RCV Clips

Join the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center for our monthly podcast, where we cover ranked choice voting election administration topics ranging from drafting legislation to election certification. We'll have brief interviews with team members of the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center, election administrators who have run RCV elections, and more, to tell us about the resources available through the RCVRC and best practices learned from running RCV elections.

Season Finale | Best of RCV Clips

RCV Clips will be back with new episodes in September -- thanks for listening! In the final installment of the show before we take our summer hiatus, the team celebrates 7 years of RCV Clips and discusses their favorite episodes. Resources mentioned in this episode: - Listener survey: https://form-usa.keela.co/rcv-clips-podcast-listener-survey-2024 - March 2023: Protect the Win: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/march-2023-protect-the-win-an-advocates-guide-to-implementing-rcv - May 2022: Alaska's Extra-Special Special Election: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/may-2022-alaskas-extra-special-special-election - October 2020: The Massachusetts Campaign for Ranked Choice Voting, Part 1: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/october-2020-the-massachusetts-campaign-for-ranked-choice-voting-part-1 - December 2020: The Massachusetts Campaign for Ranked Choice Voting, Part 2: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/december-2020-the-massachusetts-campaign-for-ranked-choice-voting-part-2 - December 2021: The Massachusetts Campaign for Ranked Choice Voting, Part 3: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/december-2021-the-massachusetts-campaign-for-ranked-choice-voting-part-3 - January 2020: The Great Middle School Election of 2019: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/january-2020-the-great-middle-school-election-of-2019 - December 2023: What We Learned About RCV in 2023: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/december-2023-what-we-learned-about-rcv-in-2023 - Post-Election Audits and Ranked-Choice Voting: https://www.rcvresources.org/blog-post/post-election-audits-and-ranked-choice-voting


RCV Maps 2024 is Here!

In this episode, Kelly chats with Chris and Ryan of our policy department about the release of RCV Maps 2024, our flagship research project. Resources mentioned in this episode: - RCV Maps: https://www.rcvresources.org/state-assessments - RCV Maps fact sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NMlhr5KlzcixTw44eR7CBtDl383Zq8vu/view


Meet Lexey Mikolon, RCVRC's Spring Intern!

In this episode, Chris sits down with Ryan Kirby, RCVRC's Director of Policy, and our Spring Intern Lexey Mikolon. The team discusses RCVRC's internship program, Lexey's research project, and more!


Celebrating the Country's First RCV Risk-Limiting Audit with Stephanie Gnoza

This month, we're joined by Stephanie Gnoza, Boulder County's Elections Director, to discuss the first ever risk-limiting audit of a ranked choice voting election! Stephanie breaks down what a risk-limiting audit is, and the steps that Boulder took to pull off this landmark achievement in election security. Resources mentioned in this episode: - 2023 Election Results Page: https://bouldercounty.gov/elections/results/ - RCV RLA Tool Github Repository: https://github.com/BoulderCounty/rcv-rla/ - Post-Election Press Release: https://bouldercounty.gov/news/official-results-for-2023-coordinated-election-posted-following-successful-risk-limiting-audit/ - Canvass + RLA Report: https://assets.bouldercounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/2023C-Canvass-Documents.pdf - Podcast listener survey: https://form-usa.keela.co/rcv-clips-podcast-listener-survey-2023


An Election Assistance Commission Deepdive with Tom Hicks

This month, Kelly is joined by Tom Hicks, Commissioner of the Election Assistance Commission. They discuss the role of the EAC, the future of ranked choice voting, the state of U.S. elections in general, and more! Resources mentioned in this episode: - EAC: https://www.eac.gov/ - VVSG: https://www.eac.gov/voting-equipment/voluntary-voting-system-guidelines - The EAC and election security video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwxlTbm4lpo


What We Learned About RCV in 2023

This month, Kelly talks to Chris about the state of RCV and the 2023 elections. They discuss risk limiting audits, future implementations, and RCV elections from New York City to Boulder, Colorado! Resources mentioned in this episode: - Georgism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgism - Boulder risk-limiting audit information: https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/auditCenter.html - Ballotpedia RCV hub: https://ballotpedia.org/Ranked-choice_voting_(RCV)


RCV Maps 2023 is here!

This month, Chris returns to the podcast to chat with Kelly about the release of RCV Maps 2023, the newest update to our flagship research project. Resources mentioned in this episode: - RCV Maps 2023: https://www.rcvresources.org/state-assessments - RCVRC reports: https://www.rcvresources.org/reports - Risk-limiting audits explained: https://verifiedvoting.org/audits/whatisrla/


Rank the Vote, Grassroots Organizing, and More With David Green

This month, Kelly interviews David Green, National Organizing Director for Rank the Vote. Kelly and David discuss grassroots organizing, collaboration in the RCV movement, karaoke songs, and more! Resources mentioned in this episode: Rank the Vote: https://rankthevote.us/ Netroots: https://www.netrootsnation.org/ Better Ballot Iowa: https://www.betterballotiowa.org/ CGPGrey video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8XOZJkozfI Protect the Win: https://www.rcvresources.org/the-implementation-project


Meet the RCVRC: Tiffany Montemayor

In this episode, Kelly sits down with Tiffany Montemayor, RCVRC's Senior Director of Programming and Outreach and newest team member! Kelly and Tiffany discuss Tiffany's work with the State of Alaska Division of Elections, how she came to her new role at RCVRC, their trip to the American Democracy Summit, and more. Resources mentioned in this episode: - American Democracy Summit: https://americandemocracysummit.org/ - RCV Clips May 2022: Alaska's Extra-Special Special Election featuring Tiffany: https://www.rcvresources.org/rcv-clips-podcast/may-2022-alaskas-extra-special-special-election - Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey Annual Conference: https://coanj.com/re-cap-of-2023-coanj-conference-sept-20-22/ - Alaska Division of Elections: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/


What's New with RCTab?

This month, we're talking about all things RCTab! In this episode, RCTab developer Armin Samii and RCVRC's new RCTab Program Director Mathew Ruberg discuss the basics of RCTab, our in-house RCV tabulation software, and what we can expect from the software moving forward. Tune in to learn more! Resources mentioned in this episode: - RCTab: https://www.rcvresources.org/rctab - RCTab Fact Sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BATh3xNzxHJy9hBOgi7KgHJ2WTmAIivo/view - RCVis: https://www.rcvis.com/ - Match Made on BART - BART article: https://www.bart.gov/news/articles/2021/news20210212 - Couple who met on BART tie the knot with whimsical BART-themed wedding – BART article: https://www.bart.gov/news/articles/2023/news20230816 - Final Round: Mock M&M election teaches Alaskans about RCV - Alaska Public Media article: https://alaskapublic.org/2022/04/21/mock-mm-election-teaches-alaskans-about-ranked-choice-voting/


Where in the World is RCVRC?

RCVRC's summer travel season is in full swing. In this episode, Chris and Kelly recap what conferences RCVRC has attended so far, where RCVRC plans to visit over the coming months, and why travel is such an important part of our values and strategic plan. Resources mentioned in this episode: - Election Verification Network (EVN) - March 2023: https://electionverification.org/resources-events/ - Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) - April 2023: https://afpicon.com/recap - International Association of Government Officials (iGO) - June 2023: https://iaogo.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=610929&module_id=400752 - Washington State Association of County Auditors (WSACA) - June 2023: https://wsaca.org/ - Netroots Nation - July 2023: https://www.netrootsnation.org/ - National Association of Counties (NACo) - July 2023: https://www.naco.org/events/2023-naco-annual-conference-exposition - National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) - July 2023: https://www.nased.org/-conferences - Voter Registrars Association of Virginia (VRAV) - July/August 2023: https://www.varegistrars.org/annual-meeting - National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) - August 2023: https://www.ncsl.org/events/ncsl-legislative-summit-2023 - American Democracy Summit (ADS) - September 2023: https://americandemocracysummit.org/ - Final Round: Analyzing Results From Arlington's First Proportional RCV Election - FairVote: https://fairvote.org/analyzing-results-from-arlingtons-first-proportional-rcv-election/


RCVRC's Internship Program - From NC to Texas

Last year, RCVRC was excited to launch our first-ever internship program. Ryan Kirby, our Public Policy Specialist, took the lead on building what has turned out to be a tremendous resource and capacity builder for our staff. In today’s episode, tune in to learn about our new summer interns and their journey to RCVRC. Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zc5lRAPzTHCoZupWeMaVHi-7FuaeB5SR/view Resources mentioned in this episode: - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) - College of Arts & Sciences: Public Policy: https://publicpolicy.unc.edu/ - American University - School of Public Affairs: https://www.american.edu/spa/ - Texas Tech University - Department of Political Science: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/politicalscience/ - AP updates voting system for its NFL awards - Associated Press article: https://www.ap.org/press-releases/2022/ap-updates-voting-system-for-its-nfl-awards


Elections in Maine: Reflecting on Five Years of Ranked Choice Voting

In today’s episode, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows discusses protecting the win in Maine (ME), handling continuing education of elections and ranked choice voting (RCV), fighting against efforts to repeal RCV in ME, and looking ahead to RCV in 2024. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xOQxQr0VQastxGSmBc5J02Nnhi5MLbib/view?usp=drive_link Resources mentioned in this episode: - Resources for RCV page - Maine SOS: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/upcoming/rcv.html - A Timeline of RCV in Maine (PDF) - Maine SOS: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/upcoming/pdf/RCVpowerpointtimeline.UpdateJAN2021.pdf - Director, Division of Election Audits & Training - Public Service Manager II (job posting) - Maine SOS: https://mainebhr.hire.trakstar.com/jobs/fk0xoib/ - Final Round: Ben & Jerry’s RCV Practice Election - Better Ballot VT (VPIRG project): https://www.betterballotvermont.org/ben-jerrys-practice-election


VPIRG, Vermont, and Very Interesting Legislative Questions

In today’s episode, Sam McGinty, an RCV advocate from Vermont, discusses VPIRG, his work in Vermont, and frequently asked questions in legislative sessions. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18lBM77i8Le-9x15bQOMXE1mfdnBZC9g_ Resources mentioned in this episode: - Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG): https://www.vpirg.org/ - Ben & Jerry’s RCV Practice Election - Better Ballot VT (VPIRG project): https://www.betterballotvermont.org/ben-jerrys-practice-election - VT Senate Gives Initial Approval of RCV Legislation - VPIRG press release (Mar. 29, 2023): https://www.vpirg.org/news/vt-senate-gives-initial-approval-of-ranked-choice-voting-legislation/ - RCV is a Popular Success in Burlington’s Town Meeting Day Election - VPIRG press release (Mar. 8, 2023): https://www.vpirg.org/news/ranked-choice-voting-is-a-popular-success-in-burlingtons-town-meeting-day-election/ - Mock RCV Election: Name These Plows - City of Madison, WI: https://www.cityofmadison.com/streets/maintenance/NameThesePlows.cfm - Name These Plows RCV Results (Madison, WI) - RankedVote: https://app.rankedvote.co/contests/29011/Name-These-Plows/30265/results


Protect the Win: An Advocate's Guide to Implementing RCV

In today’s episode, Anh-Linh Kearney, Research Analyst at RepresentUs, discusses the Protect the Win: An Advocate's Guide to Implementing RCV report that RCVRC recently co-published with RepresentUs and Democracy Rising. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sbXG64ArSoe3zt7jlesf9p6ElgIO07sb/view?usp=drive_link Complete the quick RCV Clips Listener Survey here: https://form-usa.keela.co/rcv-clips-podcast-listener-survey-2023 Resources mentioned in this episode: - Protect the Win report: http://www.rcvresources.org/the-implementation-project - 2023 Symposium – Protect the Win: https://www.rcvresources.org/2023-symposium - RepresentUs: http://www.represent.us/ - Democracy Rising: https://www.wearedemocracyrising.org/


RCV Education: Collaboration, Accessibility, and Trusted Messengers

In today’s episode, Grace Ramsey, Co-Director of Democracy Rising, and Juli Lucky, Executive Director of Alaskans for Better Elections, discuss the importance of RCV voter and candidate education, the value of building a coalition of education partners, and key concepts to consider when educating voters. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UnpazwPAKUbsl5uLW4_5t34Y28vkHdYK/view Complete the quick RCV Clips Listener Survey here: https://form-usa.keela.co/rcv-clips-podcast-listener-survey-2023 Resources mentioned in this episode: - Democracy Rising: https://www.wearedemocracyrising.org/ - Alaskans for Better Elections: https://alaskansforbetterelections.com/ - Alaska Division of Elections: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/ - RCV at the Oscars 2022 - FairVote: https://fairvote.org/ranked_choice_voting_at_the_oscars_2022/


RCV Education with RankedVote

In today's episode, Tad Milbourn discusses RankedVote, his online ranked choice voting (RCV) platform for running contests, making decisions with the broadest support, and educating voters. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KvHcdAM4_7LWKz3VPK5oVGbd7Y0am1Zv/view Complete the quick RCV Clips Listener Survey here: https://form-usa.keela.co/rcv-clips-podcast-listener-survey-2023 Resources mentioned in this episode: - RankedVote.co: https://www.rankedvote.co/ - NYC Use of RankedVote - Gothamist article: https://gothamist.com/food/de-blasio-introduces-nyc-ranked-choice-pizza-topping-voting - Alaska Use of RankedVote - KTNA article: https://ktna.org/2022/08/alaskas-first-ranked-choice-election-is-almost-here/ - AK RCV Education Mock Elections using RankedVote - AKDOE 2021 press release: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/doc/prpsa/Press%20Release%20-%20RCV%20Education%20Campaign%20Launch%206.1.2021.pdf


What We Learned About RCV in 2022

In today’s episode, RCVRC team members Ryan Kirby and Chris Hughes discuss lessons learned from ranked choice voting (RCV) implementations this year! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PkgSlMKUS1dHczPClHu9Uwtaf-loPihA/view?usp=sharing Resources mentioned in this episode: - RCV Results Reporting Best Practices - RCVRC: https://www.rcvresources.org/blog-post/best-practices-for-releasing-rcv-election-results Albany, CA: - RCV page: https://www.albanyca.org/departments/city-clerk/election-information/ranked-choice-voting - Board of Education RCV Election Results: https://www.acgov.org/rovresults/rcv/248/rcvresults.htm?race=Albany%2F002-BoardOfEducation - City Council RCV Election Results: https://www.acgov.org/rovresults/rcv/248/rcvresults.htm?race=Albany%2F001-CityCouncil Palm Desert, CA: - RCV in Palm Desert page: https://www.engagepalmdesert.com/ranked-choice-voting - Palm Desert RCV Election Results: https://www.voteinfo.net/Elections/20221108/docs/RcvDetailedReport23.pdf Alaska: - Alaska RCV page: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/RCV.php - Alaska Sample Ballots: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/Core/sampleballots_2022general.php - Alaska RCV Livestream: https://www.ktoo.org/2022/11/23/alaska-election-ranked-choice-vote-count/ - Alaska Results page: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/election-results/e/?id=22genr - Alaska Interactive Results: https://rcvis.com/ps/alaska-11-08-22 Portland, ME - Portland 2021 General Municipal Election Ballot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h_k6pdwnqx4keGdhVHeCQdSRbJwllr2l/view


First-Time RCV Implementations in 2022

In today’s episode, RCVRC team members Rene Rojas and Chris Hughes discuss first-time ranked choice voting (RCV) implementations this year. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I6ux3Yxqc91nyVwRKIIiVt_8o3k_8YKi/view?usp=sharing Resources mentioned in this episode: - RCV Results Reporting Best Practices - RCVRC: https://www.rcvresources.org/blog-post/reporting-the-results-of-ranked-choice-voting-elections - RCV Ballot Usage Analysis and Design Recommendations - RCVRC and FairVote: https://www.rcvresources.org/blog-post/ranked-choice-voting-ballot-usage-analysis-and-design-recommendations - Design Principles for RCV - Center for Civic Design: https://civicdesign.org/topics/rcv/ Albany, CA: - RCV page: https://www.albanyca.org/departments/city-clerk/election-information/ranked-choice-voting - Board of Education RCV Election Results: https://www.acgov.org/rovresults/rcv/248/rcvresults.htm?race=Albany%2F002-BoardOfEducation - City Council RCV Election Results: https://www.acgov.org/rovresults/rcv/248/rcvresults.htm?race=Albany%2F001-CityCouncil Palm Desert, CA: - RCV in Palm Desert page: https://www.engagepalmdesert.com/ranked-choice-voting - Palm Desert RCV Election Results: https://www.voteinfo.net/ Alaska Division of Elections: - Alaska RCV page: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/RCV.php - Alaska Election Results page: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/election-results/


RCVis and Results Reporting

In today’s episode, Armin Samii, the creator of RCVis, the ranked choice voting (RCV) visualizer tool, and Chris Hughes, our Director of Policy, discuss results reporting. Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oYzNYWI_J28sj_nKAQcJE9geMrjrNHgT/view?usp=sharing Resources mentioned in this episode: - RCVis: https://www.rcvis.com/ - RCV visualizations: interactive charts, graphs, tables, and Wikipedia exports for displaying the results of RCV elections - GitHub - RCVis: https://github.com/artoonie/rcvis - RCTab: https://www.rcvresources.org/rctab - federally tested open-source tabulation software RCV Results Visualization Examples (RCVis): - NYC 2021 Democratic Mayoral Primary: https://rcvis.com/v/96918_irsijud-1 - Eastpointe 2021 Council Race: https://rcvis.com/v/eastpointe-2021-results-1 - Alaska 2022 Special House Election: https://rcvis.com/v/alaska-house-of-representatives-special-election


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