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Practical Awakening - Human Design & Spirituality

Author: Rachael Ami

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In this podcast I share conscious conversations with incredible women about Human Design, spirituality and the practical application of them in your life and your relationships. I’m your host Rachael Ami. Human Design expert, life coach and yoga teacher from the UK. I believe that we’re all spiritual beings, uniquely designed and perfectly placed, with such an important purpose. So if you’re ready to explore Human Design, practice deep self-acceptance and put your spirituality to work, let's get started. To continue the conversation, be sure to follow me on instagram, @rachaelami.
29 Episodes
In this episode I’m joined by Allyson, a 5/1 emotional Projector, to discuss the 4 Transformations, more often called the “Variables”. We get pretty passionate in this episode about “shiny object syndrome” of the variables and the “pop HD” content you can find on social media, if you want to skip our rant (but I suggest you don’t) you can skip to 27:08.We go on to discuss the variable arrows at the color level and talk through the 4 transformations of determination, environment (the independe...
In this week’s episode, ⅗ emotional Manifestor Ryan joins me in to share in our experience of innocence motivation. We both share how we experience it in our lives now, plus the journey we took to accepting and embracing the 6th line color of motivation. We share how innocence motivation can be interpreted as naive, but how it is essential for us to have the detached, big picture view of what has come, and what is coming next. Ryan and I share how desire transference has knocked us off course...
In this week’s episode I’m joined by Claire, 5/1 Splenic Manifestor, who shares how she has built a business that harnesses and honours her inconsistent energy and rest cycles as a Manifestor. We discuss creative urges and how they often take many weeks or months to come into the world and make an impact on the collective. Claire and I talk about the need to trust that the energy will come and honouring the impulse of your body to create. We share about creating a business built on your rules...
In this week’s episode I’m joined by Lucy Peel, 2/4 Sacral Generator, to discuss the 6 profile lines. We have both learned so much about ourselves, our loved ones, and deepened our knowledge of the system through the study of the lines. We talk through each profile line sharing how they show up in real life, permission and advice for each line. We cover line 1 the investigator, 2 the hermit/the natural, line 3 the martyr/experimenter, line 4 the opportunist/networker, line the heretic/relucta...
In this week’s episode I’m joined by 2 very special guests, Jo Fenlon 2/4 MG and mother to 3 children, and Susan Glenister, 3/5 Splenic Projector, new mom to an 11 month old baby. Both beautiful mums do not have emotional authority and we dive into discussion around how they are navigating raising emotional authority children. We discuss each of the 3 emotional waves and how they show up differently. Susan shares her experience of witnessing the emotional waves of her baby and Jo shares how h...
In this week’s episode Susan Glenister, 3/5 Splenic Projector, joins me to discuss life with an open heart. We both share our experiences of feeling worthy, deserving, or good enough and how the underlying theme of not being worthy has shaped many phases of our life. Susan shares how the undefined sacral and open heart has affected her ability to rest, to be still and to slow down. I share how my undefined G center shows up with my open heart in my ability to trust my purpose and my direction...
We had some technical issues this week! I apologise for the bad quality on my side, but please listen through as this episode is SO powerful!In this week’s episode we share a beautiful conversation about raising Manifestor children in a sacral conditioned world. My guest Amy Omen, 5/1 emotional Generator, openly shares her experience in raising her 5/1 emotional Manifestor and feeling her self-awareness and independence from the very early days. Amy shares her advice in holding space for emot...
In this week’s episode we dive deeply into what rest actually looks like when you have an undefined sacral, and the regular life commitments we all have to keep. My guest Jenna Britton, 6/2 Splenic Projector, and I discuss how you can begin to, and continue to incorporate rest into your life in small but supportive ways as non-sacral. We talk deeply about the awareness of the tiredness in your physical body and the permission to be more tired than those around you. We also talk about feeling ...
In this episode I’m joined by Sophie, a 2/4 Sacral Generator to talk all things 2nd line profile. We begin our conversation with the permission to be “selfish” that Human Design has given us both, that serving ourselves IS serving others. We talk about how our second line need to hermit and be alone shows up in real life but also the shame & guilt associated with this need as we have grown up. We both share the need to recognize our gifts & allow them to be easy ESPECIALLY in business...
In this episode I’m joined by Susan, 2/4 Emotional Manifesting Generator to talk evolutionary astrology, changing your life and permission to become who you’ve always known you’ve been. Susan and I have been working together combining the power of the astrology natal chart with the in the moment tools of Human Design to allow clients to take back their power, autonomy, and build deep trust with their intuition. We discuss the difference between anxiety and your authority/intuition and how the...
In this week’s episode, 3/5 emotional Projector, Jamie joins me in a discussion around urgency, being in your body and how the root centre can show up in real life. Jamie shares her decades long experience of entrepreneurship, pre and post Human Design, and how her experiment into her energy has changed the way she moves through her business. When faced with a world fueled by the urgency of the next best thing, willing you to be further ahead than you are, how do you come back into your body ...
In this week’s episode, ⅗ emotional Manifestor Ryan joins me in some extremely vulnerable but deeply beautiful discussions around rest, burnout and shame in the undefined sacral centre. Ryan shares her journey with chronic illness, sickness and needing to earn rest. We talk a lot about shame, where we carry it in our lives and how integral it is to become aware of the shame in order to heal and move forward. We touch on privilege in the spiritual community and how helpful certain beliefs actu...
In this week’s episode Klara Prosova, 4/6 emotional Manifestor, is back to continue sharing her 6th line wisdom about being a Manifestor in this world. We talk deeply about the purpose of resting for a Manifestor as a precursor to creation. You cannot create if you do not rest! We discuss Manifestor urges and harnessing their power in a world that doesn’t always support your energy cycles. We discuss how to ensure you’re not forcing yourself into a box with Human Design as you may have done i...
In this episode I’m joined by Kate, a ⅗ Self-Projected Projector to discuss her authority. Being less than 3% of the world, not so much is known about this authority and how it connects to the frequency of the words being said, rather than the words themselves. We dive into conversation around the defined G center with a connection to the throat and both share our experiences of collective circuitry with individual circuit expression to the defined throat. Kate shares her experience as a Clas...
This week’s guest Ryan Spence, 2/4 Splenic Manifestor, joins us to share his journey into spirituality, the law of attraction, and into Human Design. We share personal stories of our own spiritual awakenings and journey into becoming spiritual beings. Ryan shares his initial scepticism and cult fears before relaxing into his body and following what he knows to be true. We discuss the power and empowerment behind spirituality, and how it is always an invitation back into your highest good, and...
In this week’s episode Christina Irvin, 1/3 emotional generator is back to share her emotional wisdom with her single channel the stable and penetrative energy of the 59-6. We talk about how this wave, sometimes known as the source emotional wave, shows up in her life. We compare the experience with the 3 other emotional waves. We dive deeply into discuss about emotional impact, emotional skills and the availability of the other to be in an experience with you. Christina shares her lived expe...
In this week’s episode Klara Prosova, 4/6 emotional Manifestor, joins me to talk all things Manifestor, creative urges and trusting in the process. We share discussion around detaching from the outcome and how the beauty in life in the unfolding on the experience, not just the end goal. We discuss our signature theme of peace and as a Manifestor, this is creating an impact on others to embrace and create space for their signature. We talk about the nature of work, how & why we do it, and ...
In this episode I’m joined by Kate, a ⅗ Self-Projected Projector to discuss life with a defined head and ajna. We discuss how it feels to live life with a lot of mental energy, especially as 2 non-sacral beings. We share the experience of having a “fixed” set of questions and ideas and ways of processing the information we hold. As defined heads and ajnas we are both here to sit with our own information and process them our own way. Kate shares how this fixedness can cause her to get stuck in...
In this week’s episode Christina Irvin, 1/3 emotional generator, joins me to talk all things sacral centre. Christina has only one channel, the 59-6, and shares her experience of discovering she was a generator but not being able to connect with the experience as she felt burnt out, exhausted and was experiencing chronic illness. She shares her journey into connecting with and filling her sacral with all the things that feel “yummy” to her. We discuss the tendency to respond in the moment can...
In this episode I’m joined once again by Suzanne, a 4/6 Emotional Manifesting Generator, and we dive deep into conversation all about the G centre, the centre of identity, purpose, direction & self love. Suzanne, with a defined G, shares how she navigates life with a deep sense of knowing who she is, while still allowing space for adventure in the inbetween. We discuss how this centre can show up in relationships, in healthy and unhealthy expressions. I share my experience of learning to ...