Powerful Communication Podcast

The Powerful Communication podcast from Comsteria is an essential listen for businesses, brands, comms teams and public relations professionals. We cover every aspect of communication - from social media and websites, video production and podcasts, to traditional media relations, interviews, presentation skills and much more. If you've got something to say and want to say it better, and if you're interested in the fast moving world of corporate communications - this is the podcast for you. Fast moving, jargon free, opinionated and dedicated to helping you in the course of your work.

Màiri McAllan and a lesson in how to give and receive criticism

Rule Number 1 - only pick fights you can't lose. Rule Number 2 - learn to recognise when you're dealing with a winner. Some advice from Comsteria's Colin Kelly.


Writing training - confidential, bespoke support for your writing

Contact us today for tailored, confidential support to develop your writing skills. colin@comsteria.co.uk www.comsteria.co.uk


Be A Guardian Of The Journalism Profession

Your message, with clarity and personality. Comsteria's mission is to help your organisation communicate with power. Find out more about all our training, consultancy and creative services in our 2024 brochure. 


Media Training Tip: The General-Specific transition

Here's something you can try if you're facing questions from a hostile audience. Comsteria's media trainer Colin Kelly shares a quick tip that can get you out of a tight spot and balance up a negative line of questioning from journalists or your own staff. Find out more about our #powerfulcommunication training, Visit Comsteria online at www.comsteria.co.uk


Attitudes To AI

What impact are your attitudes towards AI having on your team?


Spell it out to help the NHS

Colin Kelly is back on the Powerful Communication podcast from Comsteria. Grab our new training and creative services brochure, with full details of our courses and content creation. Should we talk about 'National Health Service' instead of 'NHS' all the time?


In praise of Iona MacGowan and Sam Sulek

A quick chat about 2 of the best communicators I've ever encountered. There's so much you can learn from Iona MacGowan and Sam Sulek if you're interested in digital media content creation, general marketing and anything around engaging an audience. Brilliant.


Why do football clubs put their managers in such vulnerable positions?

The Celtic manager referred to a reporter as a 'good girl' when he walked away from a post match interview yesterday. Why don't PR and comms profesionals get involved when things like this occur? Can't they see the potential for reputational damage? Easier all round of course if men improve their attitudes but it should't take national newspaper headlines the following day and an outcry from women's groups for the BUSINESS to realise this shouldn't have happened. Stop deifying football managers and other powerful people in your organisation. Treat them like the liabilities they often are, especially in these moments of high emotion.  Risk assess every media engagement. 


The Comsteria AI Challenge

Replace the word 'legislation' with the word 'guidance'. Send your completed MP3 recording to colin@comsteria.co.uk  


Josh Simons on LBC comments about Scotland

Another horror story you can learn from.


Thought leadership false assertions

If you're involved in thought leadership in any way, you ought to be aware of the dangers of false assertions. Here's Comsteria's Colin Kelly with more.  Looking for new ways to get your message across with clarity and personality? Ask about our Presenting With Confidence prsentation skills training. www.comsteria.co.uk


Reaction to Chris O'Shea £4.5 million salary

Comsteria's media trainer Colin Kelly reacts to CEO of Centrica, Chris O'Shea's latest interview here he reveaed his salary last year was £4.5 million. Are you able to be sp upfront about your earnings? What are the pros and cons of sharing this in an interview? Have a listen.


Media training breakthrough - cutting out the verbal crutches.

Here's a quick look at what went on during our media training webinar yesterday. A couple of participants made some excellent progress. Think we can help you? Get in touch - colin@comsteria.co.uk    


Changing the way we talk about mental health

Colin Kelly from Comsteria calls for a grown up conversation around mental health and an end to what he calls 'an unholy mangling of the English language'. Every year, Comsteria helps more than 200 organisations communicate with power. Get in touch and see what we can do for you. www.comsteria.co.uk


How to get your staff back to the office

This is an issue many organisations are facing at the moment. But there's a lack of understanding around why many staff are reluctant to come back. In this episode, Comsteria's Colin Kelly explains how many employees have been left feeling after the COVID pandemic and cost of living crisis and how you need to better understand what's going on in their heads. There's also some advice regarding what you could do to try and change this situation - and the key - we believe, is in forming communities based around the extra curricular passions of your staff. Need more? Get in touch with us. 


Should your business have an AI working group?

Comsteria's Powerful Communication podcast helps communications professionals and small business owners navigate today's fast moving communications world. Today, Colin Kelly discusses how you might implement an internal working group to discuss the role of artificial intelligence in your organisation. To find out more about Comsteria and the work we do, visit our website.


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