Positively Wiccan

Welcome to the Positively Wiccan podcast, helping spiritually and wicca-curious people learn about Reiki, crystals, energy, cards, past-lives and more. I’m your host Kathy Zimmerman and it's my mission to help demystify the mystical so you can get reliable, practical information you can trust. If you’re ready to embrace all things wiccan so you can feel better, clear your own energy, and improve your life - you belong here. Let’s get started.

After Dark - Rental Property

Have you ever been in a house that felt haunted?  In this After Dark episode, I talk about a couple who decided to rent to people. Each person who stayed at the rental property did not last long though. Listen to the episode to find out more about this rental property and what happened. 


Witchcraft Mistakes

When beginning to learn about witchcraft, there can be overwhelming information about what is correct or wrong. There is no correct way, it is all about the intent.  In this episode, I talk about the mistakes new witches make when beginning their witchcraft journey. I also discuss signs to look out for if someone doesn't have good intentions when it comes to witchcraft. 


Gem and Rock Show

Are you curious about going to the gem show? In this episode, I talk about how to prepare yourself before going, what to look for in a gem, and how to protect yourself while looking at the energetically cool crystals to choose from.  If you enjoy this episode, please leave a comment letting me know what kind of crystals you have brought from a gem show.


After Dark - Bad Smells

In this after-dark episode, I talk about clearing a house that has such a nasty smell in the home. The owners of the house had people come out and get rid of the smell but it would not go away. Listen to another one of my real life ghost stories and how I fixed it in this episode.


I need to clear my head

We have days when we cannot follow our thoughts and cannot get them organised. We need to find a way to reground or reset ourselves so we can get rid of the scattered mind to get through the day. There is a simple Reiki trick for bringing the energy back to your body and settling it down. I share this and many more strategies on how to ground your energy in this episode.


Hotels, motels and Wicca - *TW* suicide

Majority of Wiccans are sensitives which means you are very aware of the energy around you especially when you are travelling and staying at hotels and motels. It is a place to rest, but it is a place where things can happen. It is a place of drug deals, suicide, affairs, murders, the whole negative side of thing.    When the sun goes down, you become a beacon to all the lost souls that are stuck in the building and even the surroundings area. Listen to this episode to learn how to manage it.


Spell drawers

With many spells needing a full moon cycle to manifest, how do people without their own space keep their spell safe and sound? Spell drawers. In this episode I go into detail about: what a spell drawer is how to know if you'll need one how to make one Questions? Ask me on Instagram! I'd love to hear from you.


After Dark - Lesson learned

The After Dark episodes are real life ghost stories. In this episode I share a story of what happened when I bought a deck of tarot cards at the thrift store and didn't clear them. Lesson learned...


How to find cheap ritual tools for your Wiccan practice

When people enter Wicca, people think they have to buy brand new things for their altar and spiritual stuff. Really, though, there are lots of things you can get second hand that will work perfectly! In this podcast episode I share where you can find what you need to get started, and how to clear the items before you use them to stay safe. Interested in learning more and getting free resources? Go to www.spiritwolfenergy.com 


How to celebrate the full moon

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


Pagan Roseries and Prayer Beads

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


How to work with color (and what they all mean)

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


Candle Magic

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


Physical VS Energetic Concerns

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


Things To Consider When Choosing Your Own Tarot Deck

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


After Dark Episode 3 - Real Life Ghost Stories

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


Past Lives

Looking to learn about past lives and maybe even shed light on some of your own? Today's episode is for you!


Witch's Ball

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


How to make the most of the Winter Solstice

Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.



Join in the conversation on Instagram @SpiritWolfEnergy for more helpful and practical tips to help you feel better, clear your own energy and blocks, and improve your life.


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