Public Speaking

This speech is about a terminally ill child’s wish. Her wish can sadly not be made because her sports idol she wants to meet has passed away recently. Her parents don’t want to bring the devastating news to their child that her dream can’t become true. The parents instead tell the name your dream foundation to send a look-a-like over to meet her. Making the debate on what should the name your foundation do?!

Beautiful Sadness

Speech 3, I hope you all enjoy. Don’t ever let bad thoughts control who you really are. People love you and need you. I promise you, light is at the end of every tunnel.


Name Your Dream

I want to apologize for the dogs barking. They wouldn’t stop, but I felt this added some depth into what a live speech can bring. You can’t get stumbled by anything during your speech. You have to fight through the noise and keep your listener’s ear involved. I hope you enjoy!


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