Psych Papers

<p>In Psych Papers, Chris Cole (PhD in Psychology) breaks down some of the most controversial and intriguing psychological studies and concepts to his co-host Joseph (his friend). Additionally, we conduct our own research and discuss the findings. This podcast is great for those who got a C- in Psych 101. <br><br>Bad Content is composed of Chris and Joseph. Check out the video version of the podcast on YouTube:</p>

Perceptions of Anime Fans (Survey Results)

What do people think about anime fans? Do people prefer subbed or dubbed? We surveyed people on their impressions of anime and whether they think being an anime fan makes you cooler or lamer.Questions We Answer:How popular is anime?Do people prefer subbed or dubbed?How’s being an anime fan affect impressions?What age groups do people think anime is intended for?Key Findings:Anime is very popular. 75% of people have at least watched anime a few times. It’s especially popular among younger crow...


What Your Phone’s Background Image Says About You (Survey Results)

We conducted a survey to learn whether your phone’s background image can act as a “window to the soul.” In other words, whatever is most important to your wellbeing will most likely be your phone background. So if you want to get to know someone, take a look at their phone background.Questions we answer:What are the most common phone backgrounds?What do people value most to their well-being?Does your phone’s background image predict what you find most important to your wellbeing?Key Findings:...


What is Beauty? (Order and Complexity)

Beauty = Order and Complexity. Think of the architecture of your favorite museum versus the architecture of a mundane apartment building. Why is one beautiful and the other isn’t? For something to be beautiful, it must have the right balance of order and complexity.Order refers to the structured, organized, and predictable aspects of an object or environment. In architecture, order can be seen in the symmetry, balance, and clear organization of elements within a building. It provides a sense ...


If You Close Your Eyes at the Dentist, You Probably Prefer Sex with Lights Off (Survey Results)

Is your preference for lights on/off during sex correlated with whether you keep your eyes open or closed at the dentist? How does this differ by gender? We surveyed 500 people on these topics. Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss the results in this episode of Psych Papers.Key Findings:People are generally split on whether they keep their eyes open (52%) or closed (48%) at the dentist. Men are slightly more likely to keep their eyes open than women.Most people prefer sex wi...


Raising a Chimp Alongside a Baby (The Ape and the Child)

In the 1930’s, a baby chimpanzee was raised as a sibling to a 10-month old infant. Winthrop Kellogg treated the the ape, Gua, as similarly as possible to his own son, Donald. They were dressed, bathed, fed, and taught in the same manner; they both wore diapers and shoes, had similar play toys, and both received a kiss goodnight.Kellogg examined the effects of nature versus nurture on development. We discuss the tests and measures used to compare the cognitive and physical growth of the chimpa...


Analysis of Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews

We analyzed Rotten Tomatoes Movie Ratings and discuss our findings. The scraped dataset has data on 1.1 million reviews from 17.7k movies from 1914–2020.Here’s a sample of our findings:Documentaries were the highest rated movie genres, followed by “Art House & International, Drama”. Horror genres were ranked lowest.“Action & Adventure, Drama” and “Comedy” movies were the only genres that audiences liked more than critics.G-rated movies had the highest median ratings. As maturity ratin...


When Children Become Aware of Their Own Bodies (Shopping Cart Study)

The Shopping Cart Study investigates how toddlers develop awareness of their own bodies. Developed by Chris Moore and colleagues in 2007, the task examine when a sense of self develops in babies. At what age do children begin to understand how their bodies interact with the world?The shopping cart task involves tying a small rug onto the back of a toy shopping cart, right by the back wheels. If you tried to push the cart, you’d be standing on the rug which would make it impossible to push the...


When Do Children Recognize Themselves in a Mirror? (The Rouge Test)

In developmental psychology, the Rouge Test is used to test self-recognition in children. We discuss the origins and significance of this classic test which assesses a child’s ability to identify themselves in a mirror.Developed by Gordon Gallup Jr in 1970, using rouge makeup, an experimenter discreetly puts a red dot on the child’s face. Then the child is placed in front of a mirror to see how they react. Babies between 6-12 months will typically see a “playmate” in the mirror that they try ...


Why People Believe Horoscopes and Mediums (The Barnum Effect)

The Barnum Effect is the tendency for people to accept vague and general personality descriptions as highly accurate and personally meaningful. “Barnum statements” are general characterizations that people believe to be true about themselves, even though these statements could apply to just about anyone. It’s commonly exploited in astrology / horoscopes, fortune telling, psychics, mediums, tarot card readers, palm readers, and other con artists.Bertram Forer identified the effect in 1948 with...


What Sports Do Rich Kids Play? (Survey Results)

How do sports and income relate? Specifically, how do the sports you played in high school relate with your household income. Which sports do more educated parents have their kids play? We surveyed 500 US high school graduates about what sports they played in high school, their parents’ household income, and their parents’ highest education achieved.Key Findings:The rich kids played hockey. Hockey and income had the strongest correlation, meaning the wealthier your family was, the more likely...


Why Do Children Make Scale Errors?

Scale errors refer to a hilarious phenomenon in developmental psychology where young children make errors in judging the relationship between the size of an object and the size of their own body. What this looks like is a child seriously trying to sit in a doll house chair, trying to get inside of like a hot wheels car, and trying to put doll shoes on their own feet.Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss how scale errors were discovered and what is going on in a child’s mind w...


How People Perceive Aesthetic Designs

Joseph Tajaran (Designer & Chris’s friend) and Chris Cole (Psych PhD) go over how aesthetics impact functionality in design. More specifically, they go over the aesthetic-usability effect and specific examples of how this happens in design:Contour Bias: people are biased towards curved over sharp formsOckham’s Razor: the philosophy of leveraging the smallest amount of elementsSignal-to-Noise Ratio: maximizing the most functional elements of a design.Check out the video version of this epi...


How do food preferences differ by gender? (Survey Results)

Why do men prefer black coffee? We ran a survey of over 500 people to see how their food preferences and gender interact. Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran review the results in this episode of Psych Papers. The food takes we surveyed are:How do you like your coffee?Pancakes vs waffles?For buffalo wings: blue cheese vs ranch?For buffalo wings: boneless vs bone-in?Favorite type of french fry?What level of doneness for your steak?Corn vs flour tortilla?For ice cream: waffle cone, s...


An Analysis of Joe Rogan Fans (Survey Results)

Is being a Joe Rogan fan a red flag in dating? Do Democrats or Republicans like Joe Rogan more? Why do Joe Rogan haters dislike him so much?We conducted a quantitative survey of 1000 people and analyzed how people think about Joe Rogan. Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss the results in this episode of Psych Papers. Here are some highlights:1. Most people, that have heard of him, like Joe Rogan at least a little.2. More women dislike Joe Rogan, and more men like Joe Rogan3....


3 Debunked Psychology Concepts (Power Posing, 10% Brain Myth, Opposites Attract)

Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran go over 3 popular myths in psychology that have been debunked.Power posing: The idea that body language can influence confidence and behavior.10% brain myth: The misconception that we only use 10% of our brains.Opposites attract: The idea that people with contrasting personalities are drawn to each other.Check out the video version of this episode on YouTube.


When ethics become a luxury (Good Samaritan Study)

The Good Samaritan Study shows most people forget about ethics/virtues when they’re preoccupied. Seminary students were less likely to help someone in need if they were in a rush. And it didn’t even matter if they were actively thinking about ethics and virtues.Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss the Good Samaritan Study conducted by Batson and Darley (1973). This was a landmark study in a field within social psychology called prosocial helping.Check out the video version o...


Exploring Child Development: Object Permanence, Theory of Mind, & Conservation

How do infants develop the cognitive super powers that enable them to navigate the world? Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss our 3 favorite developmental psychology concepts.Object permanence: The understanding that objects continue to exist even when no longer visible. Develops between 7-12 months of age. Tested with the A-Not-B Task.Theory of Mind: The ability to understand that others have thoughts, beliefs, desires, and intentions that may differ from your own. Develop...


5 Ways Psychologists Induce Social Exclusion

How do psychologists induce social exclusion in participants? Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss 5 ways psychologists have induced feelings of social exclusion in participants. Methods broadly fall into 3 categories: 1) having participants interact other individuals; 2) having participants interact with computer-controlled avatars (who participants believe are real people); 3) written material manipulations (Chris’s favorite). Researchers seem like they have a fun time com...


Who’s Lonelier? Liberals or Conservatives? (Survey Results)

We surveyed over 600 people on their loneliness and compare their scores across personality traits and demographic groups. How does loneliness differ between men and women? Dog vs cat people? Social media users vs non-social media suers? Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran learn that most people are generally equally and moderately lonely.Check out the video version of this episode on YouTube.


The Pit of Despair / Depression in Monkeys (Harlow’s Monkey Study Pt 2)

Harlow created the Pit of Despair to produce an animal model of human clinical depression. Monkeys were isolated in the chambers for up to a year, having zero interaction with the outside world. Expectedly, these social animals came out quite disturbed…Psych PhD Chris Cole and cohost Joseph Tajaran discuss Harry Harlow’s early life, the multiple versions of the pit of despair he created, and we learn about the reactions to the study. This study has become one of the most infamously unethical ...


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