Public Sector Perspectives

IPAA Victoria presents Public Sector Perspectives, a podcast featuring conversation with incredible people highlighting the interesting work in government and across the Victorian Public Sector.

Episode 37: Fellows Voice: Interview with Ella McPherson, Victorian Public Sector Commission

As part of IPAA Victoria's Fellows Voice series, Amanda Stevens, Chief Executive Officer, IPAA Victoria, interviews Ella McPherson, Deputy Commissioner, Victorian Public Sector Commission, about her career journey.


Episode 36: Fellows Voice: Interview with Pam Anders, Department of Health

As part of IPAA Victoria's Fellows Voice series, Dr Marija Maher, Chief Operating Officer, Victorian Ombudsman, interviews Pam Anders, Senior Executive Director, Mental Health & Wellbeing Transformation, Department of Health, about her significant commitment to public service and experience in implementing reform from the Royal Commission in Victoria's Mental Health System.


Episode 35: Fellows Voice: Interview with Simon Corden, Essential Services Commissioner

As part of IPAA Victoria's Fellows Voice series, Amanda Stevens, CEO, IPAA Victoria interviews Simon Corden, Essential Services Commissioner, and 2023 Fellow inductee about his significant commitment to public service and experience in leading organisations and teams. RESOURCES REFERRED TO IN THIS PODCAST UK Post Office Scandal explainer Mr Bates and the Post Office Westminster Tradition podcast


Episode 34: AI and the Future of Governance: Unanswered audience questions (part 2)

In this follow-up podcast to IPAA Victoria's AI and the Future of Governance event, host Kristy Hornby, Chair, Risk Community of Practice (CoP), IPAA Victoria, and Associate Director, Grosvenor, and guest speaker Peter Williams, Chief Edge Officer, Centre for the Edge, Deloitte Australia respond to some of the unanswered audience questions that were submitted during the event.


Episode 33: AI and the Future of Governance: Unanswered audience questions (part 1)

In this follow up podcast to the IPAA Victoria’s AI And The Future Of Governance event, host Josef Oduwo, Executive Program Director, Change & Transformation, Department of Health, and guest presenter Professor Eduard Hovy, Executive Director, Melbourne Connect, University of Melbourne, responds to some of the unanswered audience questions that were submitted during the event.


Episode 32: The secrets of an award-winning public sector workplace

IPAA Victoria's Leadership in the Public Sector Awards celebrate and recognise exceptional projects delivered by teams and organisations. This podcast episode puts a spotlight on Cenitex, the Leading Employer Award winner, about their employee experience uplift projec and is a conversation between Frances Cawthra, CEO, Cenitex and Brigid Monagle, Commissioner, Victorian Public Sector Commission.


Episode 30: Risk, Sustainability and Public Policy (Part 1)

As part of IPAA Victoria's Sustainability and Climate Change series, delivered in partnership with its Sustainability Community of Practice (CoP), this two-part podcast features Jonathan Masom, VMIA, and Lynette Smith, gramma consultancy. Together, they explore risk, sustainability and public policy.


Episode 31: Risk, Sustainability and Public Policy(Part 2)

As part of IPAA Victoria's Sustainability and Climate Change series, delivered in partnership with its Sustainability Community of Practice (CoP), this two-part podcast features Jonathan Masom, VMIA, and Lynette Smith, gramma consultancy. Together, they explore risk, sustainability and public policy.


Episode 29: First Nations women and exercising voice to take on decision-making power

In this Public Sector Perspectives episode, we chat to Elly Patira, Deputy Secretary, First Peoples – State Relations, Department of Premier and Cabinet, who explored the Treaty Framework in Victoria, the strengths and challenges of being a First Nations woman in the public service, and in keeping with IPAA Victoria's International Women's Day Gala Dinner theme, what are the specific opportunities for First Nations women as a result of the treaty process. This episode was hosted by Elke Smirl, Program Director, Victorian Public Sector Commission and member of IPAA Victoria's Aboriginal Advisory Committee.


Episode 28: International Women's Day Gala Dinner 2023 unanswered audience questions

Professor Eleanor Bourke AM (Chair of the Yoorrook Justice Commission) and Aunty Geraldine Atkinson(Co-chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria) in conversation with Angela Singh (IPAA Victoria Board member and Regional Director at the Victorian Department of Education) answer audience questions from IPAA Victoria's International Women's Day Celebration. How do you find the personal strength to stay involved in discussions and hear stories that are incredibly important but that must often also be deeply traumatic? What does treaty mean to you and how will it change the work you do? How does Treaty and truth-telling impact you every day? How do you advocate for inclusive cultural change? What advice can you give to non-First Nations colleagues on how to best support First Nations colleagues? What are some barriers you all face, as a woman, and as a First Nations person? How did you overcome them? I am interested in the panels’ views on the Voice To Parliament and the challenge to make sure the conversation about the Voice is not divisive across the country. As First Nations female leaders, what is one piece of leadership advice that you received that made a difference for you that you would like to share? Who has inspired you in your leadership journey? And why? What is the panels advice for young women, looking to make their substantive mark in public or public service life or in the community?


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 27: Wellbeing and mental illness in the public sector

In our latest episode of Public Sector Perspectives, IPAA Victoria chats to Maria Katsonis FIPAA (Vic), Deputy Chair of Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, and hear her very personal story about wellbeing and mental illness in a public sector workplace. Content Warning This interview contains references to suicide. If this discussion causes you distress and you need support or help, you can contact Lifeline’s 24-hour hotline on 13 11 14.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 26: Wellbeing in the public purpose sector (part 2)

In partnership with IPAA Victoria's People and Culture Community of Practice (CoP), IPAA Victoria has launched a content series dedicated to exploring wellbeing. In this episode, Professor Deborah Blackman, Head of School, and a member of the Public Service Research Group and Dr Fiona Buick, Senior Lecturer, School of Business, UNSW, explore the ideas and concepts that underpin wellbeing that public purpose sector leaders and professionals should consider.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 25: Wellbeing in the public purpose sector (part 1)

In partnership with IPAA Victoria's People and Culture Community of Practice (CoP), IPAA Victoria has launched a content series dedicated to exploring wellbeing. In this episode, Professor Deborah Blackman, Head of School, and a member of the Public Service Research Group, School of Business, UNSW and Dr Fiona Buick, Senior Lecturer, School of Business, UNSW, explore the ideas and concepts that underpin wellbeing that public purpose sector leaders and professionals should consider.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 24: Victorian Health Building Authority and Sustainability

In this episode, Julian Freeland from the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) discusses some of the surprising ways that hospitals can be more energy efficient, how to persuade project managers that it's worth investing in better environmental design, and how this type of public service work creates a real sense of satisfaction and value.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 23: Co-design principles and mental health

In this episode, we explore co-design principles in implementing some of the interim recommendations of the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health. We are joined by Paul Flowerdew, Director of the Transformation Strategy and Program Management Office, Mental Health and Wellbeing Division, Department of Health, Michelle Swann, Principal Adivser for Family/Carer Lived Experience, Mental Health and Wellbeing Division, Department of Health, and Karen Gallagher and Alex Moshevelis, co-design practitioners at Today, one of Australia's leading social impact agencies.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 22: Celebrating UN Public Service Day with Ben Rimmer

To celebrate United Nations Public Service Day, IPAA Victoria is launching a new series to highlight the extraordinary individuals who work in the public sector and provide outstanding public service, and the breadth of work that gets done. In this episode, we speak with Ben Rimmer, Associate Secretary at Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Victoria and Chief Executive Officer at Homes Victoria, who discusses the highlights of his distinguished career, his perspectives on State–Commonwealth relations post-election and his take on the value of the public sector.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 21: Celebrating UN Public Service Day with Y Le Homes Victoria

To celebrate United Nations Public Service Day, IPAA Victoria is launching a new series to highlight the extraordinary individuals who work in the public sector and provide outstanding public service, and the breadth of work that gets done. In this episode, we speak with Y Le – Director of Affordable Housing and Social Investment Group at Homes Victoria, which sits within the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. Y discusses new ways of tackling housing, public policy and the importance of the public service.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 20: Women in leadership with Deanne Stewart CEO of Aware Super

Reflecting on the release of the IPAA Victoria Top 50 Public Sector Women Awards for 2022, Deanne Stewart (CEO of Aware Super) shares insights on what helps and hinders gender equity in public and private sector workplaces.


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 19: International Women's Day panel Q&A

The panel from IPAA Victoria's International Women's Day event discuss some of the audience questions that they were unable to get to on the night. The discussion features: - Molina Asthana, President Elect, Victorian Law Institute; Board Director and lawyer - Captain Mona Shindy CSC, Reserve Naval Officer with the Royal Australian Navy - Tasneem Chopra OAM, cross-cultural consultant inaugural Ambassador for Women of Colour, Australia


Public Sector Perspectives Episode 18: Embracing digital services in Government amidst a pandemic

Many organisations this year have been required to respond and adapt to the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19. Especially in their approach to the digitalisation of their services. In this episode of Public Sector Perspectives, we look at embracing digital services in government amidst a global pandemic with Joanne de Morton, Chief Executive Officer, Service Victoria. How Service Victoria has modernised its digital operations to be at the forefront of innovation and as a result has established greater trust in government through these everyday interactions.


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