Power Hour Podcast

Why do we set personal goals and fail to execute? Yet we know what impact the goals would have. This is a Mind Shift podcast, focusing on how to build a focus duration within each 24 hours and executing actions. It's all about the ecosystem of this focus time. The podcast focuses on the tools that build and maintain a customised power hour. The summit is a Sunday morning review of the past week and the reasons why we have the kind of results we have. As well planning on the next week and what will be the chase.

EP 57: Understand the pain and stay in business

"One of the big sales mistakes is to fall in love with what you sell" Darren Hardy. Often most of us need to change approach from product based to client based. It's packed with insights from Darren.


Ep 56: Champions Utilize belief to their advantage

If you haven't been utilizing belief as a tool, there is alot of potential that you have been assuming. In this episode I share pointers from a research I have been doing on Belief. More details in the play.


EP 55: How to bring back creativity

Fostering consistently means you keep your creativity inlet opened and deliberately exposed to content that is a RAW material to Creativity. There is nothing so disappointing like needing creativity and it's not showing up. We look at what two phenomenon individuals share on bringing back creativity.


EP 54: After pain keep doing this.

"Unless you realize the situation is over you cannot move forward" Steve Maraboli . Don't be fooled pain does end and nothing is permanent. After pain keep doing this four things to get you back to focus on the most important of things and yourself too. Details when you press play


EP53: 5seconds Rule

The 5seconds Rule is a tool that allows you to interrupt your thinking patterns scientifically. It's the link to setting goals and actually getting them done. There are 4things that you should do without hesitation, in the podcast.


EP 52: How to build the Bigger Picture

"A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future" David J. Swartz. There are 3 "how's" discussed in this episode. # 1st principles of thinking #1st Rule from my years in photography. #Visualize . Details in the play


EP 51: Resilience is equivalent to this.

Resilience is the character to keep on moving with what you have even when the world can vouch for you to give up. Resilience allows you to experience the full cycle of your sacrifices. It has been a key tool to enable Power Hour Podcast to see it's 1st birthday. Mode crispy details on what resilience is equivalent to ....in the podcast.


EP50: Are you living a Work style or a Lifestyle?

Lifestyle demands you sacrifice to make it to continue working even when it's okay. Is work style the lack of courage to try? This and others thoughts on the topic in the audio, you know where to press.


EP49: How to filter Everything

"The way I filter people in life is in the small things" Joe Polish. What multiple personalities do people around have ,and how many do you have? We discus the filtering formulae ELF. Press play


EP48: When do you qualify to wait?

You can only wait for what you have worked on. Patience is not blind ,its waiting for the next step of the process. Patience is not the ability to wait, it's how you behave when waiting.


EP47: If it's not costing you now it won't reward you

This is a brief of the cost I have paid overtime to earn Power Hour Podcast. It's a dedication that has changed me as a person. Here are the lessons that I have gathered as I pay my cost now and receive awards in days to come.


EP46: 1st Level of Personal Productivity

How can you get more from what is at hand? Are you spreading yourself too thin that you lack impact in your output. Including the thoughts of Keith Web here are more insights on 1st Level of Personal Productivity


EP45: Occasional efforts Equals Occasional results.

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the consequences of consistently applying basic fundamental. Once you choose consistency you choose consequences of success. Here are 4 must have items in your consistency.


EP44: How to design habits flow

"To design better environment get in the flow of your normal behavior " James Clear. We discuss 3 items in this episode. Design, Environment and Flow. Press play let's indulge.


EP43: Guilt Control

How do you approach change? When you have neglected getting things done, how do you restart? Often we place work before capacity. This is the source of Guilt Control


EP 42: You will make it through and this is why!

What do you see before a demolition? There must be something to be broken down. You are going through a breakdown because you had created something. Even with the broken pieces you are a creator and can build something up and this are the reasons ....


EP41: What is your 1 thing?

How do you introduce yourself or is the question, who are you hard to answer? Finding your one thing that combines who you are also changes how you work on your self and your business.


EP40: What prevents you from executing you own plans?

Procrastination is like a credit card,it's a lot of fun until you get the bill. What have you lost/missed because you can't snap out of the habits that facilitate lack of self control and procrastination. If you don't want to pay the ultimate bill of missing out on life itself, press play.


EP:39 Be present in your life

#Being deliberate # Being in tune with what you are continuously creating and being present by #statusing are amongst what you will learn in this episode.


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