R.RING: Ignite the Rest with Kelley Deal and Mike Montgomery

Kelley Deal and Mike Montgomery of the band R.RING talk about songwriting, ghosts, salamanders and the weather...a LOT. The music of R.RING is sparse, abrasive, chaotic and lulling... often within the same song. Kelley also plays with The Breeders in Dayton, OH. Mike owns and operates Candyland Recording Studio in Dayton, KY.

Now where did I put that dust pan....?

Yikes. I fell into a space/time fracture whilst flipping the album from side 1 to side 2. On this episode we discuss Track 7 - Salt - from our album Ignite the Rest.


Dive Bombs, Horse Whinnies & Galloping Franks.

On this episode we discuss 2 songs. Track 5 - Unwinds - and track 6 - Flies. I try to go deep and ponder the fragile tension that holds a society...ooops!...I mean a universe together while Mike attempts to spread fake news about spider farming. (Wait...Is that a thing?)


There's no singing in football!

On track 4 - 100 Dollar Heat - I explain to Mike that I'm a FRIENDLY bookie and we revisit fond memories of hanging out with Lil Bub...the Space Cat.


The Ghost of St. Ben.

Track 3 - Singing Tower - finds Mike and I digging up Quailbones in the murky mud of Murray, Kentucky and paying our respects to Uncle Gilbert.


Hello. My name is Kelley D. and I'm a Weather-Talker.

Mike and I chat about track 2 - Loud Underneath - as our journey takes us through water dogs and salamanders down to Austin where we meet up with the mythic men from the band Protomartyr.


"Hey I made a boat. Get in." - Clyde Petersen

Mike and I continue boating through memories, swans and a paddleboarder named Bruce as we discuss the writing and recording of 'Cutter' - the first track on our new album.


Introduction Episode

Mike and I talk about getting off the couch and saying, "No" to solo acoustic shows. 


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