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Prepping 2.0

Author: prepping2point0

Subscribed: 855Played: 58,786


It's time to step-up to the next level of prepping! Prepping 2.0 is about the intermediate level of prepping. Learn from Glen Tate, author of the 299 Days ten-book series, and Shelby Gallagher, author of A Great State three-book series the next steps to take in your preps. Usual prepping topics – water, security, food – are covered but taken to the intermediate level. Listeners can expect great guests and a lot of humor.
272 Episodes
In Episode 304, our good friend, Officer Keegan Williams, is in studio to talk about the state of law enforcement and crime. We continue the discussion in the After Show, available to Patreon supporters. You can sign up here to become a Patreon (thank you!). Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms
In Episode 303, we provide a rebroadcast of Episode 266, which was Patreons’ questions about guns. (Why do a rebroadcast? Our internet has been down for days.) Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 302, our guest is the real Scotty, a character from the 299 Days book series. He talks about his prepping plans. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 301, we talk about the war on the American farmer and what it means for preppers. Hint: our food supply. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 300, we hear from your favorite private military contractor, Shawn Swanson, about how vulnerable Donald Trump is to assassination - and what the ramifications would be. He was out guest on Episode 100 and 200, so being our guest on Episode 300 allows him to look back at how prepping - and this podcast - have evolved. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 299, we do a rebroadcast of one of our popular “storyboard” episodes where we outline what a novel would look like for a particular scenario. In this episode, which originally aired on January 31, 2024, the scenario is a Hamas-style attack and the aftermath. We give the ending to the story in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 298, Shelby revisits what it means to be “Prepper Fit” in our culture of medication shortages and a crazy food supply. She continues the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 297, we present part two of Patreons’ scenarios that scare them the most. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 296, our guest is Dan from Ammo Squared. He answers Patreons’ questions about ammunition. Patreons get to see a video tour of the Ammo Squared warehouse. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 295, we present Patreons’ scenarios that scare them the most. This is part one of a two-part series. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 294, we tell you about a slow-rolling SHTF scenario that’s happening now: “de-dollar-ification.” That’s the process by which foreign countries are no using US dollars to conduct international trade. What’s the result? Decades-long inflation - and that’s something to prep for. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
Episode 293 is about books: the 299 Days and A Great Series, where we answer your questions about them. It’s also about the prepping fiction books Patreons recommend. You can update your summer reading list from this episode. We continue the conversation in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
Patreon Questions

Patreon Questions


What’s better than a show that addresses a number of smaller topics that affect your preps? An episode of questions listeners like you actually have. In Episode 292, we answer Patreon questions. We continue answering them in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 291, we talk about how the Trump guilty verdict affects your preps. We don’t talk about the politics of the verdict, just its impacts on your preps. Hint: Be even more prepared to be on your own for a period of time. We continue the Trump after effects in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 290, we continue the discussion of what you’d do with a billion dollars to prep. Patreons tell us what they’d do. A great discussion. Please consider donating to the wife of Andy the Producer, who recently passed away. We have a fantastic new producer, but Andy will be missed. We continue the billion-dollar prepping discussion in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 289, we talk about trends in the popularity of prepping. Patreons give us amazing insight on this topic. Please consider donating to the wife of Andy the Producer, who recently went to be with Jesus. We have a fantastic new producer, but Andy will be missed. We continue the ups and downs of the popularity of prepping in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 288, we talk about what you’d do if you had a billion dollars to prep. Patreons tell us what they’d do. A great discussion. Please consider donating to the wife of Andy the Producer, who is terminally ill. We have a fantastic new producer, but Andy will be missed. We continue the billion-dollar prepping discussion in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 287, we talk about how the campus protests are 2024’s version of Black Lives Matter - and how to prep for potential disruptions from them. Please consider donating to the wife of Andy the Producer, who is terminally ill. We have a fantastic new producer, but Andy will be missed. We continue the campus protest discussion in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Ammo Squared. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 286, Shelby answers questions asked by Patreons to her. She also pays a tribute to Andy the Producer who, due to health issues, will be exiting the show. We have a fantastic new producer but Andy will be missed. Shelby continues to answer questions in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Podcast Axis where you can make your podcast amazing with Andy our producer. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
In Episode 285, our guest is Dan Morton from Ammo Squared. He has a brilliant way to stockpile ammo: buying a little each month, Ammo Squared stores it, and ships it out when you want it. No more empty shelves at your local store. We continue the discussion of stockpiling ammo in the After Show, available exclusively for Patreon supporters.  Please support our sponsors Survival Garden Seeds, ProOne Water Filters, Gibbz Arms,  EMP Shield, Numanna Foods, Backwoods Home Magazine, and Podcast Axis where you can make your podcast amazing with Andy our producer. We are part of the Firearms Radio Network. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping
Comments (12)

Aaron Gingrich

cop is butthurt that Hells Angels are demonstrating how worthless law enforcement has become. He claims that Hells Angles may not hit their target. He's trying to imply LEOs are infallible. This is extremely ignorant and arrogant. He is the stereotype of why anyone who is actually paying attention hates cops.

Sep 5th


I understand you have to be careful with how you portray ww2 and hitler etc because folks will lose their minds, but I like to believe that you guys have dug into the real story of ww2 and what was going on in Germany. Comparing that era to todays situation are not even close to being the same. Love the show overall and great content.

Dec 18th


Reusable wipes are a better grid down solution than a bidet, which is useless w/o running water. A squeeze bottle would work though.

Jul 4th

sweet dee is azor ahai

Sounded like a useful podcast but what's with the edgy far right attitude? I'm not a feminist and I don't use negative stereotypes, probably because I have the common sense to actually get to know people. Otherwise I'd probably assume all the stereotypes about conservatives are true. Chill.

Aug 28th

girl Friday Agency

We don't actually stock tomato sauce because you can just make it from tomato paste. It saves a lots of space! Just a little tip.

May 14th


Um NW Prep Expo is CANCELLED. Also, your website from Castbox to pidbean cannot be read. Sorry guys. SHT browser because cannot view in Chrome Safari or Firefox. The sections just fold over on one another like a napkin. Lolol Thanks for using one btw! Cheers!

Mar 19th

Jonathan Roseland

Scary good podcast

Oct 26th
Reply (1)

Jonathan Roseland

I've listed to a lot of prepping podcasts that are honestly, a bit cringeworthy. Prepping 2.0 is the best as far as I'm concerned. I'll be reading your books.

Aug 8th
Reply (1)

Jesse H Hill

Best man this side of Russia on AKs

Jul 11th
Reply (1)