<p>Welcome to "Red Machine: The Wataru Endo Podcast," brought to you by Kodansha, renowned publisher of captivating stories across manga, novels, and non-fiction. Join us as we dive into the fascinating journey of Wataru Endo, the dynamic midfielder for Liverpool FC. Hosted by seasoned sports broadcaster Steve Hothersall, who has been intricately connected with the club for over 20 years, this series explores Endo's early passion for football, his rise through the ranks, and his current role with the mighty Reds. Tune in for an inside look at the life and career of one of football's most inspiring talents.<br></p>

Beginnings and Bonds – Wataru Endo's Journey at Liverpool FC

Explore Wataru Endo's transformative journey at Liverpool FC in our inaugural episode of 'Red Machine.' From his initial conversations with former manager Jürgen Klopp that kick-started his Liverpool career, to forming deep connections with his teammates, experiencing the unique atmosphere at Anfield, and maturing through pivotal matches. Dive into the stories that have shaped his path and the profound bonds forged on and off the field.


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