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Author: Q+A

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NZ's leading politics programme.
#nzqanda is made with the support of NZ On Air.
204 Episodes
Todd Stephenson, Dr Katie Ben, Simon O’Connor and Tory Whanau
With Wayne Brown, Peter Malinauskas, and Steve Jurkovich.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins says NZ needs to have an "honest" conversation about the levels of debt and taxation needed to afford everything that it wants. Q+A also speaks to renewable energy advocate Saul Griffith, Transport Minister Simeon Brown, and rheumatic fever researcher Jason Gurney.
With Ngira Simmonds, Te Aniwa Hurihanganui, Maiki Sherman and Andrew Little
With Simeon Brown, Darleen Tana and Eric Crampton
With Nicole McKee, Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo and Phillipa Yasbek.
With Jan Tinetti, Barbara Dreaver, Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai and Steven Hail.
With Kieran McAnulty, Sean Sweeney, Benedict Collins and Hugh White.
With Nikki Hurst, Caroline Flora and Catherine Russell
With Simon Watts, Mahé Drysdale and Logan Church.
With Paul Goldsmith and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.
With Shane Jones, Mei Heron and Logan Church.
With Judith Collins, Karen Chhour, Keith Wiffin and Sonja Cooper.
With Chris Bishop and Barbara Edmonds
With Matt Doocey, Peeni Henare and Peter Bale
With Greg Foran, Dr Patrick Thomsen, Josephine Bartley Geoff Cooper and Rouben Azizian.
Chris Hipkins, Erica Stanford, Sharon Zollner and Maiki Sherman.
With Chlöe Swarbrick, Louise Upston and Simon Shuster
With David Seymour, Rahui Papa, Natalie Coates and Maiki Sherman.
With Chris Bishop, Dr Erik Monasterio, Liam Hehir, Jenée Tibshraeny, and Josephine Bartley