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Public Safety and Beyond

Author: The Spirited American

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Not politically correct. Not afraid to speak the truth. Politics and public safety. Dangerous political rhetoric on the American way of life and the reality of law enforcement, fire service, EMS and private security.
44 Episodes
Are. Mask mandates really being lifted? Yes and No. I'll also touch on what's transpiring with the Trucker Convoy on Canada.
The tragedy of Uvalde. Texas school must not be politicized or weaponized. Why aren't we taking the safety of our children seriously?
We can no longer sit idly by and allow our country to continue to disintegrate. It's time to get involved. It starts at the local level. Running for elected office has more of an impact than you realize.
Wishing all of you and your families a blessed and healthy New Year!
Following up on my recent election to the Republican Town Committee and where we are going from here.
Why we observe this special day.
Crime rates are skyrocketing and politicians are proving that their woke agenda takes priority over citizen safety.
The CDC has finally given us "permission" to ditch the masks but there's a catch.
The conservative legend passed away yesterday at the age of 70. We will all miss his voice.
In this segment I'll talk about where we are as far as the majority and how Big Tech is affecting all of us. I'll give you some insight into this ridiculous impeachment the Democrats are pushing.
In part one of my podcast I discuss what's been going on since November 2nd. We have a new president but is anyone really convinced that he won does he have any idea what he's doing?
Get out there and vote. Every vote counts! Four more years for President Trump!
RBG has passed away. Both Democrats and Republicans wasted no time jumping on social media to plead their case of whether the next justice should be nominated and confirmed before the elections or after. Whatever our political beliefs may be, what ever happened to being human and allowing for a mourning period??
How did we go from patriotic Americans on that fateful day to now where some in this nation openly disrespects our country, our flag, our way of life and first responders?
It's official. Every major sport (platforms) has gone woke. Elitist "players" lecturing the rest of us about racial and social justice and "systematic racism" We have, including every fan out there, been labeled racists. These elitists do everything to support and defend China while claiming our country "oppresses" them with their multi-million dollar checks.  We don't need them and I'll explain why.
There's lots of talk about a Civil War that may be coming.  The Brash American makes a great point in a video he posted yesterday about all this talk of a Civil War. There is a war going on, but not the kind you think.
There is a lot going on across the country both politically and socially. With the advent of the "defund the police" movement," how will this affect our safety, our property, businesses and our overall lives? I'll briefly discuss where we are currently and what may happen if we continue down this path, especially for those individuals employed in the private security profession. They may find themselves filling in the void in one way or another or will they? There has always been a "gray area" for security professionals but as things unfold, it may not be so gray anymore. 
The war on our first responders is escalating with lots of help from the media, Democrat politicians, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and other radical and dangerous groups. We now "come from a place of privilege if we call 911 without a police department that would be defunded. Law Enforcement Officers are being targeted and fear for the safety of their family - and rightly so!
Law Enforcement and National Guardsmen are taking knees??? What happened to being neutral???  We take an oath to defend and support our state and U.S. Constitutions, not to radical groups. Seattle giving in to the lunatics and vowing that cops will no longer wear black mourning bands on their badges in honor of fallen law enforcement
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Joe Biden makes outrageous remarks about how law enforcement should do their jobs. I'll briefly discuss the reality of policing and prove he has no idea what he is talking about.