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Psychology in 10 Minutes

Author: David B. Feldman - psychology | social science | politics | mental health

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50 Episodes
Besides being cute, here are four ways science shows that pets may be good for our mental and physical health. Check out the video version of this podcast:
In this episode, I speak with Buddhist monk Phra Pandit about the relationship between Buddhism and psychology. Check out the full video interview at 
If you're considering a PhD in clinical or counseling psychology, you'll want to listen.
Here's the insight that may help us find meaning and fulfillment as we get older. If you love the show, get your copy of the 'Psychology in 10 Minutes' Book!
There's no question that music can alter our mood. But new research is showing it might do much more.
Research shows that some surprisingly simple motivation hacks can also be surprisingly effective. Here are three insights from motivation science that might surprise you. If you enjoy this episode, consider becoming a patron!
Imagine if, someday, you could take a pill that would help with loneliness as readily as Tylenol helps with a headache. If you like the show, buy me a coffee!
I came to believe my own lie. Here's how, and what it tells us about human memory. If you like the show, buy me a coffee (or two!) at
Why travel--especially when it involves experiences within cultures different from our own--can help us be more creative and flexible in our thinking.
Here's why experiences--like travel--generally boost our happiness more than material objects, like the latest gadget or fancy pair of shoes.
What is forgiveness?

What is forgiveness?


You've probably heard the saying "forgiveness is a virtue." Is it really? And, what exactly is forgiveness, anyway? - If you enjoy this episode, please consider becoming a patron of the show!
Freedom of choice is a great thing. But, it's also easy to get overwhelmed by choices and psych ourselves out. Here's what psychologists know about why making decisions can be hard. - Consider becoming a patron of the show!
When a loved one has a serious illness, it's hard to know how to provide emotional support. Here are four tips that may help. (Consider becoming a patron of the show:
Why do we procrastinate?

Why do we procrastinate?


Though procrastination is a common and disruptive problem, some surprisingly simple solutions might help.
Why #LuckyGirlSyndrome and other versions of "the power of positive thinking" may not be helpful for everyone.
How is artificial intelligence going to change psychotherapy? Let's find out what ChatGPT thinks. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
People are once again snapping Polaroids, adopting Tamagotchis, and revisiting TV shows of yesteryear. Here's what's good about it, what's not, and why. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
We're wired for relationships. But, what exactly is it about our relationships that makes us happy? The answers may be simpler than you think. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
According to new research, love may be a more expansive experience than you think. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
Who do you think perceives their lives as more meaningful: new high school graduates or people about ready to retire? The answer may surprise you... If you enjoy the show, become a patron!
Comments (8)

nader karbar


Dec 8th

Kimia Rounama


Oct 9th

Jonathan Riley Dinsmore

I generally like this show pretty well but I have to say with this episode I was just shaking my head the whole time. No, no, no, no, no. first of all defaulting to Freud's theory of the unconscious is patently absurd since his was the least sophisticated and most antiquated. The theory of the unconscious generated by Jung was much more sophisticated and interesting and at least philosophically conceivable. second, comparing it to a homunculus is just ludicrous, it is not ever theorized by any depth psychologist as being anything resembling a homunculus. third, the podcaster asserts that it is untestable, and this simply is not the case. In fact, recent developments in cognitive science have revived the concept of the unconscious, sometimes being referred to as the "new unconscious." This is of course a more reductionistic and less "magical" concept, but nevertheless even cognitive science is acknowledging that the unconscious may be real. The theory really deserved a better treatment

Sep 7th

Kosar Dashtebozorg


Aug 13th

Andrea So

I had a lot of wow moments and every episode really left me nodding my head in understanding. Thank you so much for this podcast!

Nov 21st

Ana Fonseca

So insightful, it really puts a lot of things in perspective...

Nov 1st


Love it! Thank you very much for this entertaining, concise and very educational podcast.

Jun 15th

yan arister

Very educational podcast!

Jan 13th