Practical Reason

Practical Reason explores stories about provocative issues that are worthy of examination.

Program 003 - The Friction of Freedom

The United States has a history of helping refugees; most migration to the English colonies consisted of people fleeing oppression, and the United States continues to provide refugees with some help today. Yet, throughout its history, the country has also often denied refuge to desperate people fleeing persecution and conflict. We examine the refugee crisis through two parallel stories from the past and present.


Program 002 - The Help Story

Jewish Death Camp prisoners assigned by the SS to meet Jews as they first arrived by train. Expected to quickly collect the luggage of the new arrivals and remove dead bodies out of the cattle cars, the prisoners were under strict orders not to communicate in any way with the discharged passengers. Facing execution if caught, some of the prisoners defied orders and passed along life-saving advice. This is their story.


Program 001 - Finality Over Justice

Two men are tried and convicted for the same crime by the same prosecutor. Is this an aberration? This podcast takes a closer look at two cases—Joseph B. Nichols and Thomas M. Thompson—and the fight for truth and justice. Does the criminal justice system focus on finality at the expense of justice?


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