mitigate stress and promote overall well-being. Join us for the concluding segment, where we guide you through potent stress-reducing affirmations to help cultivate tranquility in your daily life. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
On this episode of "Positive Affirmations", we delve into an enlightening study demonstrating the power of affirmations. Affirmations help to alleviate stress by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Learn how these transformative affirmations can promote tranquility and enhanced well-being. The episode concludes with a calming affirmation meditation session designed to guide you towards stress reduction and inner peace. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
In this episode of "Positive Affirmations", we unravel a fascinating study illuminating the impact of mindset on financial behaviors. We explore how positivity, affirmations, and the right frame of mind can catalyze financial success. Don't miss the concluding segment where we guide you through empowering affirmations to enrich your financial journey. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
Welcome to an exciting episode of our podcast, where we uncover the incredible connection between mindset affirmations and financial success. Join me as we explore the powerful role our beliefs play in shaping our financial reality. Discover how positive affirmations can reprogram our minds, attract abundance, and unlock the path to financial freedom. Get ready to transform your mindset and supercharge your journey towards financial success! Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
Hey there! Join me in this awesome podcast episode where we dive into the science behind behavioral change and dig deep into the magical world of positive affirmations. We'll explore how our brain reacts to these affirmations, the role of self-talk in shaping our behaviors, and snag some practical tips on how to leverage positive affirmations for personal transformation. It's going to be a mind-blowing journey! Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
In today's episode, we explore fascinating research conducted by the American Psychological Association, unveiling the remarkable power of affirmations in preventing ruminative thoughts. Prepare to be captivated as we uncover the secrets behind this groundbreaking study. But that's not all! We'll also delve into an enlightening article from Medical News Today, where we uncover practical tips to address rumination head-on. Discover how to harness the potent connection between boosting self-confidence and practicing mindfulness meditation, as we guide you on a journey to overcome negative thought processes. And as a special treat, we'll be sharing a compilation of 15 empowering affirmations that will help you reclaim control over your self-perception. These affirmations are designed to uplift your spirit, empower your mind, and guide you towards a more positive and fulfilling life. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
Discover the power of your own objectives as we dissect a riveting study from MindNavigator that reveals the crucial impact that goals play in stress reduction. We investigate the idea that looking for meaning in life can significantly enhance mental health and provide a road map for a life that is driven by purpose. Additionally, learn affirmations that can be used to pinpoint everyday noteworthy moments. Pay attention and use your inner compass to live a life free of worry. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
What Is Self Affirmation Theory? Download the Selfpause Affirmation App Self-affirmation theory focuses on how we cope with threatening information and experiences. It was developed by Claude Steele in the late 1980s and has since become a well-known theory in the field of social psychology. In addition, it has been shown to affect brain activity and our health, and it can affect how others perceive us.
Zen Affirmations

Zen Affirmations


Zen Affirmations Download the Selfpause Affirmation App Did you know that zen affirmations can help improve your mood and outlook on life? Studies have shown that regularly practicing positive affirmations can lead to increased happiness and decreased stress levels. Zen affirmations are positive statements that you can use to focus on the good in your life and let go of negative thoughts. These short, powerful statements can help improve your mood and outlook on life. If you’re looking for a way to add some positivity to your life, try using zen affirmations. These short, powerful statements can help you focus on the good in your life and let go of negative thoughts.
In this captivating episode, we delve into a groundbreaking study that sheds light on the incredible potential of affirmations in enhancing self-belonging. Join us as we explore the fascinating research conducted by renowned psychologists and experts in the field, uncovering the profound impact that positive self-talk can have on our sense of belonging and self-acceptance. We begin by delving into the concept of self-belonging, examining its significance in our personal lives and the broader societal context. Drawing on the study's findings, we discover how affirmations, when practiced intentionally and consistently, can reshape our inner dialogue and foster a deep sense of belonging within ourselves. Through compelling stories and real-life examples, we reveal practical strategies for incorporating affirmations into our daily routines, empowering listeners to cultivate a greater sense of self-acceptance, connection, and belonging. Tune in to unlock the transformative potential of affirmations and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment in this enlightening episode. Download the SELFPAUSE app HERE :)
Affirmations Yoga

Affirmations Yoga


Affirmations Yoga Download the Selfpause Affirmation App Affirmations for yoga are positive statements that can help to improve your practice. When you repeat these affirmations, you can begin to change your thinking and improve your overall attitude. There are many different types of affirmations for yoga. Some people prefer to use affirmations for specific yoga poses, while others find it helpful to use affirmations for their entire yoga practice. You can also find affirmations for yoga teachers and students.
Most Powerful Affirmations for Weight Loss  Download the Selfpause Affirmation App When it comes to weight loss, there is no magic pill or instant solution. sustainable and lasting weight loss takes time, patience, and most importantly, consistency. One of the best ways to ensure you stay on track with your weight loss goals is to practice positive affirmations regularly. Affirmations are positive statements that help to reprogram your mind for success. By repeating them daily, you can train your brain to start thinking more positively about your weight loss journey, which will in turn motivate you to take action and stick with your healthy habits. 7 blog outline about the Most Powerful Affirmations for Weight Loss
Most Powerful Affirmations Download the Selfpause Affirmation App Most people don’t realize the power of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you change your mindset and thinking patterns. When you repeat these statements to yourself, you can program your subconscious mind to believe them. This can lead to big changes in your life! There are many different types of affirmations, but the most powerful ones are those that address specific areas of your life. If you want to make a change in your career, for example, you would use affirmations that focus on success and abundance. If you’re trying to lose weight, you would use affirmations that focus on self-love and body confidence.
Affirmations You Are Enough Download the Selfpause Affirmation App It’s no secret that sometimes we all need a reminder that we are doing just fine exactly as we are. Whether it’s because we’re feeling down about a recent event or because we’re facing some uncertainty in our lives, it can be easy to forget that we are enough. That’s where affirmations come in. Affirmations are positive statements that help us reframe our thinking and remind us of our worthiness. By repeating these affirmations often, we can train our brains to believe them and start living from a place of self-love and confidence.