After a pretty decent E3, the crew debates the highlights of the expo! Discuss | YouTube | iTunes | Google Podcasts | Intro/Outro Music
Andrex, sbf717 and sixsicksixes run down E3 right before Sony and Nintendo give their presentations. Discuss | YouTube | iTunes | Google Play | Intro/Outro Music
Andrex, sbf717 and Mallys reassemble to talk PAX, PUBG and Pokemon. Chad sold his Xbox One! Pokemon GO gets Mew. Obligatory PUBG/Fortnite discussion. Nintendo DLC reaches a tipping point. PAX East is approaching. Thoughts? Predictions? Discuss | YouTube | iTunes | Google Play | Intro/Outro Music
After almost a year's absence, Andrex, sbf717 and Mallys are back to sooth your ears with sweet, sweet game talk. What are we playing? Sony's remake streak: Ratchet & Clank and Shadow of the Colossus. Kingdom Hearts 3 is actually coming out. 😮 Is Xenoblade losing sight of the first game's appeal? Also, Tales of the Abyss. So long Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare, and thanks for all the games. Zelda NES and Super Mario Bros. USA: the balance between too hard and too easy. Sea of Thieves and Microsoft's first-party problem. Back Chicken Wiggle Workshop for Nintendo Switch on Kickstarter! (Not a paid promo!) Is Silicon Knights still around? Uncharted 5: will it get the Infamous Second Son treatment? Tomb Raider: the new movie, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and the post-Uncharted void it fills. The Walking Dead... spoilers? Who cares. See you next week! Discuss | YouTube | iTunes | Google Play
sbf, Nothere and Andrex go over E3 2017, plus some minor detours. Discuss | YouTube | iTunes | Google Play
Almost two years after the previous episode, the Podcast has been reborn! Just in time for E3 2017, six, Nothere, spooie, sbf and Andrex break down Microsoft's conference and discuss rumors and hopes for the coming days. Discuss | YouTube | iTunes | Google Play
Andrex is joined by S&M, Teh_Sarge, AstralFrost, and spooie to talk about the hard-hitting topics you've come to expect. Discuss this episode on
Andrex gets drunk and takes Sonic, AstralFrost and EpicFinale on a ride through various E3 topics. Discuss this episode on
Andrex, Teh_Sarge, S&M, and sixsicksixes recap a whole six months of gaming news since the last episode. Discuss this episode on
Andrex, AstralFrost, and Sonic tackle TGS in this Japan-focused episode of the Podcast. Discuss this episode on
Andrex and S&M give an exhaustive 20+ minute run-down of the Super Smash Bros. 3DS demo, with sixsicksixes and Teh_Sarge joining in afterwords to flesh out the topic list. Discuss this episode on
Andrex, AstralFrost, sbf717, and Teh_Sarge recount N64 memories and discuss what's ailing the games industry today. Discuss this episode on
S&M, Kumiko, and Andrex discuss Silent Hill's mysterious P.T., the Smash leak and "new" 3DS announcement, the Phil Fish hack, and a bunch of stuff in between! Discuss this episode on
Andrex, nothere413, sixsicksixes, and spooie run down the E3 2014 highs and lows. Discuss this episode on
Andrex, spooie, and AstralFrost talk pre-E3 news and wishes the day before the big show gets underway. Discuss this episode on
spooie, Kumiko, S&M, and Andrex meet up for the first Podcast recorded in 2014 to take on the tough subjects. Discuss this episode on
Hosted by Andrex, featuring spooie, S&M, and Sakito. Discuss this episode on
Hosted by nothere413, featuring AstralFrost, Teh_Sarge and jtforrest94. Discuss this episode on
Kanaye leads a round of discussion on the new system launches, among other things, with nothere413, Teh_Sarge, and AstralFrost chiming in. Discuss this episode on
jtforrest hosts this special, Grand Theft Auto V-focused episode of the Podcast with guests Kanaye and AstralFrost. Discuss this episode on