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Psychic Evolution

Author: Jamie Clark

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Discover the Psychic potential within and learn how to empower yourself and manifest your Psychic and Mediumship abilities. Listen to world renowned, Evidential Psychic Medium, Jamie Clark - your Host of Psychic Evolution - and Maggie Clark - your Co-Host, a prolific Spiritual Coach and accomplished Healer, as they team up to share their insights and perspectives for one of the most life changing and mind blowing podcasts!!!! Your Psychic senses are so natural they are super-natural!!!

Join the Evolution and find your inner beauty to heal and your inner light to shine!
186 Episodes
Timelines, soul frequencies, other lifetimes and heartfelt connections - Are you ready to integrate more of the totality of your being? Join Jamie and Maggie Clark as they explore waves of consciousness washing over the planet in 2025. If you have been experiencing inter dimensional connections, you are not alone. Many people on the planet are upgrading their psychic awareness to become more in tune with the evolution that is occurring for humanity. Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
There are so many ways the universe is speaking to us, so many ways that we weave the tapestry of life as we co-create with the realities around us through people, life events, and circumstances. Synchronicities teach us that everything is in divine order. Everything is being orchestrated, being felt and registered. Synchronicities can be validations, affirmations and messages. Join Jamie and Maggie as they explore synchronistic events and how the Universe is sharing wisdom and opportunities for our Soul’s growth and expansion. Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Join Jamie and Maggie Clark as they explore near death experiences (NDE) and how these experiences can affect the relationship we have to our life and our time on this planet. How does the soul’s timing and life reviews play into these experiences? Everyone is a psychic medium. We are capable of sauntering through these different dimensions. They are just as solid as this dimension seems to be. In those near death experiences, many people feel expanded, more connected and open to life again. A near death experience can actually be a near life experience, because it can literally shift your consciousness.  Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here.   To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What are the odds that the four mothers (all formerly strangers) behind the book, “Shining Light Parents Speak,” each have a son ‘on the other side’, who passed in a single-vehicle road trauma incident? Explore the mediumship, grief, and love of three parents, Dolores Cruz, Nancy Hejna, and Anne-marie Taplin as they share their stories and experiences that are in this new book launched for the non-profit grief support group, Helping Parents Heal.   This book is based on interviews with 130 parents from around the world, and the book was created by four ‘shining light’ parents who have each had children cross over, and published by Mark Pitstick MA DC, who has a long-term interest in afterlife research and who is on the research team with Jamie Clark for the development of the Soul Phone™. The SoulSwitch™ is a binary ( on / off or yes / no) device. The Plasma Globe System switch allowed postmaterial persons to answer “yes” or “no.” Resources: Book: “Shining Light Parents Speak: Wisdom and Inspiration from Helping Parents Heal Leaders” here Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here.   To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What dimensions are blending together for the expansion of consciousness for humanity? We are multidimensional beings. Every dimension has its own vibratory rate, frequency and expression. Join Jamie and Maggie as they discuss the possibilities of blending different dimensions and unifying consciousness within to explore the potential of the universe. Each dimension is like an ingredient on a pizza and when they all come together and you digest these as a unified expression, what are the possibilities of understanding, experiencing, and learning about these dimensions?   Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Have you tapped into the power of golden frequencies? Join Jamie and Maggie Clark for the Season 10 opener with the golden frequencies that are expanding our energy through the Sun and through the pure cosmos. Not only is it the golden light but the essence of the gold within us that will harmonize the golden attunement of creation that is within our physical bodies.. Tune into the golden frequency and allow it to manifest, to heal, and to empower your life. Connect to the All That Is through the golden channel.   Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here.   To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Since the passing of his only son, Chris Ryan and his wife, Cyn, dove into researching the afterlife which ultimately led them to find the Helping Parents Heal organization. Their son, Sean, transitioned on September 7, 2021, at the age of 23 from fentanyl poisoning. He was two weeks shy of his 24th birthday. Chris became involved with Helping Fathers Heal and upon hearing many life-changing tragedies of the passing of their children, Chris compiled short stories of the fathers who are serving and healing the world by sharing their stories of inspiration and hope.  A word from the “Dads” “May you find in these stories a source of inspiration and hope, so that you might lighten your burden, gain resources and insight, and begin to heal your broken heart. We believe there can be healing when we connect with each other in love. We choose to remember and celebrate our children's lives. We understand how hard this journey is, and we travel it together as brothers.” Link to Helping Fathers Heal, here Link to “Helping Fathers Heal: Grief, Hope and Our Search for Connection” here Link to public medium reading hosted by Fara Gibson:   Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Jamie’s Website  Maggie’s Website Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Have you been exploring the natural laws of this Universe? Whether you know it or not, these laws are governing how you work with energy, light, vibrations and frequencies to create your life on this planet. Join Jamie and Maggie as they discuss how you can consciously work with these laws together and how you can use them with your psychic readings. All will unfold with divine timing and the conscious direction of your part to play in the story of your life. Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here.   To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Jamie’s Website  Maggie’s Website Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What do you do to make your home the most empowering spiritual oasis? Feeling the placement and the vibrational alignment of the intent that you wish your home to hold for you is the key. Whether you place crystals, mantras or pictures, your home can be a physical expression of your spiritual room where you develop and grow within your psychic evolution. Home is where the heart is! What intention is your heart singing to you? Create the flow and watch your gifts expand! For Jamie's Special Offer, use COUPON CODE: HAPPINESS - Jamie’s Website  Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Jamie’s Website  Maggie’s Website Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
How do you navigate being a psychic medium when your close circle of family and friends are atheists? Jamie and Maggie answer a listener’s question to help you navigate being your true authentic self without feeling censored. Do you agree to disagree and to not talk about subjects with differing opinions? Do you talk freely anyway and see how your perspective lands? How do these situations help you to develop your Psychic Evolution? Find out in this weeks episode! Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Jamie’s Website  Maggie’s Website Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
At the age of five, Jamie experienced a visit from Jesus Christ and spaceships and he was uploaded with an initiation into his gifts as a Psychic Medium. Throughout Jamie’s life, many experiences occurred to wake him up to other dimensions, consciousness and our brothers and sisters from different worlds, galaxies, and universes. Join Jamie and Maggie as they share experiences that have shaped their development into their own unique gifts and relationships to the inter-dimensionality of all life!   Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Jamie’s Website  Maggie’s Website Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Do you feel like reality is dissolving? Do you want a new way to work with your psychic abilities? The divine timing is perfect to learn new ways to work with your gifts. Saturn in Pisces is an energetic influence on humanity and on the evolution of consciousness. This astrological alignment is affecting our psychic abilities. When these energies combine, we have an opportunity to explore new ways of experiencing our spirituality, how we receive psychic impressions and how we develop our psychic evolution! Saturn influences the rules and regulations of the reality that we live in, whether it's time management, structure or boundaries. Pisces is a zodiac sign of compassion, of what we believe, of the spiritual God essence that we feel, of the oneness, of the wholeness, of the deep dive into the ocean of consciousness. Together, magical moments of spiritual awakening can occur! Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Jamie’s Website  Maggie’s Website Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What colors do you see in your Mindsight? Our energetic fields will speak volumes of psychic information because your chakras are the frequencies of your personal energetic field. Do you use colors and chakra interpretations during your psychic readings?  Find out how Jamie reads psychically with a white light unification of all the colors and how a crystal skull activated this channel by a single touch and connection. The white light spectrum integrates whatever information is being said and takes that information through each chakra to see how it might feel for that particular person and situation. Chakra reading is another tool for your psychic development! Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What is your body telling you through your psychic senses? Your body is a temple of consciousness for your Soul. Are you communicating regularly with the psychic information that is stored and flowing through your body? Learn how to talk with your body and how to create an energetic field of cosmic oneness and wholeness. Discover how to read energy through your own body awareness. Your body is vibrating with your thoughts. Create the solution in your mind instead of focusing on the problem. Mentally accept the energetic vibe and allow your body to manifest. Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What psychic reality are you creating in the quantum matrix of all life? We all have psychic abilities that connect us to new perceptions of timelines, realities and universes. As we learn how to develop our psychic potential, we will become more aware of how we are co-creating with the cosmic god soil of life. In this week’s episode, Jamie and Maggie answer a listener’s question about manifestation and the kind of approach one can use within the matrix of all life. What psychic road signs do you tap into? Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What is written on your billboard for the other side to see? When practicing your mediumship, setting up your rules and regulations is a key factor to connecting with your loved ones in spirit. Spirit will work through your own unique way of receiving information and feelings. In this episode, Jamie and Maggie share some of their own rules and regulations for mediumship. For Jamie, the other side can show him his own life experiences that have validations to his sitter. For Maggie, she asks for the personalities of the loved one in spirit to show up with an image for her to process the feelings and information. How do wish to receive messages from the other side? Learn how to put your own spin on mediumship readings! Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here.   To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Join Jamie and Maggie Clark with an exciting podcast adventure into how our past lives can also be our spirit guides. Everything's happening now and everything is interconnected. Our guides are jumping through space and time, blending and merging the physical and the metaphysical realms.  Are you ready to remove the illusions of separation? Let’s take this adventure together, as we explore our spirit guides interweaving with past life memories. Remember, we are all one. Find yourself within life and live within the inter-dimensional weaving of the matrix walkers. We are truly connected. Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here.   For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What does the numerological vibration of the number, eight, mean for a Universal harmonic? 2024 brings in a powerful vibration of manifestation, achievements and abundance as well as the spiritual vibration of empowerment and embodiment! Join our special guest and numerologist, Barbara Wheeling, for a look into the numbers of 2024. Leadership guides the way of the eight. Empowerment manifests on the heels of the rotated infinity sign. As above, so below, power is the theme of the material world and how will you see money as a spiritual force in the Universe? Join us for an amazing adventure into the strength of realizing there's a spiritual aspect to the material world.  Numerology with Barbara Wheeling: email: Psychic Evolution S3E8: Numerology with guest, Barbara Wheeling. Life by the Numbers!!! here   Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
What is the attitude of gratitude, and how can we bring this vibration into the Holiday season? Join Jamie and Maggie Clark for the opener of Season 9 as they discuss tuning into a positive vibrational field of consciousness and energy.  Mercury is retrograde during the holiday season in Capricorn and Sagittarius which can bring in a futuristic vision of how we can all use our energy wisely to open 2024. In this episode, Maggie shares a tip to using pink energy balls to pave the way in life experiences for love, thankfulness and an ease of flow. Jamie opens his tool box with a technique of 100 gratitude statements. Thank you for tuning into the Psychic Evolution Podcast and Happy Holidays from the Psychic Evolution Team and Simba the Cosmic Canine!   Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
Are you ready to open to your mediumship abilities? Meditation can assist in quieting the mind so that you know what are your thoughts and what are communications from loved ones on the other side. When our consciousness is awakened in a meditative state, we can more easily access the portal to the other side. On this episode of Psychic Evolution, Maggie guides you into a meditation into your spiritual room where you can commune with spirit. Are you ready to feel your loved ones around you and to learn how to connect? The veil between the worlds can be accessed through your own meditation practice! Resources: Mediumship Class, visit Jamie’s website: Meditation Podcast Episode: Maggie’s website: Join our Monthly Training Sessions or become a Psychic Evolution Mystery School Inner Eye Member here. For further information and resources on this topic and more, visit our website here. To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts! Connect with Jamie and Maggie: Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok