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Pretty Girl Pill Club

Pretty Girl Pill Club

Author: Public Notice

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"Laughing at our sadness for your entertainment." Join hosts Sophie and Rohnie, as they discuss mental health and recount hilarious tribulations and triumphs on the road to better brain chemistry. Support this podcast:
37 Episodes
After a six-month hiatus, Pretty Girl Pill Club returns for its second season.  After my brother, Andrew, died at the age of 34 on April 2nd of this year after battling alcoholism, I took a step back from the podcast, among many other things. Finding the motivation and drive to create again took a lot of time, therapy, self-reflection. I will be grieving Andrew for as long as I live, but I have to keep moving, creating, and living.  I found so much solace in Megan Devine's book: It's Okay That You're Not Okay (thank you to the kind listener who suggested it). I've recommended it to my boyfriend, mother, father, and others. Whether you've lost someone close to you or you're trying to support someone in their grief, this book is an invaluable resource. In the words of Megan Devine, "there is pain in this world that cannot be fixed, only carried." I will carry this loss forever, not because I am weak, but because I cherish my brother in life and death.  In this episode, Rohnie and I discuss my experience losing Andrew, Rohnie's past substance issues, sobriety, and where we go from here. While I have no advice to give those in grief (aside from a book recommendation - seriously, check it out), I hope you find comfort in this episode. We are rooting for you. We stand in solidarity with you. Take care of yourself.  Almost a year to the day before Andrew died, he wrote the following poem. I have found immense comfort and strength in his words, and I hope you do too: "In moments of sheer terror like what I'm faced with, remain calm, remain calm, remain calm. I grind my knuckles deep into the ground as I take a sprinter's stance. My knuckles begin to bleed as I dig them in. I am covered in rock dust. The gun goes off, I destroy my opponent." Take your meds, drink some water, and we'll talk to you again soon. Links Website: Instagram: Twitter: Sources It's Okay That You're Not Okay by Megan Devine: One Art by Elizabeth Bishop: Credits Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis and Rohnie Williams. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee & Sarah, The Illstrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. All associated artwork by Sophie Collis. Disclaimer: We are not professionals. We’re just idiots on the internet with wack as hell brain chemistry. If you are struggling, never hesitate to seek help. --- Support this podcast:
S1E35: Fear Factored

S1E35: Fear Factored


This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club podcast, Rohnie attempts to conquer his Trypanophobia (extreme fear of needles) by watching Sophie get a tattoo in her living room — this truly is as DIY as it gets. In this episode, we take you through the entire process, start to finish. Did Rohnie conquer his fear? Listen and find out. Listen to our previous episode on phobias: Exposure therapy is a common tactic to overcome phobias and involves gradual exposure to the fear in a safe, controlled environment — the objective being to desensitize yourself to the feared object over time. That said, we are in no way professionals nor are we an authority on the topic. It’s important to seek professional help if your phobia is having a severe, negative impact on your life.  The American Psychological Association defines exposure therapy as… “…a psychological treatment that was developed to help people confront their fears.  When people are fearful of something, they tend to avoid the feared objects, activities, or situations. Although this avoidance might help reduce feelings of fear in the short term, over the long term it can make the fear become even worse. In such situations, a psychologist might recommend a program of exposure therapy in order to help break the pattern of avoidance and fear. In this form of therapy, psychologists create a safe environment in which to “expose” individuals to the things they fear and avoid…Exposure to the feared objects, activities, or situations in a safe environment helps reduce fear and decrease avoidance. Exposure therapy has been scientifically demonstrated to be a helpful treatment or treatment component for a range of problems…” The Mayo Clinic offers a few recommendations for steps you can take on your own to cope with phobia-related anxiety. “Try not to avoid feared situations. Practice staying near feared situations as frequently as you can rather than avoiding them completely. Family, friends, and your therapist can help you work on this. Practice the techniques you learn in therapy and work with your therapist to develop a plan if symptoms get worse. Reach out. Consider joining a self-help or support group where you can connect with others who understand what you're going through. Take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat healthily and try to be physically active every day. Avoid caffeine, as it can make anxiety worse. And don't forget to celebrate successes as things get better.” Special thanks to Mario for volunteering his tattooing ability to make this episode possible. You can hear Mario’s previous PGPC appearance here: Website: Instagram: Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis and Rohnie Williams. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee & Sarah, The Illstrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. All associated artwork by Sophie Collis. Disclaimer: We are not professionals. We’re just idiots on the internet with wack as hell brain chemistry. If you are struggling, never hesitate to seek help. --- Support this podcast:
S1E34: Organizing Chaos

S1E34: Organizing Chaos


This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club podcast, we talk about the importance of goal setting and establishing the routines and habits that’ll help us achieve those goals. Going along with this week’s topic, Rohnie and I decided to challenge ourselves to track our habits for the next 2 weeks and document our experiences. At the end of this challenge, we’ll post a follow-up episode discussing how it went and what we learned. We encourage y’all to do this challenge with us and share your habit trackers with us using the hashtag #pgpchabitchallenge on Instagram. We think this will be a fun way (using a bit of social pressure) to keep up accountable and stick with it! Website: Instagram: Twitter: Sources Atomic Habits by James Clear: The Ultimate Habit Tracker Guide: Why and How to Track Your Habits by James Clear: Rohnie's favorite app for better sleep: RISE: --- Support this podcast:
S1E33: Fear Itself

S1E33: Fear Itself


This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club, Sophie and Rohnie dive into phobias like tokophobia, the fear of pregnancy, and coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. Hear discussions about where phobias come from and how to potentially beat them. Website: Instagram: @prettygirlpillclub Sources Overcoming Trypanophobia or the Fear of Needles by Lisa Fritscher Understanding Coulrophobia: A Fear of Clowns — Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., CRNP — Written by Melanie Burke Fear of hearing a certain word or of names — Onomatophobia Millennial Mental Health Channel, Episode 24: Phobias --- Support this podcast:
LISTEN TO PART 1: In part 2 of this 2 part series, we discuss boundaries and how to identify, define, communicate and enforce them in interpersonal relationships of all kinds. While there are countless ways to create a boundaries chart, the core principles remain the same. But first, what is a boundary? According to IPFW/Parkview Student Assistance Program, “A boundary is a limit or space between you and the other person; a clear place where you begin and the other person ends . . . The purpose of setting a healthy boundary is, of course, to protect and take good care of you” (n.d.). “Our boundaries might be rigid, loose, somewhere in between, or even nonexistent. A complete lack of boundaries may indicate that we don’t have a strong identity or are enmeshed with someone else” (Cleantis, 2017). How do you set a boundary? According to Joaquín Selva, Bc.S., Psychologist, to set healthy boundaries you must first identify and define the desired boundary and communicate it (say what you need). The most effective boundaries are communicated as simply as possible (don’t over-explain) and have clearly established consequences for violating that boundary. Consequences aren’t meant to be a threat, but instead, communicate to the other person why it is so important. Boundaries are a vital component of any healthy relationship. Without them, we risk becoming codependent, developing resentment, and losing our sense of identity and autonomy. Special thanks to Christina of @betterselfbetterworld for providing the inspiration to do this episode. Check out our interview with Christina here. She goes in-depth into the process of creating her boundaries chart in this IGTV video. Website: References  How to Set Healthy Boundaries, Joaquín Selva, Bc.S., Psychologist Setting Healthy Personal Boundaries (worksheet) Stuff I Learned In Therapy - Intimacy & Boundaries Chart, @betterselfbetterworld Pretty Girl Pill Club, Episode 29: It's All Chemicals with Christina of @betterselfbetterworld Blind Dating Podcast --- Support this podcast:
In part 1 of this 2 part series, we discuss boundaries and how to identify, define, communicate and enforce them in interpersonal relationships of all kinds. While there are countless ways to create a boundaries chart, the core principles remain the same. But first, what is a boundary? According to IPFW/Parkview Student Assistance Program, “A boundary is a limit or space between you and the other person; a clear place where you begin and the other person ends . . . The purpose of setting a healthy boundary is, of course, to protect and take good care of you” (n.d.). “Our boundaries might be rigid, loose, somewhere in between, or even nonexistent. A complete lack of boundaries may indicate that we don’t have a strong identity or are enmeshed with someone else” (Cleantis, 2017). How do you set a boundary? According to Joaquín Selva, Bc.S., Psychologist, to set healthy boundaries you must first identify and define the desired boundary and communicate it (say what you need). The most effective boundaries are communicated as simply as possible (don’t over-explain) and have clearly established consequences for violating that boundary. Consequences aren’t meant to be a threat, but instead, communicate to the other person why it is so important. Boundaries are a vital component of any healthy relationship. Without them, we risk becoming codependent, developing resentment, and losing our sense of identity and autonomy. Special thanks to Christina of @betterselfbetterworld for providing the inspiration to do this episode. Check out our interview with Christina here. She goes in-depth into the process of creating her boundaries chart in this IGTV video. Website: References  How to Set Healthy Boundaries, Joaquín Selva, Bc.S., Psychologist Setting Healthy Personal Boundaries (worksheet) Stuff I Learned In Therapy - Intimacy & Boundaries Chart, @betterselfbetterworld Pretty Girl Pill Club, Episode 29: It's All Chemicals with Christina of @betterselfbetterworld Pretty Girl Pill Club, Episode 27: Ask A Trainwreck! with Millennial Mental Health Channel --- Support this podcast:
This week, Pretty Girl Pill Club returns to kick off 2021 with some much needed, year-end decompression. Rohnie reflects on his undergraduate education as it comes to a close, and shares what he's learned and his plans moving forward. We dive deep into navigating educational institutions as neuro-atypical individuals and share the hurdles we've had to overcome time and time again to get to where we are. Website: Resources: Instagram: Twitter: We are NOT professionals! We are just a couple of idiots on the internet with atypical brain chemistry. Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis and Rohnie Williams. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee & Sarah, the Instrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. All associated artwork by Sophie Collis. --- Support this podcast:
Not everyone has a Norman Rockwell holiday. Actually, most people don't. Even if they say they do, they probably don't. More people than ever will be spending this day alone. For some, this is new territory. For others, this is par for the course. Regardless, today is just a day. Take care of yourself and have empathy for those who find this time of year to be particularly lonely.  Website: Resources: Instagram: Twitter: --- Support this podcast:
This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club podcast, our guest, Christina of @betterselfbetterworld on Instagram, discusses living with Panic disorder, what inspired her to start sharing her experiences publicly, the state of the wellness industry, and what she hopes to achieve through her Instagram. We also talk about the power of radical candor in discussing mental illness, advocating for yourself, our wild Lexapro dreams, and striking the right balance of holistic and pharmaceutical interventions. A self-proclaimed self-help junkie, she shares her experiences, trials, and tribulations on the road to better brain chemistry on her Instagram. Check out her Instagram for gorgeous graphics, candid and raw discussions about mental illness, and a wealth of self-improvement information. What is Panic disorder? The National Institute of Mental Health defines Panic disorder as “a type of anxiety disorder. It causes panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror when there is no real danger. You may feel as if you are losing control. You may also have physical symptoms, such as fast heartbeat, chest or stomach pain, breathing difficulty, weakness or dizziness, sweating, feeling hot or a cold chill, tingly or numb hands. Panic attacks can happen anytime, anywhere, and without warning. You may live in fear of another attack and may avoid places where you have had an attack. For some people, fear takes over their lives and they cannot leave their homes.” Follow Christina: Thank you again to Christina for coming on the podcast! Christina's favorite self-help books mentioned in the episode: Stopping The Noise In Your Head, Reid Wilson, Ph.D. Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find - and Keep - Love, Amir Levine, MD & Rachel Heller, MA You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, by Jen Sincero Meditation Apps mentioned: 1 Giant Mind Insight Timer Have a question or topic you’d like to hear us talk about in a future episode? Hit us up on Instagram ( or email us at We are not professionals. We’re just idiots on the internet with wack as hell brain chemistry. If you are struggling, never hesitate to seek help. You can find a list of crisis hotlines and other resources here: Website:  Instagram:  Twitter: Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis and Rohnie Williams. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee & Sarah, the Instrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. All associated artwork by Sophie Collis. Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor, and PodGo. Sources --- Support this podcast:
This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club podcast, we spoke with Brad Nolan, Founder of Podcave — an all-in-one service to plan, publish, and promote your podcast. We discuss what led Brad to the wonderful world of podcasting, the struggles he’s faced along the way as a father, husband, and individual, and the impact of art and self-expression on mental health.  In the wake of the most divisive election in U.S. history and an ongoing, unrelenting global pandemic, we reflected on this year and what we hope for moving forward. Strap in, y’all — this episode comes with an extra-large serving of catharsis. You can find Brad on Instagram ( and Twitter (, and check out what he’s building at Podcave ( Have a question or topic you’d like to hear us talk about in a future episode? Hit us up on Instagram ( or email us at We are not professionals. We’re just idiots on the internet with wack as hell brain chemistry. If you are struggling, never hesitate to seek help. You can find a list of crisis hotlines and other resources here: Website: Instagram: Twitter: Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis and Rohnie Williams. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee & Sarah, the Instrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. Cover Art by Sophie Collis.   Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor, and PodGo. --- Support this podcast:
This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club podcast, we answered your questions from Instagram with the help of Justin Romano, MD and Eddie Carrillo, MA, LPC who host the Millennial Mental Health Channel podcast. We covered everything from getting diagnosed and navigating the healthcare system to dealing with a low sex-drive due to medication. Thank you again to Justin and Eddie for coming on the podcast! Check out Millennial Mental Health Channel wherever you get your podcasts. Millennial Mental Health Channel: MMHC on Instagram: MMHC on Twitter: Pretty Girl Pill Club: PGPC on Instagram: PGPC on Twitter: Support the podcast: CREDITS: Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis and Rohnie Williams. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee & Sarah, the Instrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. Cover Art by Sophie Collis.   Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor and PodGo. DISCLAIMER: We are not professionals. We’re just idiots on the internet with wack as hell brain chemistry. TOPICS COVERED [0:06:01] Medications vs. therapy and how to balance both? [0:16:00] Comorbidity of things (i.e., anxiety and depression, ADHD and depression, OCD and anxiety)? [0:20:33] How do you know if things are improving or just staying steady? [0:27:24] How do you know when it’s time to search out a diagnosis for a secondary thing? [0:31:37] How do you go about getting a diagnosis? [0:40:30] Libido and mental health/medication. [0:47:23] Are antidepressants the only way to get out of extreme anxiety? [0:51:00] How do you get over extreme phobias? [0:57:38] Therapy and finding the right therapist/doctor/meds and how to know if they’re right or working? [1:06:30] If you are off meds and doing the “natural” stuff to control your mental health: exercise, sleep, meditation, breathwork, sunlight, etc., how long does it take to notice results if there would be any? [1:16:40] How would you suggest navigating a situation where someone in your life clearly needs psychiatric help, but doesn’t want to get help and doesn’t think their behavior is concerning? [1:26:00] Do you think some Zodiac signs are more likely to get mental health issues than others? - Asked by a Gemini/Taurus cusp on Zoloft. [1:35:00] What inspired you to start the podcast? --- Support this podcast:
S1E26: War On Drugs

S1E26: War On Drugs


This week on the Pretty Girl Pill Club, Sophie and Rohnie take on a listener question about ADHD medications and substance abuse. We cover common misconceptions about ADHD, specifically about the psychostimulant medications commonly used to treat ADHD symptoms, which are regulated as Schedule II drugs by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency.   Website:   Instagram:   Twitter:  Sources  Substance Abuse and ADHD — Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)  Other Concerns and Conditions with ADHD — Centers for Disese Control and Prevention (CDC)  Coexisting Conditions — CHADD  Adults with ADHD, Overview — CHADD  Medication Management — CHADD  What is ADHD? Signs and Symtoms — CDC  Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Differentially Affect Dopamine Transporters — Journal of Biological Chemistry  Support the show:  Support the show via PayPal:  Thank you to our sponsors, PodGo, and Anchor. --- Support this podcast:
This week, Soph and Rohnie discuss hitting rock bottom, digging our way out, and ask which came first, crack, or Pixy Stix?  Website:  Instagram:  Twitter: Support the show: Support the show via PayPal: Thank you to our sponsors, PodGo, and Anchor. --- Support this podcast:
S1E24: Apocalypse 2020

S1E24: Apocalypse 2020


This week, it’s revealed that Pretty Girl Pill Club is thinly veiled Pro-Cat propaganda. Rohnie and Soph also discuss why we can all relate to Claudia Conway, and how all of our family and relationship issues could be solved by adopting a cat.  Website: Instagram: Twitter: Support the show: Sources 1. 2. 3. --- Support this podcast:
S1E23: Social Rejects

S1E23: Social Rejects


Sophie and Rohnie discuss Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) as it affects those with ADHD and the other ways we internalize social censorship. Check out our episode of Water Cooler Talk: Instagram: Twitter: Website: Sources Sad Boyz Podcast: Emotional Regulation: Overview of RSD: --- Support this podcast:
S1E22: Freud Rage

S1E22: Freud Rage


Sophie and Rohnie discuss the far-reaching effects of late-stage capitalism, relationship thoughts, and easy coping mechanisms for anxiety. Instagram: Twitter: Website: --- Support this podcast:
This week, Soph sat down with Mario Carlos to roast his birth chart.  In this episode, we discuss Mario’s history with generalized anxiety and panic disorder, his affinity for toxic relationships — platonic and romantic — and debate whether Leos and Aquarians can ever coexist.  Disclaimer: We’re not professionals! We’re idiots on the internet! Full Episode notes: Instagram: Twitter: Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis, Rohnie Williams, and Christian Macias. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee, Night Owl & Sarah, the Illstrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. Cover Art by Sophie Collis. Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor, and Galry. --- Support this podcast:
This week, Soph and Rohnie follow up last week's conversation by discussing their Love Languages.  The club also covers tattoos, Sophie's pimple confession, Presidential astrology, and lizard people.  Full Show Notes & Episode Transcription: Instagram: Twitter: DISCLAIMER: We are not professionals! We’re just idiots on the internet! Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis, Rohnie Williams, and Christian Macias. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee, Night Owl & Sarah, the Illstrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. Cover Art by Sophie Collis. Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor, and Galry. --- Support this podcast:
In this installment, Sophie and Rohnie talk about weird date stories, Tinder, and diminishing social skills due to quarantine. Full Show Notes: Instagram: Twitter: Disclaimer: We’re not professionals! We’re idiots on the internet! Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis, Rohnie Williams, and Christian Macias. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee, Night Owl & Sarah, the Illstrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. Cover Art by Sophie Collis. Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor, and Galry. --- Support this podcast:
What's poppin' y'all? This week Soph and Rohnie discuss favorite moments from Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kanye West, Megan Thee Stallion, and discrepancies in the way society treats black men versus black women.  Full Show Notes: Instagram: Twitter: Disclaimer: We’re not professionals! We’re idiots on the internet! Pretty Girl Pill Club is a production of Public Notice LLC. Hosted by Sophie Collis, Rohnie Williams, and Christian Macias. Editing and Audio Engineering by Sophie Collis. Produced by Public Notice. Created by Sophie Collis in conjunction with Public Notice. Music by Eevee, Night Owl & Sarah, the Illstrumentalist. Theme music mixed by Patrick Retzer. Cover Art by Sophie Collis. Thank you to our sponsors, Anchor, and Galry. --- Support this podcast: