Good evening, everyone. I am so glad that we can be here to offer prayers and intentions for those whom we love and for the planet tonight. As we begin, be aware of how you feel as we gather and pray. 1 Light a candle, we are creating Sacred Space.2. Call upon Divine Love (or however you name Divinity) and the Holy Angels to be present and to create sacred space with you.3. Take a deep breath and calm your mind. Feel gratitude for your life. Give thanks for the blessings that you have received. Feel the light that is around you and the love that is radiating.4. Now picture the planet as a beautiful blue sphere, standing out against a dark cosmos filled with stars. Send love to it. Think of the people, the structures, the animals, birds, fish, plant realm, bodies of water and send your blessings, healing, peace and restoration.5. Call to mind loved ones who need healing, assistance, support and guidance. We remember those who are grieving. Those who are facing surgery or in recovery. Those who are anxious and afraid. Those who are homeless. Those who are alone. We call in holy angels to help in any need. We will leave silence to remember those in our hearts and all who've been commended to our prayers tonight. (space to pray)6. We offer our own needs to loving creator, knowing that our requests are already heard and being answered for our highest and best. (space to pray)7. We offer love to all who are participating this night, calling blessings in their lives. (space to pray)8. Now as we release these intentions to Creator and as we let go we feel lightness and joy filling us. All is well. We are well. We walk in the light of Divine Love. We are filled with gratitude.9. Now take a big breath, knowing that our work tonight has been offered with Love for the healing and blessing of all. And it is so. Well, I hope you are feeling the love surrounding you. Thank you for participating! Bright blessings.