Quiet Matters | slow living for real life

Quiet Matters is for anyone looking for a life that’s more relaxed, more grounded and more fulfilling. It’s a podcast full of both wild inspiration and real solid practical advice, including regular beautiful and useful associated free downloads. Jo Dymock (@ochreandflax on Instagram) is a creative business owner and writer who has been working towards a slow, seasonal and joyful way of life for over a decade.

Quiet Matters season 2: episode 8 - self care vs self soothing

This week’s episode is all about how we are often sold self soothing, dressed up as self care, and the balance we really need in our lives.To learn more about the daily rituals candles, www.ochreandflax.co.uk


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 7 - creating a bedtime routine

This week’s episode is all about crafting a bedtime routine that prioritises you, but also works within your real lifeTo learn more about the daily rituals candles, www.ochreandflax.co.uk


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 6 - menu planning

Getting back to practicalities this week with menu planning. Do you menu plan? Should you? Can it actually become a favourite ritual in your week? This episode will walk you through whether menu planning is right for you, figuring out what matters about your menu plan, and how to make a ritual out of something that feels so mundane and everyday.For full show notes, visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 5 - what even is connection, and how do we get more of it?

In today’s episode I’m talking about connection. A somewhat more amorphous, hard to grasp concept than some of the other subjects I’ve talked about in this series, but I think perhaps the most important one of all. Connection is what turns us from humans doing into humans being, and roots us to a sense of time, place and person.For full show notes, visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 4 - is joyful movement just exercise by another name?

In today’s episode I’m talking about joyful movement. it’s a somewhat pretentious sounding phrase, but as part of a generation of women for whom the term ‘exercise’ has immediate negative connotations, originating back in secondary school PE classes, I think it’s no bad thing to rebrand moving our bodies, and to disassociate it from the relationship with food, appearance and diet culture.For full show notes, visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 3 - a beginners' guide to gentle productivity

This week I’m going to be talking about gentle productivity, and how it can help you escape that boom and bust, hustle and burnout energy cycle.I’m talking about my own history with gentle productivity, and how it saved me from pushing to hard. This isn’t a thorough ‘how to’, more an introduction to the concept, as everyone’s version of gentle productivity looks so different.For full show notes, visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 2

This week’s episode is all about journaling - the what, the why and the how. And at the end of the episode I’ll give you one really simple way to start, and keep, journaling, even if you’ve never managed it before.For full show notes visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast


Quiet Matters season 2: episode 1

This week’s episode is focused on your morning routine. I’m talking about creating a morning routine that works for you, not for the instagram or pinterest version of reality.For full show notes, visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast


Quiet Matters season 2: trailer

A quick hello, in advance of the new season of the podcast, launching on 15th September 2021


Quiet Matters episode 6: Minimalism and decluttering - the why and the how

This week's episode is all about minimalism, simplifying and decluttering, and why I think it pairs really well with living a life that is more intentional and more joyful. I am absolutely clear that it’s by no means essential to be a minimalist to live a meaningful life, but I think they pair up pretty nicely. Full show notes on my website.


Quiet Matters episode 5: rejecting the myth of rejecting the myth of doing it all (no, that’s not a typo)

There is a lot of talk online about rejecting the myth of doing it all. But at that same time as we're seeing that theoretically empowering message (and often even in the same place as we're seeing it) we're also seeing a lifestyle that is perfect, where someone clearly is 'doing it all, and is living a lifestyle that is perhaps a lot busier and more full on than it appears in the carefully curated world of a social media feed or YouTube channel.I want to talk about genuinely rejecting that myth of doing it all, not just pretending to. I want to embrace a life that’s a little less picture perfect but contains a whole lot more of what I love. In this episode I’m talking through why we need to really own rejecting that myth and allow our lives to not be picture perfect. I’m also discussing some ways to accept the joy of doing less, and some tips and tricks for abandoning the myth of doing it all in your own life.Show notes at www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast/episode5


Quiet Matters Episode 4: Seasonal Living - the why, the what and the how

This episode of the podcast is all about exploring seasonal living in a bit more depth. I’ve mentioned it several times already during previous episodes, and I wanted to really focus on it and talk to you about both why we do it and the benefits for us, and then how we actually go about it.Engaging with the seasons isn’t about living in an off grid yurt and being outdoors at any cost. But if you’re looking for a way to begin to connect with the world around you, seasonal living is the most wonderful, and highly accessible, place to start. Whether it’s simply standing outside your front door in the sunshine or heading out for multi-day mountain hikes, there is going to be a way you can incorporate the seasons into your life.Show notes can be found at www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast/episode4Find me on instagram @ochreandflax


Quiet Matters Episode 3: why slow business is a good thing

I start this episode by talking about my own business journey to this point, which is definitely busy-and-frenetic rather than anything that could be described as even remotely slow. I’m talking about why Ochre & Flax is different, and how the business reflects my own personal values.I don’t pretend to have all the answers about running a slow business, but I do hope to reclaim the retm and to start the conversation around running a business which feels genuinely good, both in terms of what I’m making and how the business fits in with the rest of my life.For show notes and links, visit www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast/episode3


Quiet Matters episode 2: Creating moments of slow with children

This episode of the podcast introduces what I hope will be an ongoing discussion around creating moments of slow when you have older children, although I hope it will provide inspiration whatever stage of family life you're at. I get really honest and discuss the areas where we are winning - and losing - at slow living and parenting with our own children (aged four, seven and ten) and which values we truly hold when it comes to seeking out the ever more rare and precious moments of slow as our children get older.


Quiet Matters episode 1: Creating a slow living manifesto

Slow, seasonal living means different things to different people, and I think it’s important to clarify what your version of it looks like. Because living slowly isn’t about adhering to a strict set of rules, it’s about uncovering your own values and figuring out how to let them grow and develop in every area of your life.I’ve created a free eight page download (and you don’t even need to hand over your email address!) to help you uncover your own slow living manifesto, which you can find, along with the show notes, at www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcast/episode1. Do come and share your thoughts on the podcast, let me know where you’re listening and what you’re finding useful, over on instagram, where you can find me @ochreandflax



I’m Jo Dymock, and two years ago I was meant to be living the dream - self employed, working around my children, able to cook from scratch, and in charge of my own destiny . The reality was that I was ruled by work, not sleeping nearly enough, and I needed to make real conscious change to a slower way of life before I could begin to experience the life that I dreamed of.My goal with Quiet Matters is to provide you with not only wild inspiration to live a life that is more joyful and more fulfilled, and also to equip you with real practical steps you can take to move yourself closer to that life.Some episodes in Series 1 will be accompanied by free downloads, others by simple takeaway actions. My hope is that you pick and choose the areas you want to work on, and move forwards with kindness to yourself and excitement for the future.shownotes: www.ochreandflax.co.uk/podcastfind me on instagram: @ochreandflaxNB: I mistakenly said Wednesday 25th of February for episode 1. The eagle eyed among you will have noticed that Wednesday is actually the 27th of February, which is when the podcast will launch.


Felizia Mulchan

Jo's podcast is kind and thoughtful. She's inspirational in a gentle way. An old soul in a modern world 💚

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