RAW Business Creating

Morgan Tyner is your RAW truth provider, direct, genuine + wicked capable creator bestie you've always wanted. A serial entrepreneur, vibrant speaker, life coach & business mentor, Morgan’s genius is helping women embrace their capabilities, take messy action & monetize their passions of creating. Tired of it growing someone else’s empire, she decided to grow her own. Founder of Chica Confident: a online learning platform that helps business bloggers blow their blogging endeavors out of the water.

Harnessing Your Haters as a Blogger Influencer Eps 018

“SMILE. It intimates the haters.” If you’re not eventually getting HATE, then you’re not doing it right 💃🏽. In this episode, you will get my three tips on using this (seemingly negative) situation for the GOOD — and how it will grow your business! Xx


Silent admiration in business Eps 017

Just because all you hear are “crickets” doesn’t mean your reach is silent. Click play and let me tell you why!


Asking for help is NOT A WEAKNESS! Eps 016

Hi! Are you stuck? Like “wow I just want to crawl in a hole and drink wine 🍷 for a whole day kinda stuck”? Guess what? I have been there! If you need help JUST ASK. Click play ▶️ and learn why.


Yo consistency, why are you so hard sometimes, yet SO important?! Eps 015

In this episode you will hear me get super real with you guys about my recent struggle with consistency. AND you will get 5 tips on how to stay more consistent in your own business endeavors 🙌🏽 . What are you waiting for? CLICK PLAY.


just BLOOM. Eps 014

How many minutes a day do you spend looking at someone else’s life rather than examining your own? How many of you have felt stuck in a rut with your business? How many of you have compared yourself to another creator and gotten downright depressed? If you answered “yes” to any of these — click play. This episode is for you. xx, Morgs*


Where are you at NOW? ⚡️ Eps 013

Be transparent about where you are AT NOW!⚡️No shame; don’t sweat the little stuff! Every step forward is a success!


HOW did I get into all this anyways? Eps 012

How did I get into this full-time? Where did I start? What has the journey been like? What advice would I give to YOU? Sharing ALL answers in this episode 😘


The PROCESS is everything, so LOVE IT! Eps 011

Everyone wants instantaneous, and I don’t blame that. In fact, I get it personally. But each step is part of YOUR STORY! Click play to hear more.


2019 New Years ResoluWHATS? Eps 010

Oh New Years resolutions. So are they bad? Well, no. No necessarily. But they are useless without a process to achieve them! LISTEN UP to this little gold nugget that sheds some light on this struggle.


Assumptions are a POISON! Eps 009

Assumptions are terrible to make...even when it comes to your business. But they are so easy to make, right? Truth is they hinder your potential growth and all around make you UNHAPPY! Talking “assumptions” on this episode, so listen up BOSS!


Stupid algorithms!! How can you keep up, creator? CLICK PLAY. Eps 008

Social interactions are always changing. You know what I mean...that LAME algorithm change that sets you back? Increase in “competition”? Increase in ideas, new techniques etc etc. SHUT UP that noise, I’ve got a suggestion for you, and I promise it will keep you BOLD in your creating, BOSS!


How do you handle feedback? Let’s talk!! Eps 007

Constructive criticism is not always easy to receive. It’s not always natural, either. But BOSS, it’s so important for your business creating! Listen up on today’s podcast to hear my advice.


Self-love. Are YOU practicing it?! Eps 006

Yo, creating a business requires self- LOVE. How often are you telling yourself why you love who you are? Implementing this action on the REG is like a shield! ⚡️It blocks out the hate and negativity! Grab your shield with me! Click play to learn how!!


Enjoy where you are NOW. Eps 005

Where are you at now, BOSS? Okay, be THERE. Be present, and stop worrying and thinking of the future. Take each day at a time and enjoy the process.


DONE > perfect!! Eps 004

Recorded in a closet, some fuzzy sound, and I sound like I’m holding my nose recording this - but it’s DONE & it’s valuable to you. That’s what matters to me!!


APPRECIATE your time! Eps 003

You- “I don’t have time!!” | Me- “Oh BOSS peep, yes you do.”


They are OK, but what about YOU? Eps 002

Ask yourself..."Am I TRULY feeding myself?"...YOU NEED TO BE!


The Unknown (Unedited & RAW) Eps 001

Does the unknown make you want to poop your pants? DON'T LET IT!


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