
A podcast all about the Premodern format for Magic:the Gathering.

Episode 10 - HotD

The Finale!


Episode 9 - HotD

The Council of the Greens and the Crowning of Aegon II


Episode 8 - HotD

All Hail Viserys First of His Name!


Episode 7 - HotD

Funerals, dragon-taming, fights and eyes!


Episode 5 & 6 - HotD

Sorry for the delay! But we are back and raring to go with a massive content-filled episode for the new era the show has brought us to!


Episode 4 - HotD

Make love not war!


Episode 3 - HotD

Hunts, hangovers, and suicide missions!


Episode 2 - HotD

Jared and Mike return to discuss the 2nd episode of House of the Dragon. Dragons, marriages, politics, and crabs!


Episode 1 - Hot-D-Cast!

Hello everyone! And welcome to the first episode of Jared and Mike's spinoff Game of Thrones podcast focusing on the new show House of the Dragon. For Premodcast listeners, sorry but there is no Magic content, but for fans of A Song of Ice and Fire there is tremendous content. Enjoy!


Tom Metelsky's 2024 Tier List

It's that time of year again, premodcast's annual meta- analysis. With the rising popularity of the format we changed things up a bit, instead of crunching the numbers on TC Decks the boys are joined by Premodern All-Star Tom Metelsky who provided his personal tier list. And yes a brief discussion on "the state of premodern" enjoy!


3 Decks and Destiny

The boys are back to discuss the rise of RG Terraponza, UW Flippi, and a fun twist on FEB. It's also time for another top 5...although mistakes were made and it should have been Urza's Legacy we plow ahead into Urza's Destiny.


4 Players, 3 Tournaments, 1 Day

Hello 2024! The gang kicks off the year by bringing back guest Michael James Heup, as he along with all 3 members of the cast attended an in-person Premodern tournament on January 13th. And one of the 4 took their tournament down! Who could it be? Listen and find out!


Pride of Tournaments Lions Ascendant

And we're back! The gang talks about the 5 major tournaments that went on in the last month, and the resulting exciting rise of White Weenie. Happy Holidays all and we look forward to 2024!


Tournament Talk Big and Small

The guys are back to talk about the recent changes made to the Online Webcam Monthly tournaments. As well as go over the two major European tournaments that took place in the last month. Euro Champs in Germany and Spanish Nationals, congrats to the winners and all participants!


Mike's Sacred Torch Saga

Fresh of his big win at the Sacred Torch Showdown in NYC, Mike takes the guys through his day. Big thanks to  Phil Nguyen, Jeff Farris, Jordan Navarette, and Lanny Huang for putting on an incredibly fun and successful in person tournament in the heart of Manhattan at Bifrost Games. Then a set too big for top 5, the guys do their top 8 Urza's Saga cards.


Banned List chat with Mike Arnold

With the Land Tax ban settling in we decided to take a look at the rest of the banned list. And who better to consult than the host of the Banned Series Mike Arnold. In his second appearance Mike braves the hurricane hitting SoCal to share his expertise on this particular topic. Buckle up it's a good one!


Banned Tax!

Emergency episode! Tune in for the Premodcast crew's takes on the big shake-up.


The Hermit FEB episode with Robin Lundh

Fresh off his top 8 at the Midwest Premodern Championship Robin Lundh stops by to make a 3-peat appearance on the Premodcast, and give Mike the chance to discuss Hermit FEB on his own podcast! Bear with us as we attempt to explain this confusing monster of a deck. Congrats to all the winners and attendees of the Midwest Championship and thanks to Brian Kowal and Mike Heup for putting it on.


Premodern Summer Exodus

With the changing season lots of awesome premodern events coming up. The boys talk a little more Lobstercon and give their Exodus top 5. Good luck to all those attending the upcoming events!


Brian Selden wins Lobstercon 2023!

Lobstercon 2023 was a resounding success! And here to discuss it we have the winner himself, Brian Selden. A mere 25 years after being the Magic World Champion with Rec Sur, gifting our community a plethora of discount gold-bordered staples, he received another copy of Survival of the Fittest. This time stamped with North American Premodern Champion. Big thank you to everyone who had a hand, no matter how small, in making Lobstercon great. And a huge thank you to Jared and Dave for pulling it off yet again.


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