Positive Anger

'Positive Anger' is a hilarious podcast where host Nathan Macintosh takes frustration with the news, pop culture, or society as a whole, and with 'meditative yelling', turns anger into funny.

Black Friday Deals Worth TRAMPLING For Ep.418

Starting working out! It's the time again. THE ANNUAL Black Friday Deals Worth Trampling For, Lighting someone on fire for or sending something to the Nether Realm for. For you to save a few bucks? Somone has to go to the hospital... or fight Shao Khan... nathan macintosh.com Insta @nathamacintosh


The Vorhees Are The Victims Ep. 417

It's Friday The 13th and it's again time to say that the real victims in the movies are Mrs. Vorhees and her poor, awful headed son, Jason. From Part 1 to X, Camp Crystal Lake will NOT leave this poor family alone... nathan macintosh.com for upcoming shows... and more regular episodes coming soon? I believe


Being Nice ep. 416

Again! Some thoughts on article saying that the Tonight Show is a toxic work environment, my advice to comedians just starting, and where I've been... GRAMERCY THEATRE NOV 11TH tickets in all my bios... and I KNOW IT'S BEEN A MINUTE...


Titanic Sub With Logitech?! Ep.415

Taking a tub to the bottom of the Atlantic to see the Titanic is one thing, but having it controlled by something you would find in a Circuit City bargain bin is just nuts... @nathanmacintosh


See Tim Cook LIVE! Ep. 414

Apple had a conference that for some reason people go to and a guy who made AI is so scared of it he left... Look I KNOW WHAT I SAID LAST TIME, but there is positivity here... @nathanmacintosh


LAST (I believe) Doomsday Cast... Ep. 413

I GET IT... two weeks ago was 'what are we gonna do?!' this one is 'robots are serving coffee!' Will they ALL be like this? No, but you read an article about a humanoid called Optimus that we HOPE doesn't become a Terminator and you beak... @nathanmacintosh


... I know.... Ep. 412

It has been 6 MONTHS... which is complete insanity... where have I been? What's been going on? What in the hell is happening here? Some thoughts.... Instagram @nathanmacintosh


Black Friday Deals Worth Trampling For 2022 Ep. 411

It's time to stomp somebodies head for a deal! BEFORE YOU LACE UP, take a listen to which deals are WORTH TRAMPLING FOR. Don't go to jail over something that's not even worth it. MAKE SURE you're STEPPING ON HUMAN BEINGS for the REAL deals... Insta @nathanmacintosh Positiveanger@mail.com


Happy Wife, Happy Life Ep. 410

Been awhile again! Back for a minute to talk with Liz about my trip to Winnipeg and the OAKVILLE SHOP TEACHER WHO SHOCKED THE WORLD.... What do you think about this? Positiveanger@mail.com


Crayons Today Ep. 409

WHO would have to be raided for you to go to their house with bristol board you wrote slogans on and cry? positiveanger@mail.com @nathanmacintosh


How Many Ball Hair Trimmers? Ep. 408

Every single thing is brought to us by ads and a LOT of these ads are for ball hair trimmers. HOW can these products be that different? If you've seen balls, owned balls, operated balls, you know there can't be TOO MANY WAYS to shave them... check it positiveanger@mail.com insta @nathanmacintosh


Robot Casino Ep. 407

Two weeks in a row? What is this 2018?! Answering an email about automated Casinos. Why are these a thing? Who likes this? Where is the humanity?! Also talking the Pope flying COMMERCIAL to Canada... check it positiveanger@mail.com Insta/Tok @nathanmacintosh



In trying to understand WHY people were excited another billionaire might take over a social media app, I imagine other things people would like him to control... It's been a bit! I know! This is a short episode but will try to be back next week as well... @nathanmacintosh


Surge Charge Your Ass Ep. 405

It's taken some years but it seems people are starting to turn on AirBnb. Once an alternative to those 'evil' hotels with THINGS in them, Airbnb for many are starting to be worse. It's just somebodies house with THEIR TOWELS. And isn't Uber just an Airbnb in car form? SEND YOUR THOUGHTS positiveanger@mail.com Insta @nathanmacintosh


Tom Cruise Proves... Ep. 404

It's been a while! And in that time, one man has put an age old argument to rest. Tom Cruise is that man, And that argument? Religion. Postiveanger@mail.com Instagram @nathanmacintosh


Who Hurt You? Ep. 403

Liz is back! Talking disappearing for months, 'Old Enough', and questioning women. Can you talk about women at all? Is disappearing for a bit a good thing? Would 'Old Enough' work with North American kids? Check it! (First 25 seconds volume is low) @nathanmacintosh @lizheather Positiveanger@mail.com


NEW YORK NEEDS.... Ep. 402

With this weeks awful incident and what has been going on in the Subways, and with many people saying they don't want more cops, NEW YORK NEEDS club bouncers, Batman/men/ or Tommy Karate to be riding these trains DAILY... positiveanger@mail.com Insta @nathanmacintosh


Wild Wild Will Ep. 401

AFTER A FEW YEARS OF HOST ABSENCE we find out that ACTORS are the real problem. Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock over a joke... My... god... Positiveanger@mail.com Insta @nathanmacintosh


Kill Your Elders! Ep. 400

Back in his day! After seeing people freak out about a Jeff Foxworthy joke, it seems being elderly is the worst. When they talk about back in the day, we tell them to shut up. When they talk about today, we tell them to shut up. Do we like these people at all? Positiveanger@mail.com @nathanmacintosh


Your Families A Cult Ep.399

What is with all the dancing? Do these families actually like each other? Do they constantly fight before and after making the video? Or are they a cult? (Maybe not CULT but...) Check it! Insta @nathanmacintosh Positiveanger@mail.com


Rob Black

I truly agree with this episode...I wouldn't buy the PlayStation 4 for a year after it came out because I was personally protesting against paying for online access. due to the fact that I had to buy the system, the games, pay every month for the internet. but on the PS 3 we didn't have to buy online access...I hate it. but like everyone else I had to give in. keep up the fight... fuck umm. love the show.

03-18 Reply

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