Hey Gorgeous Souls, As we all enter another wave of awakening post the Lions gate portal. Aligned Luminary Leaders are needed more than ever. Your wisdom, codes, light & unique expression is needed right now. The deeper we heal and commit to the alchemy of shadow work. The higher level of light we can hold and the more of our higher self is embodied. You become the lighthouse. A light leader, changemaker and catalyst. Together we are part of the teams...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, We are back with a new season! We have entered a new wave of awakening! Riding new waves! Which means a greater call to serve, to support humanity in their transformation from 3D to 5D & above! The more light leaders we have creating positive change, pioneering new way's of shining their light in business, carving out authentic way's of living & breaking the old money paradigm through their 5D businesses & paving a new way (& templates) which all...
In today’s episode I delve into the word activated.Are you able to self activate?Are you living a life that activates you?Activations come through many sources & are key to expansion! Lots of juicy content here!I’d love for you to tag me & share this podcast episode as a thank you so we expand the reach of this medicine.Instagram: @purelightalleraFB: Allera Dawn Rate iTunes- so more people can easily find this material
In today’s episode I share with you an observation that is a huge part that each one of us playsQuestion the status quo & BE the change!As an energy exchange. I invoke the law of reciprocity & ask that you tag me & share this podcast episode as a thank you so we expand the reach of this medicine.Instagram: @purelightalleraFB: Allera Dawn Rate iTunes- so more people can easily find this material
Hey Gorgeous souls,So after the powerful and life changing planetary procession on the 25th Jan. We are now being called to a choice point...Will we choose to remember our innate connection to GOD!Will those operating in their negative/shadow line polarity in the 3D choose to reconnect to source, their divinity and family of light? This is their spiritual initiation.For an actualised woman who dove deeply into her wounds and then used her pain to align to purpose. She is wor...
#twinflames #starseeds #ascensionprocess #forgivenessandhealing #relationship #energy #soul Hey Gorgeous souls, You may not know my full story. However my third wave of awakening occurred in 2015 involving my Twin Flame. This was a rapid ascension and healing process. I used the experience to catapult me into my soul purpose, created The Online Twin Flame Healing Program, left my corporate career and launched a business by 2017. Quantum leaps. I followed soul! Fas...
Hey Gorgeous Souls,As we start to understand that all connections are both physical/human and energetic.We are shown that our energy can literally light a fire under someone else's manifestations and leave ours lifeless!Energy harvesting and in particular womb harvesting isn't new...it's ancient.Woven through our soul history and now unconsciously the same energetic templates create the same dynamics in real time.I created an Energetic divorce process to return to sovereignty of the womb, kun...
Hey Gorgeous Souls,On 25th Jan 25 we have an event which will create a celestial procession in the skies. Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune-Uranus & The Moon will all align.As above, so below.This last occurred 396bn years ago! It will impact us all...As each chakra correlates to these planets. Watch Humanity awaken!I share more on...Spiritual Fasting, Energetic healing for Life transformational ManifestationsHere's how to prepare and utilise these energies to manifest y...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, Part of the awakening process is the veil between your 3D consciousness and 4D-5D-6D becomes thin and you will start to have a stream of energy-memories-information streaming from your own higher consciousness. This can be confusing as dreams become often more poignant, meaningful & start calling for us to take notice. This is the key...the doors to the subconscious and unconscious open & this will being many different stories to the surface. On the heal...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, Are you feeling ascension symptoms? Strong foundations are a life changer! This means incorporating physical wellness, detox protocols and energy hygiene...So you can shift density and anchor the high frequency energies through the body. No need to end up with the ascension flu or a healing crisis again! Through my own legacy body of work...I am teaching and sharing both the physical and spiritual initiations I have been on for decades. So that you can crea...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, Through my own legacy body of work...I am teaching and sharing both the physical and spiritual initiations I have been on for decades. So that you can create your own strong foundations as you walk the path of the spiritual initiate on a path of illumination and freedom in the coming years! This is about awakening your inner magic and recognising the past life mastery you hold. This is HOW you will activate dormant soul gifts and amplify sensory and intuitive...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, I am excited to be back. Many upgrades, re-births and an anchoring of the next stage of my own legacy mission. The coming years will be monumental in the evolution of humanity on so many levels. In particular, the awakening, rememberance and healing of our spirit to matter connection. Understanding the pathway of merging human and soul consciousness. Lifting the veils on hidden truths & the lies we have been told for thousands of years. W...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, Unplugging from social media, the AI hive mind & understanding a new level of clarity around consciousness! Tech addiction and sovereign consciousness! Recognising our patterns and how a pattern disrupt of our routine & what we consume is a powerful medicine we can all tap into. Let's explore what I was guided to jump straight into... If you would like more detail...Reach out on Enquiry@alleradawn.com & I will share! This is the Energy healing, clearing a...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, I have an exciting opportunity... We will be walking the threshold of self discovery in an empowered way! Understanding the blocks to clear vision & bringing in the spiritual guidance support you need to get on track. We will be accessing your Golden Akasha & downloading your Pre birth soul agreements - So you not only get the answers. You will receive the sacred soul codes, frequencies and downloads DIRECT. This is an alchemical process which includes a...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, I have an exciting opportunity... Join us for an exclusive online experience on Weds 6th Nov at 7pm UK time. This week we enter a new life changing passage way of collective change! This will direct the upcoming timeline split and calls for us to make a choice... So for those who are choosing they desire to evolve, thrive and rise. This is for you! Have you ever wished that you had access to a truth detector that allowed you to just steer your life in the ...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, Welcome to the new re-birthed podcast! I am excited to walk this journey with you! This episode is going to activate, awaken and illuminate so much for all who listen. We open with heart coherence and a clear field. The blessing is you can receive this medicine & it supports you on your awakening, healing and ascension journey! Where are you at on the consciousness path? KNOW THY SELF (Core foundation key) MAPPING: Level 1: Spiritual awakening Level 2: Da...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, I am sharing a powerful transmission from the 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. I was curious about the huge impact of the collective lightworkers coming together to shift the effects of the recent hurricane! This has created a huge activation around our true power of miracles and most importantly in dropping our differences and unifying for the greater good of humanity. Aligned Luminary Leaders are needed more than ever. Together we rise! Allera Dawn The Modern D...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, An Equinox transmission...Enjoy! It's time to up the game! We all have a choice and ability to align and entrain to a higher frequency throughout our day. To begin to question our thoughts and beliefs. Do they align with outdated old paradigm matrix code or the truest higher purer codes, frequencies and belief systems which are also available. To understand this universe is based on code! So that means in order to access more light and new code. We m...
Hey Gorgeous Souls, Can you feel the collective shifts over the past couple of months! This has meant many are in self reflection & re-birth stages of their evolution. Hold the bigger vision created in your heart and let go of fear. The universe is abundant and limitless. It just requires you to reset back to that knowing in moments of doubt & move from inner alignment (again and again even when the whole path isn't clear). This is moving into a whole new freque...
Hey Gorgeous soul, As we enter the Easter gateway & huge Eclipse remember the opportunity for re-birth. As I took a walk today I was guided to share a spiritual intervention which occurred in 2016 over the Easter weekend in Glastonbury. A battle of darkness & Ascended masters. My life dramatically changed the following 12 months. This is a time to choose & claim your path. Many aren't connected to their own soul light & do not connect to source light.&nb...