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Pure Life Ministries Podcast

Pure Life Ministries Podcast

Author: Pure Life Ministries

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This is the weekly purity podcast from Pure Life Ministries. Our show will take you where real life meets real Christianity as we tackle the tough issues for those struggling with sexual sin. Thanks for listening!
290 Episodes
Jesus promised us that the truth would set us free. He made no such promises about half-truths. In this episode, Nate Danser examines Scripture to find out why “I can’t get free unless God chooses to set me free” is a half-truth with no power to deliver people from porn addiction. And, one of our residential counselors will talk about how that very half-truth crippled his efforts to break free from pornography. And of course, we’ll look at the full truth that has power to set anyone free!
Anyone who justifies a porn habit is on very dangerous ground. In this week's Timeless Truths segment, we'll look at what the Bible says happens when we allow a pattern of sin to remain in our lives.
Our mission at Pure Life Ministries is simple. Show men and women why they're addicted to porn and then show them the way out. One of the reasons multitudes are addicted is because they’ve been deceived by half-truths. In 10 Half-Truths that Keep Us Addicted to Porn, we’ll look at deceptions that keep people in bondage to sin, but more importantly, we’ll use God’s Word to reveal the powerful truths that will set them free. This week: Sexual Pleasure is the Most Important Thing in Life.   Resources we mentioned:   20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction (Study Journal) By Steve Gallagher The Walk Series (Devotionals) By Steve Gallagher
In this Timeless Truths segment: When we're unwilling to confess our sins, our hearts grow hard and calloused. But when we humbly confess our sins to God and a trusted spiritual leader, the power of the enemy will be broken off of our lives.
When we sin, our first instinct is to cover it up so that we avoid any painful consequences. But God’s Word tells us that whoever conceals his sin will not prosper, and whoever confesses and forsakes them will find mercy. In other words, the worst thing we can do is keep our sin hidden. If we want to prosper, we have to live a transparent life.
In this From the Chapel segment: Tyler hoped that marriage would cure his life-long porn addiction. But marriage couldn't fix him. What he really needed was a radical transformation of his heart.
Sexual intimacy can be really complicated, especially for those who are dealing with the aftermath of sexual sin. In today’s episode, Jeff and Rose Colón talk about the biblical principles that will transform the marriage bed from a place of awkwardness, fear, and lust into a place of deep intimacy, trust and purity.   Resources we mentioned: Intended for Pleasure (Book) By Ed Wheat, M.D. Ashes to Beauty (Podcast Series) By Pure Life Ministries
If our hearts were truly full of the love of God, sin would have no power over us, because we would be truly satisfied in God. That's what Luke Imperato talks about in this From the Chapel segment.
Some say that if you want to discover the roots of addictive behavior, you have to look at a person’s childhood, because the data shows that if a child’s father doesn’t give them the love they need, they can have real problems later in life. But does that mean that a father's failure to love causes a person to become an addict? In today’s show, we'll discuss what the Bible teaches about why we do what we do, and how to deal with our own bad choices.   Resources we mentioned: Leaving Yesterday Behind: A Victim No More (Book) By Bill Hines Responding Biblically to Your Past (Article) By Steve Viars Bitterness: The Root That Pollutes (Booklet) By Lou Priolo
In the second episode of our Freedom from Porn series, we asked the question, "What Role Does Brokenness Play in Freedom from Porn?" We looked at brokenness from a biblical perspective, how God uses it, and heard testimonies of how godly brokenness leads to freedom and life.   Resources we mentioned: i: The Root of Sin Exposed (Book) By Steve Gallagher Freedom from Porn (Podcast Series) By Pure Life Ministries
In this Timeless Truths segment: In order to overcome a porn addiction, a person needs far more than a superficial change in their lifestyle. They need genuine ongoing repentance in their life.   Resources we mentioned: 20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction: A 40-Day Study Journal (Book) By Steve Gallagher 20 Truths that Help in the Battle with Porn Addiction (Video Series) By Pure Life Ministries
The  statistics concerning men addicted to pornography and other illicit sexual sins are staggering. 64% viewing porn at least monthly. 36% of young men watching it at least daily. 35% of men admitting that they are having an affair. The worst part? These statistics are not from unbelievers—but from people professing to be followers of Jesus. This is the first episode in The Church Addicted—a series of shows where we look at how these statistics became the Church's reality.   Resources we mentioned: The Church Addicted (Podcast Series) By Pure Life Ministries
In this Timeless Truths segment: If we want to overcome porn addiction, we're going to have to face an even stronger enemy—the love of pleasure.   Resources we mentioned: 20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction: A 40-Day Study Journal (Book) By Steve Gallagher 20 Truths that Help in the Battle with Porn Addiction (Video Series) By Pure Life Ministries
As a young boy, Andrew van der Bijl longed for adventure, satisfaction, and purpose. That longing would take him places that drove him nearly to madness. But God used Andrew's suffering and disappointment to make him willing to surrender everything to God. And that's when God opened the door for an adventure that Andrew never could have imagined. In this episode, we'll talk about "Why You Should Read God's Smuggler". Resources we mentioned: God's Smuggler (Book) By Brother Andrew
In this Timeless Truths segment: Scripture warns us that those who give their hearts to the fleeting pleasures of sexual sin will end up paying a devastating price.   Resources we mentioned: 20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction: A 40-Day Study Journal (Book) By Steve Gallagher 20 Truths that Help in the Battle with Porn Addiction (Video Series) By Pure Life Ministries
Have you ever wondered what to do after a fall back into sexual sin? Have you asked yourself, "How can I fight against the ever-increasing darkness of this world?" We'll answer these questions, and more, in our Men's Sexual Sin Q&A Part 2.   Resources we mentioned: Men's Sexual Sin Q & A Part 1 (Podcast) By Pure Life Ministries
Going through a painful trial? In this From the Chapel segment, Jordan Yoshimine talks about how keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus enables us to go through hard times.
For the past 8 weeks we’ve been offering wives a solid, weighty hope. It's a hope that can say “No matter what I’m facing, God is good. And no matter what it seems like now, I will go through this in faith so that I can become more like Jesus.” This is true hope, because we believe that everything we go through can be used by God to bring forth lasting, indestructible fruit. This is the final episode in our Hope for Hurting Wives series with Kathy Gallagher. Thanks for listening!   Resources we mentioned: When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart (Book) By Kathy Gallagher Hope for Struggling Marriages (Video Series) By Kathy Gallagher Refined as Silver (Podcast Series) By Pure Life Ministries  
When we allow something to become more important to us than the Lord, it has become an idol. In this Timeless Truths segment from our archives, Jeff & Rose Colón talk to couples about making sure that the Lord is first in their hearts and lives.
In the midst of trials, we need a place to turn to for comfort, help and answers. And when we turn to the Word of God, we find a source of eternal truth. But more than that, we find something that can go inside of us and make us into new creations. In Episode 8 of the Hope for Hurting Wives series, Kathy Gallagher talks about the incredible power of the Word of God, and why hurting wives should cherish it as their very life.   Resources we mentioned: When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart (Book) By Kathy Gallagher