Preventing Chronic Disease

49 Episodes
Listen as Camille Kroll, winner of PCD's 2023 Student Paper Contest in the master's category, talks about her article entitled, "An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of Explanations for COVID-19-Related Racial Disparities Among St. Louis Residents: ‘I Don't Really Pay Attention to the Racial Stuff Very Much.'"
Join us as we talk with Dr. Jeff Hall from CDC's Office of Health Equity and Dr. Ebony Boulware from Wake Forest University School of Medicine about impact racism can heave on health.
Join us as we talk with Charles Wang, winner of PCD's Student Research Paper Contest in the high school category. He joins PCD to discuss his winning paper, which examines the association between physical activity and sedentary behavior with depression among high school students.
Join us as we talk with Wade Creech, winner of PCD's Student Research Paper Contest in the undergraduate category. He joins PCD to discuss his winning paper, which examines the benefits and barriers to engaging in physical activity among adults living in rural North Carolina communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join us as we talk with Brendan Seto, third-year medical student at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii, about racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations which may be hidden by race and/or ethnicity misclassification.
Listen as Dr. Jeremy Mennis from the Department of Geography and Urban Studies at Temple University; Dr. Kevin Matthews from CDC's Office of the Associate Director for Policy and Strategy; and Dr. Sara Huston from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine share with us how PCD's collection on GIS and COVID-19 highlights the important role GIS and technology plays in understanding the social and environmental determinants of health that cause inequities in infectious and chronic disease risk factors.
Join us as we talk with Dr. Lisa Richardson, Division Director of Cancer Prevention and Control at CDC, and Dr. Zhen-Qiang (Marshal) Ma, Senior Chronic Disease Epidemiologist and Division Director at the Pennsylvania Department of Health, about PCD's latest collection on cancer screening and prevention and the importance of the research included within.
Listen as Thomas Lawrence from the Urban Indian Health Institute and Dr. Diana Redwood from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium discuss the CDC's Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country collection and the importance of the research included within.
Listen as Edward Hu, winner of PCD's 2018 Student Research Paper Contest in the high school category, talks about his recently published research, which looks at obesity among high school students in the United States.
Listen as Brittney Keller-Hamilton, winner of PCD's 2018 Student Research Paper Contest in the doctoral category, talks about her recently published research, which looks the frequency of tobacco and alcohol use in adolescents' favorite TV shows and examines whether the rates of tobacco and alcohol use differed by the show's parental rating.
In this podcast interview, Calla Holzahauser, winner of PCD's 2018 Student Research Paper Contest in the graduate category, talks about her recently published research, which estimates the number of women in South Dakota who will participate in a free breast cancer screening program from 2017 through 2022.
Listen as Leigha Vilen, winner of PCD's 2018 Student Research Paper Contest in the undergraduate category, talks about her recently published research, which looked at the education level and health status of Latino adults with arthritis participating in a walking program in North Carolina.
Listen as Dr. Ingrid Hall, an epidemiologist with CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, talks about her team's recently published research, which examine the prevalence of cancer screening reported in 2015 by U.S. adults.
Listen as Eliza Whiteman, PhD, discusses her research, which documents and reinforces the evidence that public libraries can be an integral partner in public health.
Listen as CDC Epidemiologist Susan Carlson, PhD, talks about her research, which estimates the percentage of US deaths attributed to inadequate levels of physical activity.
This podcast features Philip Massey, PhD, MPH, an assistant professor at Drexel University and one of the authors of a recent study that looks at what motivates health professionals to tweet about the HPV vaccine. Philip answers questions about his research and what impact social media can have on public health and health care communication.
In this edition of PCD Sound Bites, author Erica Kenney, ScD, answers questions about her study, which looked at how frequently U.S. schools used evidence-based obesity prevention programs and how often schools implement programs that may unintentionally worsen weight stigma among students.
This podcast features Christine Thompson, Community Programs Manager at the Nevada Cancer Coalition, and author of a recent study detailing a school-based program to help Nevada school children establish healthy sun safety habits and decrease UV exposure. Christine answers questions about her research and what impact her what impact the program had on children's skin health.
This podcast features Kenny Mendoza-Herrera, a former graduate student at the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico and one of the winners of PCD's 2017 Student Research Paper Contest. Kenny answers questions about his winning research and what impact his study has on the prevention of diabetic blindness and public health, particularly for Mexican adults.
This podcast features Kayla Smurthwaite, an undergraduate student at Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, and one of the winners of PCD’s 2017 Student Research Paper Contest. Kayla answers questions about her winning research and what impact her study has on chronic disease prevention and public health.
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