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Pursuit of Peace

Author: Parul Tewari

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Pursuit of Peace with Parul is a podcast that is about all things holistic health and spirituality.
I truly believe that we are all looking to create a sense of lasting inner peace through all our pursuits in life - health, wealth, relationships, a job or a college degree whatever that might look like for you at this moment.

The intention behind this podcast is to share my quest for inner peace which may inspire you to kickstart your journey to discover the source of that true lasting joy and bliss that can only be created from the inside out.

Find me on Instagram at pursuitofpeace_parul
23 Episodes
On today's guest episode of The Pursuit of Peace Podcast, Parul has invited a former client, a holistic health coach. Sachin is the founder of Self Healers Hub and author of the bestselling book 'You Are Unique'. He helps working professionals fix their gut health issues by mastering their gut, emotion and mindset without any strict diets, supplements or medications. In today's episode Parul and Sachin talk about: - The limiting beliefs Sachin had around earning and spending more money - The one crucial mindset switch in his business that changed everything - Why does it matter how we associate with money - How he doubled his income the same month Sachin attended my 5 days free Money Workshop - How he increased his income 5 times in less than 3 months - Why it matters how we speak about our desires and the emotions we embody If you're interested in finding out more about Sachin, check out the links below: Sachin's YouTube Channel - Sachin's Instagram handle - His Facebook page - How to reach Parul: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul   Join Parul's Free Money Manifestation Facebook Group -
On today's guest episode of The Pursuit of Peace Podcast, Parul has invited Shahrzad Parandeh, a global women's empowerment and relationship coach. Shahrzad helps women who are committed to evolution and growth to create the life of their dreams. She followed her calling and started her business in September of 2017, and through offering her wholesome teachings and methods, she’s helped 100s of her clients' change their lives and have blissful relationships. Shahrzad was born and raised in Iran and moved to Canada in 1998. She is happily married to the man of her dreams, whom she attracted through implementing the exact work that she teaches her clients. In today's episode Parul and Shahrzad talk about: - How does it feel for Shahrzad as a Businesswoman to call in over 1 million dollars in sales in December 2022 - What was her relationship with money growing up  - Why does it matter how we associate with money - Is Money really evil? - How this tug of war with wanting & pushing away money is self-created - Why Women must be financially empowered in the right way - Your Desire is a sign from the Divine. Say a full-body yes to calling in more money. If you're interested in finding out more about Shahrzad, check out the links below: Shahrzad's Instagram handle - @themasterpiecewoman Be a part of her Community - Some of Shahrzad's best in-depth programs for sustainable, long-term relationships: Mesmerize - Masterpiece in the Making - The Golden Bridge - To grab your spot for Parul's free manifestation breakthrough session, click below: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join Parul's free Webinar on Manifestation
In this episode Parul shares her 5 step Manifestation process that helps her and her clients call in money. While technically there is no process to manifestation. It is happening all the time, just like gravity works all the time. However, when it comes to conscious creation this process can be helpful in calling in your money desires, especially if you're new to manifestation. As you practice it over and over again, feel free to tweak it according to what works for you. As you learn this process, apply it to a money desire and share your results with me. I'd love to celebrate your wins. If you're interested in learning more about Money Manifestation, connect with Parul through the following links: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join her in her free, private Facebook group for Women -   where she will be hosting her free Money Manifestation Masterclass this Friday. Write her an email -
In the last episode Parul shared all about what Surrender means, why do we fear surrendering our desires and tools that you can use to do so. Following up from that episode, she is sharing with you a short meditation that can help you ease into the practice of letting go. Holding on loosely to our desires is such an important energetic part of the process of manifestation. It tells the Universe that while you desire something, you don't need it. This is a wonderful space where all magic unfolds. If you're interested in learning more about Money Manifestation, connect with Parul through the following links: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join her in her free, private Facebook group for Women - Write her an email -
In this episode Parul talks about releasing control or surrendering your desires to the Universe. She explains what surrendering means in the process of manifestation, why we tend to resist it & how it is an important step. She explains the concept through an example and anecdotes from her personal life. It has been one of the most difficult things that she has learnt in her life, considering how much she planned everything in advance. But then one day as all her plans were razed down to the ground, her illusion of control not only shattered, but left her feeling completely lost. Through picking up the pieces of her once perfectly planned life, she learnt how to surrender at every step of her journey. While it has been a roller-coaster journey with more downs than ups, it all makes sense in the larger scheme of things. If you're interested in joining Parul's upcoming 7 Days' Money Manifestation Course starting February 1st, here is the payment link - If you have any questions about the program, feel free to reach out to her @pursuitofpeace_parul over Instagram. If you're interested in learning more about Money Manifestation, connect with Parul through the following links: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join her in her free, private Facebook group for Women - Write her an email -
In this episode Parul shares her own money story which was shaped up by the circumstances and conditioning that she experienced growing up. When she started digging deeper and doing the inner work, required to change her relationship with money, she stumbled upon a lot of sub-conscious beliefs that she didn't even know she had. Not necessarily were they always linked to money to begin with. On the surface they were themes that ran her life in general. However, over time she realized that these themes were very clearly impacting her money story as well. This is the first time that Parul is sharing these very personal aspects of her life. She believes it is important to share her story because quite a lot of women have similar stories and in order to change our life, we have to change the stories we grew up with and the stories we continue to tell ourselves about what gets to be true for us. If you're interested in learning more about Money Manifestation, connect with Parul through the following links: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join her in her free, private Facebook group for Women - Write her an email -
In this episode Parul shares a powerful embodiment practice. She gets you to step into the feelings of your outcome before they manifest. Often when we ask for our desires there is a disconnect from it as we wait for it to happen. We wonder how and when it will occur and in doing so we postpone feeling the joy and gratitude that the manifestation will bring along. However, we forget that we need to step into the vibration of our desires before it can manifest in the physical reality. This is exactly what this manifestation will help you do. It is recommended that you listen to it for at least 3 weeks so that it can be etched into your sub-conscious. If you're interested in learning more about Money Manifestation, connect with Parul through the following links: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join her in her free, private Facebook group for Women - Write her an email -
This brand new episode is meant to take you through one of the most important aspects of Manifestation. In order to call in abundance and create our own reality, step 0 is to be aware of what we are focused on. Since what we focus on or give energy to, is what determines our reality, we must empower ourselves by creating awareness around our current world. This means we become hyper aware of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions which are contributing to our part in the process of manifestation. If we desire to create a miraculous life, we've got to take radical responsibility for it. Here's the breakdown of this episode: - Why is Mindfulness important to the process of Manifestation - What is Mindfulness - How do most people tend to create their reality - How can you use Mindfulness to speed up your Manifestations - A live meditation to take you through the experience of Mindfulness (Please avoid if you're driving or doing something which requires you to focus) If you're interested in learning more about Money Manifestation, connect with Parul through the following links: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join her in her free, private Facebook group for Women - Write her an email -
In this solo episode about Parul's manifestation journey she talks about manifesting really big things even before she knew what conscious creation was. It was a recent encounter with a stranger that led her down memory lane and how it requires unwavering faith and courage to be led by your heart. None of the things she talks about in this episode were easy, but the decisions to be led by those callings were absolutely clear and so rewarding at the end. The logical and the practical did not take here there. It was some of the crazy things which only made sense in retrospect - and that's how intuitive hits are, to be honest. She also talks about how synchronicities simply lined up once she decided to go all in. Go ahead and listen in. Connect with Parul over Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join Parul's free, private Facebook community for women where she does live sessions to share her knowledge about Manifestation by Design - Manifest Abundance Easily
On today's guest episode of The Pursuit of Peace Podcast, Parul has invited Shahrzad Shukra, a global women's empowerment and relationship coach. Shahrzad helps women who are committed to evolution and growth to create the life of their dreams.  She followed her calling and started her business in September of 2017, and through offering her wholesome teachings and methods, she’s helped 100s of her clients' change their lives and have blissful relationships. Shahrzad was born and raised in Iran and moved to Canada in 1998. She is happily married to the man of her dreams, whom she attracted through implementing the exact work that she teaches her clients. In today's episode Parul and Shahrzad talk about: - Creating a healthy, loving relationship with yourself in order to attract your soulmate - The reason why we tend to attract similar kind of romantic partners - emotionally unavailable, unwilling to commit or those who don't value us - Why we tend to hold on to partners who are incapable of healthy love? - Why affirmations, mantras & visualizations alone don't work in the long run? - Why our external 'achievements' have nothing to do with our worthiness and the earth-shattering love that we so desire? - How healthy love is so different from what most of us have been made to believe - Personal Power and emotional sovereignty within a relationship  - Communication from a place of power during difficult moments Book Suggestions: The Body Keeps the Score HomeComing If you're interested in finding out more about Shahrzad, check out the links below: Shahrzad's Instagram handle - @themasterpiecewoman Be a part of her Community - Some of Shahrzad's best in-depth programs for sustainable, long-term relationships: Mesmerize - Masterpiece in the Making - The Golden Bridge - To grab your spot for Parul's free manifestation breakthrough session, click below: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul Join Parul's free Webinar on Manifestation
This guest episode on the Pursuit of Peace podcast has Parul conversing with a friend and a Finance Coach, Deirdre Smith.  Together they bust myths around how 'women are bad with money'. (You're not!!) This episode takes you through the basics of Investing for those who are looking to get started with their journey towards a financially secure future. Some of the themes that are covered in this episode are: - You don't need to have a finance degree to be good with money - Mindset blocks that are stopping you from creating massive wealth for yourself - How to create your unique finance goals? - How to set short and long term investment goals in order to create time and money freedom? - What is an emergency fund and how to start creating one? About Deirdre: Deirdre Smith is a financial coach and investor, and the founder of Elodie Wealth. She holds a Master’s in Wealth Management from Columbia University, but she didn’t start her career in finance. Initially working in philanthropy and teaching yoga, she realized in her early twenties that the life she wanted was not attainable without a significant change in how she viewed, and used, money.  Over the past decade, she has worked to become financially free through investing and financial education. After achieving this goal for herself, she realized that it was her calling to share her work with the world. She incorporates meditation and financial psychology to help clients overcome their deepest rooted money beliefs so they can enjoy their money while also building wealth for their future. Connect with Deirdre over instagram @elodiewealth To grab your spot for Parul's free manifestation breakthrough session, click below: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul
On today’s guest episode of The Pursuit of Peace podcast, Parul has one of her favourite mentors, Kristen Jenna. Kristen decided to give manifestation a try at a time in her life when she was completely broke, sleeping on the floor on a mattress in a shared bedroom, walking through the snow to her job every day, living pay check to pay check. Completely miserable with where she was in life, Kristen made a promise to say yes to whatever lay in her path no matter how terrifying it was. Three years later, as a result of keeping this promise, she owns a multiple 6-figure business which has helped thousands of people learn to manifest their dream lives. In today’s episode Parul and Kristen talk about how to surrender to every moment in life so as to draw in the best-case scenario. Some of the topics that are covered in this episode are: - What is surrender? - Releasing Shame and Judgement - Embracing the Pain to avoid Suffering - Loving yourself through the Imperfect Moments - Creating Unshakeable Trust in the Divine Plan - Trusting your Intuition irrespective of the Outcome If you’re interested in learning more about Kristen’s work, check out the links below: Kristen’s Instagram - @pursuitofbliss_ Kristen’s Podcast - Kristen’s Free Facebook Community - Kristen’s Manifestation Academy – Blissful Abundance Academy To grab your spot for Parul's free manifestation breakthrough session, click below: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul
In today's solo episode Parul talks about the importance of being present with all your feelings to raise your vibration long term. There is this misconception in the manifestation world about how you must always feel positive in order to attract your desires. This is misleading and pretty impossible. While we can force positivity, our underlying emotions which determine our point of attraction is not hidden from the Universe. This is why it is important to process and move through our emotions rather than around them in order to truly become a match to our desires. Parul lays out a simple 3 step process in this episode which you can start implementing right away in order to navigate your way through all the heavy feelings. It might feel very difficult at the beginning but keep at it. To grab your spot for Parul's free manifestation breakthrough session, click below: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul
On today's episode of The Pursuit of Peace Podcast, Parul is in conversation with Kat Cozadd. Kat is a money and manifestation coach for women. If you do not identify as a woman, stick by, because these money mindset tips are universal and applicable to everyone. Kat shares her journey of going from over $70,000 in debt, working 50+ hours a week and being exhausted beyond measure to building a multiple six figure business and living her most abundant life in less than 2 years. Think money, location and time freedom while living her best life. Her success is a by-product of turning around her scarcity based belief systems about money and then taking a leap of faith to teach her life-changing process to over 150 women and counting. Some of the topics that are covered in this episode are: - How to cultivate the feeling of safety within to not only call in money but also keep it - How you talk about money, rich people and having money defines your relationship with money - 'Money is hard work' is not your truth but a conditioned belief wired into your subconscious mind - Allowing money to work for you to make life easier If you're interested in learning more about Kat and her work, check out the links below: Kat’s Instagram: Kat’s FB Community: Listen To The NO Bullsh*t Manifestation Show: To grab your spot for Parul's free manifestation breakthrough session, click below: Parul's Instagram - @pursuitofpeace_parul
In today's guest episode I have with me Dionna Chambers - an actress, model, T.V. host and social media influencer. Apart from the many hats that she dons, Dionna is also a manifestation coach for moms. While she always had an inkling that she wanted to be a coach, it was the personal challenges she faced as a single mum during the pandemic that made her delve deeper into her own shadow side. We talk about taking radical responsibility for our lives, going through cycles of death and rebirth to step into our next version and processing childhood trauma. As an African American woman, Dionna has a larger than life vision not only for herself but for all the women of color who she wants to inspire through her work. Connect with Dionna on Instagram @dionnachambers or @coachdionna Connect with Parul on Instagram @pursuitofpeace_parul If you desire to step into your best version this coming year and manifest the life of your dreams, I will be opening up a few exclusive coaching spots in January 2022. Send me a DM with the word 'MANIFEST' over Instagram or send me an email at  
Manifesting our dreams is often misunderstood as this process of feeling good all the time - chanting affirmations, meditating all day and thinking positive thoughts. I believed in it as well for the longest time and it made me miserable. While there is some truth to this, there is so much more to it than just positive thoughts.   At my lowest, when I dove deeper into the world of manifestation it dawned upon me that all of the strategies mentioned above are but 5% of the whole pie. There is a whole lot more to manifestation and the law of attraction which is not even spoken about in the mainstream narrative. Having gone through the experience I now understand why - because it is not easy to implement and that's why people want to run away from it. This is the theme for today's podcast episode. If it resonates with you I would love for you to leave a review on Itunes and I'd be happy to offer a FREE Manifestation Breakthrough Session if you send me a screenshot of it. Tag me on Instagram at - pursuitofpeace_parul OR Email me at Also, I've opened up a few spots in my 'Manifestation Accelerator' program. If you're ready to manifest your biggest dreams in this coming year, send me a DM on Instagram or an email and we can talk more about it.
Deep seated resentment for others not only feels painful but is also one of the biggest resistance to our long term manifesting abilities. Often resentment shows up for those who are closest to us. Difficult emotions, especially if they've been bottled up for years can be very hard to process. In this episode I talk about how I started letting all my unfelt resentment show up only to direct me to what needs to be healed - one of my closest relationships. The ability to feel our feelings, understand what they are telling us, releasing them and then finding a way to communicate our emotional needs can create deeply fulfilling relationships.   Only if we are willing to go through the discomfort that it brings along.  I would love to hear your feedback. Send me a message on Instagram @pursuitofpeace_parul
There is no step-by-step guide to create a fulfilling life that is handed over to us at birth. Figuring out what lights up your heart doesn't come by "consciously trying to decide what is it that you want." It means trying multiple things that you feel drawn to and then letting that one thing emerge that feels good in this season of your life. Keyen Lage, an ex-NFL Athlete and now a high performance coach to world leaders has a revolutionary approach to life and success. He completely steers away from the traditional advice on 'finding your purpose' by taking the scary yet infinitely fulfilling path of trusting your inspiration in the present moment. Keyen is a living example of what he teaches. At a very young age he had to give up on his dream career with the National Football League (NFL) due to an injury that could have paralyzed him if he continued playing. This shocking news left him with no idea about what to do with his life now that the only dream he had ever had since childhood was taken away from him. Instead of letting this challenging situation consume him, he decided to create an incredible life for himself, no matter what. His pursuit led him to multiple breakthroughs which set the foundation of his work today where he is living a life of true emotional sovereignty and teaching his high-achieving clients to do the same.    In his own words - "I help extraordinary people who already achieve 'impossible' goals to achieve what still looks 'impossible' to them." Connect with Keyen on his website or send him a DM on Instagram @keyen.lage If this episode was helpful for you I'd love to hear from you on Instagram @pursuitofpeace_Parul
Had I not become a health coach, I’d have never understood how calorie dense and nutrient deficient our diets are today. As someone who took a lot of pride in eating clean foods I never thought I’d have nutritional deficiencies. However, an extremely detailed lab test in November 2019 surprised me. That's when I hired a health coach and started on my own journey and got really lucky when I found Ace Blend, a plant based protein nourisher. In this episode I have with me, Shivam Hingorani, founder of Ace Blend and we talk about the importance of prioritizing our physical health. Read more about Ace Blend, a plant based protein nourisher at and if you feel inspired to try it out, I have a very special discount code - NOURISH which you can use to get free additional sachets on your purchase. Secret tip - Raw chocolate is my favorite flavour. I'd love to have you connect with me on Instagram at pursuitofpeace_parul
Since we are always manifesting - 24*7 we can either choose to make it work in our favor or against ourselves. Manic Manifesting is all about making choices out of low vibration emotions like fear, anger and resentment while magic manifesting is about infusing our decisions with love and joy which bring about the best possible outcome. But how do you make it work in your favor if your mind is set in the fear mode constantly? I talk about my personal experience and a few practical tips that might be useful for you in the process of deliberate creation. Hoping to hear from you. Find me at pursuitofpeace_parul