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Quillette Podcast

Author: Quillette

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Quillette is where free thought lives. We are an online magazine that is politically non-partisan, but rely on reason, science, and humanism as our guiding values.

243 Episodes
Iona Italia talks to Nev March about her novel, Murder in Old Bombay, set in late 19th-century India and about the Zoroastrians of Bombay past and present.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to Atlantic Magazine staff writer Conor Friedersdorf about an alarmingly censorious government bill that would allow officials to punish Canadians for things they haven’t done yet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to Duke University law school professor (and former U.S. National Collegiate athletic champion) Doriane Lambelet Coleman about her new book, On Sex and Gender: A Commonsense Approach. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Iona Italia talks to Timandra Harkness about her new book on technology, micro-targeting, personalisation and narcissism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with Morning After the Revolution author Nellie Bowles about her tragicomic journalistic adventures amid progressive true believers and ideological enforcers—from the offices of The New York Times to the streets of Seattle and San Francisco. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Recovery from Rape

Recovery from Rape


Quillette podcast host Iona Italia talks to Larissa Phillips about the best ways to prevent rape and promote victims' recovery. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to self-described 'Transsexual Apostate’ Debbie Hayton about the link between male sexual self-attraction and transgender self-identification. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to writer Coleman Hughes about his acclaimed new book, The End of Race: Politics Arguments for a Colorblind America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with fellow podcaster Meghan Daum about The Unspeakeasy, a “community for free-thinking women who crave honest conversations about subjects that don’t come with easy solutions.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
University of Florida historian Norman Goda tells Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay why he isn’t persuaded by South Africa’s claims against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Leaving MAGA

Leaving MAGA


Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with Rich Logis, a one-time fervent Donald Trump supporter who’s now renounced his MAGA beliefs—and is trying to help others do the same. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Atlantic magazine writer Michael Powell talks to Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay about his latest article—The Curious Rise of Settler Colonialism and Turtle Island—in which he explains how activists are weaponizing fashionable academic doctrines to delegitimize the existence of Israel, the United States, and other Western societies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Veteran feminist activist, author, and pundit Julie Bindel talks to Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay about the need to protect hard-won women’s rights from gender ideologues. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to Cambridge University historian Peter Sarris about his new book on Justinian the Great, the lowborn sixth century Byzantine emperor who remade Roman law, suppressed Christian heresies, built architectural wonders, and reconquered lost lands. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to influential Israeli historian Benny Morris about Hamas’ acts of mass murder, the Israeli response, and the future of Gaza. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with political scientist Eric Kaufmann about cancel culture, switching universities, and why academics need to have honest conversations about the down side of immigration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette editor and podcast host Iona Italia talks with speaker, DJ, and quadruple amputee Tom Nash about his new book, ‘Hook, Line, and Sinner.’ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to psychotherapist and book author Stella O’Malley, and parent “Josie A.,” about the need to heed parents’ voices before “affirming” a child’s desire for gender-transition therapies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with Johns Hopkins University professor Yascha Mounk about the role of Karl Marx, Michel Foucault, Edward Said, and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in shaping today’s illiberal, identity-fixated political mantras—and how we can help lead progressives back to their liberal roots. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Quillette associate editor Iona Italia interviews journalist John Colapinto, whose book "As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl" chronicles the life of David Reimer, a Canadian man who was born as Bruce Reimer and subjected to a controversial and ultimately unsuccessful gender-reassignment following a botched circumcision. The book delves into the psychological, ethical, and medical complexities of David's life, from the surgical accident and subsequent interventions to his struggle with his gender identity. It also serves as a critique of Dr. John Money's theories on gender plasticity and the ethics of imposing a gender identity on a child unable to provide informed consent. Colapinto interviews various people involved in the case, including David Reimer himself, his family, and professionals who later questioned Money's work. The book paints a detailed picture of the Reimer family's ordeal, David's internal struggles, and the professional controversies that the case stirred up. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (48)

Two Eyes

you kept referring to David as if he was a girl who was finally allowed transition to be male as if he is an example of how important it is to allow girls who believe themselves to "really " be a boy, to transition during puberty, for their own good. What nonsense. David always was a boy from birth, inspite of his tragic injury that caused the loss of his penis, and the monstrous surgeries and quack treatments to try to carve his body into a girl. What this case proves is just how cruel and medically unethical it is to practice medical sexual transition on minors.

Sep 13th

Brian J Burke

I enjoyed the interview. Even though I agree with some of Heather's point of view I also appreciated the push back and not backing down even when Heather seemed to get frustrated with it.

May 24th

Brian J Burke

Interesting, thanks.

Dec 21st

Brian J Burke

Ah yes, if I feel something it is true! This BS power struggle is understandable in terms of human nature but needs to be resisted for the good of society, including all its members..

Dec 12th

Brian J Burke

Great ending, thanks.

Sep 13th

Brian J Burke

Looking forward to reading the book. Like everything else, it may no longer be satire one day.

Sep 4th

Philippa Harding

For a rebuttle perspective from ACTUAL experts in their field, join Jim Clemente (former FBI profiler), Laura Richards (criminal behavioral analyst, former New Scotland Yard) and Lisa Zambetti (Casting director for CBS' Criminal Minds) as they profile behavior from real criminal cases. Including Allen vs Farrow: #webelieveDylan #victimsmatter #dylanfarrow #miafarrow #woodyallen #janedoefilms

Jun 24th

Brian J Burke

Interesting interview and I am impressed Jonathan stuck to his opinion, even though I did not necessarily agree with it all.

Jun 17th


This is a bizarre interview. Her version of events doesn't seem to line up with reality, and I say this as someone who is NOT a Trump supporter.

Jan 19th

Esther Kim

Always enjoy listening to McWhorter, especially how he weaves in homespun expressions like, "They put butter on their corn." LoL

Jan 19th


Great interview

Jan 2nd
Reply (1)


Great interview 👍

Dec 7th


Thanks for having the courage necessary to say the information you imparted in this interview, Jamil Jivani. I really appreciate you.

Nov 6th

Brian J Burke

Good interview and sensible guest

Nov 5th

Brian J Burke

Good sensible interview.

Oct 21st



Sep 26th


I wish Claire would do more of these episodes. Such a pleasure listening to her 😍

Sep 12th


great interview! i learned a lot. thanks quillette you are a divergent voice i am happy to be tuned into in this moment in time.

Sep 2nd

Brad Kluck

Jonathon Kay is off. He starts if with "we all know that global warming will give us higher temperatures and rising sea levels" we don't all know that. not a very heterodox thought

Jul 31st


Frum referred to a authoritarian movement in Britain. What a load of baloney. Presumably he's talking about the Brexit party, but they are the opposite of authoritarian. They are for greater Britain independence and less Central European control.

Jun 5th