Presently Remaking Me

Navigating change, life’s challenges and learning lessons. Join cleo as she dives deep into conversations creating a safe space for topics centred around self development, mental health, spirituality, healing, a relatable journey that is congregated through a shared generational experience. From daily habits, self care and motivation, to uncomfortable conversations about healing your inner child and identifying your triggers. This podcast was created to help all listeners grow through what they go through. Follow the pod on instagram @presentlyremakingme to connect!

what I care about ( social media, veganism, beauty )

my priorities have shifted and i don’t care about a lot these days; to be insecure, to be a brand, to be a content-pumping machine… I care about the earth, animals, community, creating and learning how to love myself in full bloom :) how to love others… i am nurturing myself back to fullness. I embrace my sacred solitude and i understand that things take time. i welcome these shifts, and i am thankful that i have stepped into this new timeline.


power in community, ego, finding your voice (conversations with self)

This episode was recorded while getting ready for the day. A long phone call or voice note from a friend if you will. I believe in human connection, how healing it is, and how it aids the evolution of God-consciousness. Some topics of discussion: shifting my perspective on safety in relationships/ being brave by meeting new friends and tapping into my child-like essence/ dissipating the ego to envision a world rooted in unity and oneness/ + finding my voice. Thank you so much for holding space for my perspective and experience, thank you for being here.


post eclipse clarity: strengthened intuition, relationship dynamics, death + rebirth cycles

were all of us just pulled in a million different directions this past lunar eclipse and full moon? old patterns, trauma resurfacing, death, and facing it all in order to step into a new timeline closer than ever to your highest self. the full moon in libra challenged relationship dynamics and called for us to bring about balance and harmony in our lives. thank you for being here soul family, namaste.


advice for when you “feel behind” or “lost” in life.

an audio hug from me to you <3 follow the podcast: @presentlyremakingme host: @cleo_herbst ily !!


beginners guide to hormonal balance

hello my earth angels! this weeks episode is all about balancing your hormones; including tips, information, do’s and don’ts + a special code you can use to get $ off hormonal balancing supplements. Use code “CLEOH10” to get 10% your purchase with Kiko Vitals. See link below !


10 lessons I’m taking with me into 2024.

happy new year angels. here are 10 lessons I’m taking with me into 2024. these lessons range from coping with life ending thoughts, to parent wounds, to my purpose. so many things that allow me to become more empowered and lead me to a more authentic expression of self.


coming together during this time is a movement of love.

coming together for the liberation of all is a movement of love. that is enough to unite for our fellow brothers and sisters. we are all connected. the pain and suffering of others is collectively ours. your empathy and advocacy is a testament to your humanity. In community, we can make shifts for the better of all.


imposter syndrome + the fear of being seen

maybe if I grow out my armpit hair and walk with my arms up people will finally accept that I’m comfortable with my body hair. however, this isn’t about other people. opinions, judgements, and perceptions will ALWAYS exist. so, how do we push past barriers within ourselves to show up authentically? this episode breaks down imposter syndrome and the very common fear of being seen. we deserve to take up space and i think step one is getting to the root of what made us small to begin with. It’s time to reclaim our power , to be bold, fearless and courages. Love you sisters !!!


burn out + tips

this capitalist system is pulling every last string inside of me while the moon whispers calling me to live by her cycles. burn out is hard and harder when we don’t know we’re burnt out. this episode validates the experience of being burnt out, the stages and symptoms thereof, how important rest is and how we can help ourselves when we’re experiencing burn out. your sacred no, tuning in, advocating for yourself. there is so much power in soaking in the sun like it’s the most productive thing we can do. have the best week ahead angels <3


welcome to the strangest week of my life

typing this a day after and wow, was I hopeful yesterday. Also found out that astrologically things are looking ROUGH for all cardinal signs and my big 3 falls into that. At least that was some validation that I’m not going crazy. my secret portal where I speak into the void <3 thank you for being here.


q&a, life update, patience, friendships ending, my ultimate goal

I’ve been dissociating for so long I hardly know what day it is. anyway, I got myself cosy clothes and have been drinking a concerning amount of matcha lattes (kidding, never enough). in conclusion, life will always be worth living. let’s unpack; you don’t need to perform in social settings, friendships ending, gratitude, my ultimate goal, and uhm, my music taste that’s clearly all over the place. I love you.


navigating overwhelm, duality, detachment + easing into the new year

It's crazy to think that life can be both miraculous and overwhelming, but it can, so how do I navigate it? I learnt that I can no longer attach myself to either; bliss or pain. Instead, I need to make room for more acceptance. although a hard truth, things aren't as big as they are in our minds and we're allowed to feel every emotion on the spectrum <3. and by the way, this comes from someone who thought the things that were making me feel overwhelmed was the end of the world. happy first episode of 2023! ♡ ♡


allow yourself to be human.

a harsh love letter to you. dear person with insecurites, allow yourself to bask in your humanness. & to the people who point out other people’s insecurties or physical features? shut your mouth and heal. you deserve to live a life with the freedom that comes with embodying all that you are; with full acceptance of your body, your acne, or anything you deem as less than. nothing about you is incorrect. therefore, you don't need fixing. and to that person that makes you feel like shit on Instagram? unfollow them. hop in, accepting your humanness is the next (permanent) big thing.


mental health update: uni, depression, anxiety, my symptoms

hello my earth angels! I want to be more open about my mental health journey to create a relatable and compassionate experience for everyone else who struggles too. we are in this together. I love you all so much!


healing your inner child

you now have the capacity to hold space for the years of buried trauma, limiting beliefs, unhealthy mindsets, insecurities and ways of seeing this world that does not serve you anymore. it all starts with healing your inner child; the little you that has been by your side since birth. they’ve heard it all- the comments, the harsh judgements thrown at them; years of internalizing untruthful beliefs and making it their own. often you react in the present from that hurt inner child. its time to cultivate awareness so that you can operate in the present moment with more liberation. you are so worthy, loved & enough- it’s time to operate from that knowing.


beginners guide to healing

healing is the first step to a life filled with openness, love, deep connection, and freedom. It is crucial to bring all that which has hurt you, your troubles, your fears, your trauma- to the surface so that your operation in the present moment doesn’t stem from your shadow. In this episode I talk about the importance of feeling, releasing, having mindful conversations, emotional nourishment & understanding that healing is a life long journey. welcome to your healing era


mercury retrograde & lunar eclipse

mercury retrograde is retrograding. & a lunar eclipse on top of it all?! in this week’s episode we speak about letting go of attachment, introspection and all of my recent spiritual downloads. existential crisis? my past resurfacing? dying unto my old self? realising that the world is evil? learning to trust my intuition? yeah, i go into it all.


you are worthy in your brokenness

a virtual hug from me to you. In this episode i dive into the importance of grounding yourself in your intrinsic worthiness even when battling with mental health or feeling unhappy. when you cultivate a deep sense of worthiness, you allow yourself to be patient and gentle- which is exactly what you need in times like these. It is brought to light that pain and the release thereof, can be a beautiful thing- because it leads to healing.


your perception shapes the present

hi lovelies!! thank you so much for your patience. I’ve hurt myself too often emotionally simply by seeing the present through the lens of my past. It’s so important to respond, and not just react. be aware of your perception, because ultimately, we’re all operating from it. have an amazing week. sending you sm love xox


trailer episode- welcome to my podcast!

hi and welcome to Growing Through It! I am so excited for this new journey with you. I would love for you to join this safe space and create a new home here for yourself xo sending love to wherever you are!


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