DiscoverRESET YOUR GROOVE PODCAST with Host Candice J. Frazier, Certified Master Transformation Strategist
RESET YOUR GROOVE PODCAST with Host Candice J. Frazier, Certified Master Transformation Strategist
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RESET YOUR GROOVE PODCAST with Host Candice J. Frazier, Certified Master Transformation Strategist

Author: Candice Frazier

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Step out of the pain & create full body wellness.
Host Candice J. Frazier will present & interview various professionals on topics of how to use your self care as your health care to truly step into alignment with your self.
She will share tips on how to overcome limiting beliefs, codependency & negative self talk with a radical self love approach based on her own difficult journey from illness to wellness by tapping into the mind body connection.
Learn about the link between depression/anxiety, lifestyle disease, addiction, autoimmunity, chronic pain to nutrition, movement &am
22 Episodes
12 Steps to Freedom from Addiction Recovery Plan Are you ready to gain freedom? Are you ready to learn how to shift your focus and mindset? USING THE POWER OF ALIGNMENT TO OVERCOME ADDICTION & TRAUMA (And Codependency/Negative Self Talk) HOW: Use the 12 STEPS TO FREEDOM with 8 SELF LOVE GATEWAYS to RESET YOUR GROOVE 12 STEPS TO FREEDOM RECOVERY PLAN is the blueprint to the new story line. The details of the new story are what you create when you invest your focus and take empowered actions with each step as you uncover and tap into the power of alignment and find freedom from addiction.  If you are tired of telling the old story, it is time to write and tell a new one. Focus on solution and to the root cause of impaired underlying beliefs and how to love self. Learn how to empower the mind and body to work in synergy with the exclusion of the story that led to the fallout of addiction. This radical approach is different from the traditional model of addiction recovery in the sense that the focus is not on the regurgitation of the mistakes made under the misalignment that are merely magnified by addiction, but instead on the ways one can unwire the old patterns and nourish the body and heal, finding freedom from the prison of addiction. ADDICTION IS THE SPOTLIGHT ILLUMINATING THE UNDERLYING BELIEF/ SELF-LOVE DEFICIT AND THE STORY BEING TOLD ON REPEAT THAT REQUIRES HEAVY ARTILLERY, (addiction), TO ERASE THE DISCOMFORT. Lasting recovery will require a multi-facet approach that covers the complexity of the human spirit and the human ego and in that awareness is where the path to true alignment will unfold. In the mystery of self also lies the clues to alignment with self. Recovery, forces one to become curious of who they are to become self-aware to overcome addiction. The curiosity will lead to clues that create the new story line and close the chapter of the old ones. You can’t write a new story holding onto the old one. Are you ready to let go? Are you ready to live the life of the story of your dreams? Or do you want to stay in the comfort of the hell of the one you’re in now? The choice is ultimately yours, and this 12 step plan will elevate you and take you back into the power of alignment with self. Align with self, align with wealth. ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Harmony For Humanity Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show --- Send in a voice message:
#18: 9 to Align with Balance Balance teaches us, strength, is getting back up when you fall.   Got balance? Balance is not something you find; it is something you create.  9 to Align with Balance 1)     PLAN :(SMART Goals) Get up early, plan your day and take time to set your intentions and tone for how you desire your day to flow. VISUALIZE! Set message, meal and movement timers! Set time frame for replying to messages to avoid the time suck into the matrix of the social side of empire building. 2)     ORGANIZE: Use planners, white boards and other apps to help you 3)     DELEGATE: Teamwork makes the dream work. Rome was not built in a day, or alone. Use that same formula with your empire and your self-care routine. 4)     OUTSOURCE: Hire professionals … especially if the task is losing you money to do it. Aka…you are worth $100 per hour. You use that talent towards a $20 per hour task, you are now losing $480 per hour as you give your energy to the task that would be less time and resources drain than you being stubborn/holding control over those tasks. This can also be a form of self-sabotage to avoid success. 5)     PRIORITIZE: Self-care. Daily movement, proper rest, and nourishment. Take time on weekends to focus on your full body wellness. Time in solitude, with family, friends, and nature. 6)     MASTER: Master your mindset. This is MOST IMPORTANT! We create with our thoughts, words and feelings. Be mindful, (and compassionate), as you can unintentionally create imbalance with mindset. 7)     STEP BACK:  ‘Realize that downtime is not wasted time’ 8)     LET GO: Holding resistance blocks flow 9)    ADAPT: Empowered and balanced entrepreneurs go with the flow like the wind skimming across the lake.  If something is not working, step back, shift focus and energy and trust that you are always EXACTLY where you need to be in the process to gain the needed awareness to evolve to the next leg of your journey. Each step is a victory and a new groove. Each new groove is one more step towards SUCCESS & dream life!! ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show --- Send in a voice message:
#17: 9 Ways to Create Success Success is when you realize that what you want already exists, that the only limits, are the ones you create with your mindset and beliefs.  YOU CREATE SUCCESS WITH YOUR FOCUS.  ~Candice J. Frazier, Author The Divine Alignment Sage Listen in as I talk about 9 ways to create success! It’s not as hard who I think!! And guess what?? You can make it fun!! And no matter what... Celebrate and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction and each step! Each step is a victory and a new groove. Each new groove is one more step towards SUCCESS & dream life!! ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show --- Send in a voice message:
#16: EMPOWERMENT for Aligned Living, Success and Balance   Empowerment is truly a well-practiced dance.   EMPOWER Let go of fear, doubt, and all of life’s stress, instead give power and authority to your success. To empower is to self-bless, As empowerment is the energy of becoming more confident and fearless. Release the pressure of perfection and enjoy the practice,  as empowerment takes intention and time invested to complete the process. Have fun, stay curious, and exude finesse,   empowerment comes from trust and ease, not hardcore press. As you uncover your truth and your desires are expressed, remember to become empowered, requires a strategy, not a guess.   Stay positive, resilient and most of all consistent, employ healthy boundaries, say no, and seek wisdom in all experiences sent. To self be a trusted confidante, reliant and celebrate your independence,  share your knowledge with others, and rise together, to transcendence.   Empowerment is truly a well-practiced dance.  To learn the steps, let go of perfection and give your success a chance. Pay no mind to fear, or give doubt a glance, create your daily flow with self-care to balance,  as you master the dance  and get lost in your success and empowerment trance. Candice J. Frazier, Author, Certified Master Transformation Strategist   How to Become Empowered & Align with Success: EMPOWERMENT NINE   1)   FOCUS. Make sure you are focused on the why not the how. Let go of fear and doubt 2)   Release the pressure to change, instead, create more choices 3)   Time. Time invested daily in activities that move you & your wellness forward. Patience. 4)   Have fun & Be curious & Creative! This energy generates positive outcomes. Exude finesse and become it! 5)   Be truthful. Trust. Speak your truth & desires to stay in your power & flow.  Evaluate and realign as needed to stay on your course in your truth. Bend but do not break. 6)   Understand cause and effect (Inner Thoughts & Feelings=outer life experiences) 7)   Boundaries. Set & Maintain ability to say ‘No’ and not give away your power. Saying no is not sabotage, it is essential to your survival! 8)   Self-care, self-love, Positive/empowered thinking mindset 9)   Celebrate your independence. Set & Revisit goals. ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show --- Send in a voice message:
9 to Align, Feel Confident & Shine. Stinking thinking beating you down and robbing your confidence? Listen in for tips on how to shift that experience!   Make your focus by default, be on positive thoughts.~Candice J. Frazier, Author, Certified Master Transformation Strategist Trauma can annihilate and distort self-identity and worthiness. Use these tips to help you re-connect back to the confidence of your inner being and tap into the wealth of confidence that is yours by divine plan.   9 TIPS TO ALIGN, FEEL CONFIDENT AND SHINE   1)   Feel the satisfaction of, “being in the success”, before you see the physical manifestation. 2)   See yourself as divine 3)   Do not tune into negative fears, doubts 4)   Allow all of who you are to be fully present – OWN IT! 5)   Allow yourself to feel worthy and confident 6)   Understand cause and effect (Inner Thoughts & Feelings=outer life experiences) 7)   Set Intentions/Positive Affirmations …*use the Forming Meditation 8)   Observe how things work in your favor to increase feelings of worthiness. 9)   Dress the part…suit up & show up ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show --- Send in a voice message:
#14 DEATH OF YOU TO BIRTH ANEW Are you ready to rise? Are you ready to transform? Are you ready to shed those old behaviors and beliefs that are holding you down from reaching your goals and living an abundant life? While death is often perceived in the negative tone, transformation is the literal death of the ego an old ways and beliefs to allow the birth of new awareness and desired change which is the door to freedom. It is in the experience of the dark night of the soul, that we burn away ego and the surrounding environment that allows both inner and outer transformation. This allows us to break free of that which is holding us back and provides the opportunity to release what we “thought” we were. When we go inward and connect and realign with our truth this allows us to tap into our creative power and transform in order to claim our birthright of unlimited infinite creativity. We have to accept the death of what no longer serves our highest good. This allows us to embody them nature of the Phoenix at every level of our souls evolution on the journey to abundant living. Addictive behaviors and patterns a representative of places in our consciousness that the ego has allowed us to become fixed and robs us of our freedom and our creative power. In essence we have surrendered our creative power to things outside of ourselves as we try to escape from self and connect to a better feeling than what resides inside us. Embrace the empowerment that comes from the “death of letting go” of unwanted behaviors/habits/thoughts and beliefs. Get excited and become willing to embrace awareness that we need to experience death of the ego to allow connection to our creative power which allows: transformation. DIE TO RISE I could not kill me, And I won’t kill you. So, I killed that last little bit of me, the part that still deeply loved you.   You murdered her you see, Because misery loves company. You refused to grow with me, always threating to leave the gem that is Me.   Since you seemed convinced that was ok, Jump on board with abandoning me seemed to be the way, And at the cost my health and sanity, a steep price I did pay. No longer life seemed to grant parlay, For stuck on repeat, the abuse became day by day.   That final night when I lay in a heap, alone & abandoned, Sobbing until I could no longer weep.   Dying inside, suffocating with grief, As I rocked myself,  wailing in disbelief, At how heartless some can be.   Courageously, I chose in that moment, to rescue ME. Succumbing to the reality, of fate and the powers that be, They are removing you to save Me.   No longer believing untruths about me, I rise as I am finally set free, from the hell of misery loves company. For what once tried break me,  is now empowering me, rising from the ashes, I am ABSOLUTE resilience and tenacity. Thriving on self-love, I am healing and living in prosperity.   ~Candice J. Frazier, Author, Certified Master Transformation Strategist ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia, anxiety & depression all through daily acts of kindness & radical self love through intentional self care & living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator --- Send in a voice message:
WAYS TO EASILY CONNECT WITH SELF TO INCREASE SELF LOVE There are many ways to easily connect with self to experience more feeling of self-love and appreciation.   From mindset to meditation and affirmations, to understanding and acceptance of your sexuality and spirituality, combined with proper self-care, are the basic keys, to not only wellness, but happiness as well.   From mindset comes intention. Intention dictates action. Action delivers outcomes. Outcomes delivers desires.   IT IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT TO WANT AND NEED. DESIRING = RECEIVING AND THAT REQUIRES A SPACE TO ALLOW THE UNIVERSE TO GIVE. ULTIMATELY…THAT WHICH YOU DESIRE…DESIRES YOU.   Desires are needs in disguise, which when met, expand into infinite possibilities and avenues for success and happiness. Stop being swept away in the calamity of self-loathing and love self, honor your desires and take empowered action of self-care to be the force of calm and step into your desired and well-deserved success! ~Candice J. Frazier HOW DO YOU RESET YOUR GROOVE??? SELF-LOVE IS STEP ONE!   Self-love is the path to freedom and happiness that allows you live a full, empowered life.   Every act is an act of love or cry for love. Read on for more ways to create new habits easily and powerfully, as you learn how to lovingly embrace the parts of you that are starving for love and attention.   When you focus on just being, room for abundance is made in the moment. Abundance needs freedom to coexist in, there is no room in forced blessings.~Candice J. Frazier The freedom we seek lies in loving self in every corner of our heart. Knock on the door of your heart and be present in the potential and purpose. When accessed in this way service to self and others flows easily and is just exactly as it needs to be in each given moment. ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs & THe Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women’s Networking & Creative Coaching Group-Folsom, CA Follow us on Facebook & Instagram & Meetup @thesweetnine Website: --- Send in a voice message:
#12~FAILURE AS FEEDBACK: It’s Ok To Make Mistakes & Ask For Help   SUCCESSFUL FAILURE “In the face of failure, Be curious and of one thing you can be sure, success is really failure, dangling on the lure. Each setback, divinely orchestrated, will reveal more of the cure.   Realize that mistakes you can safely make. With the awareness, that it's down failures path you must take. Without failures risk, your success is it stake. Bravely utilize feedback and a decision you must make.   As you elevate, realize that a crucial step to now take, is to be open, humble and get a mentor in place. Experience and your future success lives in this reflective space, Be humble as you see the potential of you and your success in their face. With gratitude, accept their reflections as feedback, knowing they've got insights and with failure a history as well as a knack, and now use it for them as steps to success they stack, and in victory, they hang ‘fear of failure’ hat on the rack.” ~Candice Frazier, Author, Master Transformation Strategist   TOP 9 FAILURE ALCHEMY SUCCESS TIPS: 1)    BE CURIOUS / AWARENESS   PERSPECTIVE GAINED WILL ALLOW YOU TO LET GO OF WHAT IS NO LONGER WORKING. THIS OPENS THE POSSIBILITY TO LET IN & TRY SOMETHING NEW. *What is it that you truly want? *What do you want to have/experience more of? 2)    SAY YES! Lean into failure and say yes to the contrast that it provides. 3)    BE HUMBLE! It is ok to fail and it is ok to seek help. Not knowing just means opportunity to raise your competency levels. It is not defeat nor indication of your ability to succeed. 4)    BE OPEN Be open to others giving you insights/guidance. Open channels = flow. 5)    BE GRATEFUL Gratitude is the key to successes door. This is where all things possible are nourished. 6)    BE POSITIVE Focus creates reality. Seek the positive intention in every experience~ AKA: Silver lining. Use these insights to create growth. 7)    BE ALLOWING Be allowing to assistance from those who have experienced failures and can see an angle to the obstacles that you cannot. 8)    GET ACCOUNTABILITY Set up accountability for stretch & support to experience inevitable success! 9)    TAKE EMPOWERED ACTION With your new insights, what actions are you now going to take as you move forward? ********************************************* CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. --- Send in a voice message:
#11 FEELING STUCK? LET’S REFOCUS!   MIND GOLD When feeling stuck, instead of feeding into the muck , flip your focus and cheer, “thank you luck” you served your purpose as an awareness chord struck.   Now give gratitude for contrast and the feelings that suck, Curiously seek the clues brought forth while in the muck for those are the path to where gold is struck.   Deep in the mud of overwhelming fear: relax, breathe and take 5 to thrive. I promise the message will become clear, As you tap in, tune in and through empowered words do hear: “It's OK not to have all the answers dear, nor will clarity come in mistrust and fear, shift focus on happy and gratitude to draw success near.”   On the self care podium with love for self, do cheer, as you embrace failure and alchemize fear, Transmuting it into “I love you! Trust! You've got this! Move and have fun! Believe & dream big!” Go from feeling stuck to abundant from the payout of mindset-shift gold in this poem you have struck. ~Candice Frazier, Author, Master Transformation Strategist . CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs & THe Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women’s Networking & Creative Coaching Group-Folsom, CA Follow us on Facebook & Instagram & Meetup @thesweetnine Website: @WomenEmpoweredEntrepreneurs Website: --- Send in a voice message:
HEALTHY If your immune system had a voice, it would beg you, ‘please prioritize self-care, that's the first choice’! There are nine simple steps to immune boosting  that will have you proudly atop the wellness rooftop roosting.   Fuel and move your body for an optimal immune system,  As hydration and rest keep it firing on all pistons.   The truest of magic is laughter and nature,  combine with meditation and you've got the recipe to a perfect immune boosting adventure!   Turn off electronics, it's healthier for sure! Have fun, sing and dance, allow art to heal, inspire and motivate.   With the nine easy steps, a healthy immune system you will create. ~Candice Frazier, Author, Master Transformation Strategist   “Self-love and self-care is the treat, that makes life so sweet. Be kind, be aware of the beliefs & habits you repeat.” Candice Frazier, Author, Master Transformation Strategist   IMMUNE BOOSTER 9 1)    HYDRATION: Important for the aiding in the elimination of toxins and other bacterial invaders in the body that can cause infection/illness. Place an 8 oz glass of glass of water by your bed and start each morning with drinking that to rehydrate after a night of sleep. (Add fresh squeezed lemon for a vitamin D immunity). During exercise, 4-8 ounces every 15 minutes. 2)    NUTRITION: There are many foods that can aid in immunity or reduce it. The top bad ones are sugar, soda, alcohol and fried or highly processed foods. All of these not only lack nutrients but also increase inflammation and SUPRESS IMMUNITY in body. The best ones for boost: GARLIC, HONEY, LEMON, GINGER 3)    SLEEP: This is essential as this is the process that allows the body to produce and release a vital protein called “cytokines”. These are your bodies fighter cells, reduced sleep reduces the ability of the body to adequately produce these important antibodies. 4)    MOVEMENT: Regular exercise not only boosts blood flow, and circulation of the immune fighter white blood cells, but the raise in body temperature also helps to create An unfriendly environment for the growth of bacteria. And the breathing helps to “flush out” the lungs and airway. 5)    NATURE – SUNLIGHT = VITAMIN D (MS is linked to low vitamin d and more prevalent where there is less sunlight exposure.) Fresh air and sunlight are very therapeutic and excellent mood boosters. 6)    LAUGHTER: this not only boosts immune system, but also reduces pain and helps manage difficult/uncomfortable emotions & experiences. Can reduce inflammation in the body and reduce blood sugars in healthy people & diabetics. Helps the lining of the blood vessels to be relaxed and allow blood to flow. 7)    MEDITATION: Similar to laughter, meditation calms the central nervous system and therefore reduces inflammation and connects mind and body powerfully. Auto immunity is “attack on self” so this is a great way to come back home to self and create a sense of inner calm and security. 8)    HAVE FUN!! BE ‘CHILD-LIKE” IN ADVENTURE: (STAY WARM WHILE PLAYING)  This is being in the moment, focused on creating fun energy, this is another way to connect to the mind-body gateway and access inner healing and wellness. Staying warm also helps to keep the body in state of optimal functioning. This helps the white blood cells to stay strong in  numbers in case any “invaders” attempt an overthrow of the immune system. 9)    REDUCE EXPOSURE TO EMF (TV. PHONE, COMPUTERS, IPADS & TABLETS). REPLACE WITH READING …ART…JUST CREATE & BE MINDFUL IN THE MOMENT. This is an easy one…reduce the radiation exposure and boost the ability of the body to function optimally. Take power down hours before bed, and if possible, do not constantly be attached to your devices. CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. RYG IT TO WIN IT! --- Send in a voice message:
“To have awareness is the true success. Awareness that when you focus on the mess, it is more chaos you get, not less. Old beliefs to the curb we must toss, and shift our focus away from the chaos, and realize with mindfulness, we are now the BOSS. As we understand and seek the positive in loss, focus not on chaos, but in being the Boss. This is truest of shamrocks, your pot o' gold, realizing your minds power, stepping in and being bold. Rewards of abundance and success untold, await you when let go, trust and believe it will unfold, as you leave fear, uncertainty and worry in the cold. ” ~Candice Frazier, Author, Master Transformation Strategist TOP 10 shamrock SUCCESS TIPS: 1)    BREATHE! Your brain will send out danger/panic signal. During stress we are often unaware that we are not taking in full breaths.   2)    FOCUS! On creating feelings that make you feel good   3)    LAUGH! Laughter is healing and powerful medicine. Laugh often and vibrate higher   4)    NOURISH Plant based, whole foods will support brain & body wellness-which will create sense of calm and inner love.   5)    MOVE YOUR BODY This will have similar effect as #4. This is great way to release energy   6)    MEDITATE Tap in, tune in and turn on to YOUR INNER BEING & YOUR POWER   7)    BE POSITIVE Focus creates reality. What you think you create. Be positive. It is a far healthier energy.   8)    CLEAR THE CLUTTER Make room for the new experiences by letting go of the old beliefs and items that weigh you down.   9)    JOURNAL This allows you to have a place to process your daily life. This will allow you to process and let go of the emotions tied to each day and allow your brain to focus on next task.   10)BELIEVE Believe that everything is happening for you and that everything is possible and focus on your why and give the HOW to the powers that be. CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs & THe Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women’s Networking & Creative Coaching Group-Folsom, CA Follow us on Facebook & Instagram & Meetup @thesweetnine Website: @WomenEmpoweredEntrepreneurs Website: --- Send in a voice message:
“LOVE ME FEAR” “Stand tall and be clear, rejection is nothing to fear. Fear is a simple reminder, To face everything and rise. Lean in with gratitude, Seek positive intention, Move forward filled with appreciation, Embraced by the magic of positive attitude, Awareness that rejection is divine protection, and fear is to remind us what is dear. ❖   Fear is the way to your Greatness. Fear is the fuel to ignite your internal fire, that energizes you to accomplish your greatest desire."-Candice Frazier, Author   Are you struggling with finding your courage to make changes? Does the idea of achieving your goals excite you or make you fearful and dread even considering the possibility? Do you feel like it is not worth to even attempt new things because you struggle with being consistent and always fall short of your goals anyways? If this is you or someone you know, I have great news! It is not you driving the struggle bus, it is your brain and how it is wired! You, my dear, are perfect. Your brain is just trying to keep you safe from the very change you are seeking! What message does fear and rejection come to tell us? Fear has the positive intention to remind us of what is important to us. And think of rejection as the bumper pads of life, redirecting us on our journey and keeping us moving towards our highest good. With this awareness, you can begin to see that everything is happening for you and you can step into being a conscious and fearless creator. HOW DO I CHANGE MY INTERPRETATION OF FEAR & REJECTION? ➢ With the magic of transformational coaching, you heal from thought patterns and beliefs that are keeping you stuck, so that you can easily shift your habits and behaviors at a deeper level. ➢ Seek the root cause of your struggles and uncover the self-sabotage programming in the brain. ➢ Transformational coaching as a system upgrade for your brains operating system. This approach will get rid of the fear based, joy stealing viruses and replace it with courage, confidence, consistency and change that you desire without fear. ➢ Small shifts at the core of how we view the world around us is how successful transformations begin to create change. ➢ Once you transform the old limiting beliefs, you create space and freedom to be you, soaring fearlessly!   “Rejection is divine protection.” Candice Frazier, Author & Master Transformation Coach If this show resonated with you, please reach out and let me know. I am passionate about being of service to my tribe. I have a burning desire to elevate you so you can live your best and balanced life! CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice 916-542-9853 RYG IT TO WIN IT! ******************************************** Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show 👇Link to schedule FREE Discovery Session👇 Thank you!! --- Send in a voice message:
RAISE YOUR VIBRATION TO ALLOW YOUR CREATION And Find your creative energy & flow   “FEEL & FLOW” “You are the ultimate creation,  Be fierce as you live life with gratitude, heart full of appreciation. Magic only happens when you align with your unique station, The one omitting your signature vibration.   Let go of regret and to self-connect, Making you happy first, is key don’t forget, All things creative starve in the desert of feeling lack, doubt and regret.   Self-love and care unlocks the creative flow, A healthy mind and body will deliver you in the know. Enthusiastically and eagerly nourish feelings that make your heart grow.   Be happy, confident, and on the creative path deliciously you will go,   When you realize that your feelings give you creative control. ” ~Candice Frazier, Author   THE PATH TO THE CREATIVE FLOW AND UNLOCKING YOUR CREATIVE ENERGY   HOW DO I FIND THAT FEELING?   ·       Calibrate to pleasure not power.   ·       Live in the feeling of what lights your soul up and makes you FEEL satisfied.   ·       WHAT IS IT THAT INSPIRES THAT “GOOD-GOOD FEELING” FOR YOU?   ·       WHAT MAKES ME FEEL ENTHUSIASTIC AND FULL OF EXCITEMENT FOR MORE?   ·       WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL INTOXICATED WITH JOY, FREEDOM, CONNECTION & LOVE AND FEEL EAGER & LIGHT-HEARTED?   WHAT CAN I DO TO RAISE MY UNIQUE VIBRATION?   Ø  Art Ø  Music Ø  Dance Ø  Daily Movement (Yoga, walk, hike, bike, swim, stretch) Ø  Nature (Recharge as you discharge negative energy) Ø  Meditation (The flow lives here!) Ø  Touch Ø  Connection to self Ø  Connection to others Ø  Deliciousness of healthy, energizing foods (Low energy = low vibration) Ø  WATER – Staying hydrated (brain is 80% water) Ø  Healthy Fats (brain is 20% fat) ************************************** If this show resonated with you, please reach out and let me know. I am passionate about being of service to my tribe. I have a burning desire to elevate you so you can live your best and balanced life! CONNECT WITH ME: @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs & THe Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women’s Networking & Creative Coaching Group-Folsom, CA Follow us on Facebook & Instagram & Meetup @thesweetnine Website: @WomenEmpoweredEntrepreneurs Website: 👇Link to schedule FREE Discovery Session👇 Thank you!! If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviors... please please please reach out. Or call ... 1-800-273-8255 suicide hotline And listen to the song by Logic -1-800-263-8255.... It really helped me through the darkness of my mindset that had me convinced I wasn’t worthy of living. We are all worthy of living. I love you! ❤️ --- Send in a voice message:
How many times do we encounter road blocks & obstacles to our success? On today’s show we discuss ways to overcome struggle and become unstoppable on the road to success! “UNSTOPPABLE” “To fret over obstacles is no fun, it drains you, and steals your thunder and sun. So with determination, give up your dream for no one! With persistent tenacity, struggles you will overcome. Claim success, Yell a big fat yes, And with abundance you will be blessed. Inevitable is success, When a fighter’s spirit you do possess. You are unstoppable when in the zone,  Using obstacles as the stepping stones.  To the struggle, surrender and confess, You are caught in the muck and the mess, Breathe, step back, get support and stretch. Say yes to you, and success will be, bigger than you had dreamed.” ~Candice Frazier, Author TOP 5 STEPS TO STOP OWNING FAILURE & START CREATING SUCCESS 1) STEP BACK: PERSPECTIVE GAINED WILL ALLOW YOU TO LET GO OF WHAT IS NO LONGER WORKING. THIS OPENS THE POSSIBILITY TO LET IN & TRY SOMETHING NEW. *What is it that you truly want? *What do you want to have/experience more of? 2) SAY "YES" TO YOU! BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF YOU! *What would it mean to you to have what you want? *What about this is so important to you? 3) SET UP ACCOUNTABILITY FOR STRETCH & SUPPORT TO EXPERIENCE INEVITABLE SUCCESS! *How will you know when the results you want are happening? *What does it look, sound, feel & smell like? 4) LET IN NEW BELIEFS & OWN YOUR TRUTH! *What is that needs to change? *Are you aware of what new beliefs & actions you need to take to allow this? 5) TAKE EMPOWERED ACTION & CONTINUE TO CREATE SPACE TO GROW. *With your new insights, what actions are you now going to take as you move forward? 🦋Move Forward Freely & Powerfully • What do I need to do or say to move forward freely, powerfully, peacefully to next week? • Is there anything to forgive and let go of? • What am I saying YES to moving forward to? RESET YOUR GROOVE PODCAST SHOW @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs & THe Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women’s Networking & Creative Coaching Group-Folsom, CA Follow us on Facebook & Instagram & Meetup @thesweetnine Website: @WomenEmpoweredEntrepreneurs Website: 👇Link to schedule FREE Discovery Session👇 Thank you!! --- Send in a voice message:
Are you ready to change those old beliefs/behaviors and habits that are holding you down/back from reaching your goals and living your best abundant life? That will require that you go inward and connect and align with your truth. In order to tap into our creative power and transform in order to claim our birthright of unlimited infinite creativity.   Here is poem I wrote inspired by this topic. “GLORY” “If you’re tired of the fight, step back, breathe it’s time for a rewrite. As a conscious creator, your focus writes your story, so grab your imagination, and pen one full of glory. Let your truth be exposed, trust it will be your last, surrender to the fear, embrace your inner light. This is the sweet gift of self-love, Radiating like beacon in the night. It will first feel strange, As this old story you rearrange, the power is yours, are you ready to change? It’s imperative, Awareness is Within, To change the narrative, Will give you a well-deserved win!” ~Candice Frazier, Author   Narrative: spoken or written account or art of  telling a story. Change: make/become different; alter/transform 5 STEPS TO WRITE A NEW STORY: AWARENESS ACCEPTANCE CURIOSITY CONSISTENCY PERSISTENCE DEATH OF OLD STORY OF YOU TO BIRTH A NEW YOU Let’s burn the addictions to food, sex, drugs/alcohol, unhealthy relationships, limiting beliefs of not being good enough, a failure, not smart enough, too much, needy, living in fear and judgement, guilt and lack mindset. No longer fearing change, knowing that the sacrifice of surrendering, trusting and allowing, we become the Phoenix and with our freedom of choice, run head first into it knowing that on the other side we will meet with a powerful transformation that allows us to freely live in abundance, prosperity and happiness. “Partner with your fear and create the new story with awareness of that limits only exist when penned and believed.”~Candice Frazier, Author RESET YOUR GROOVE PODCAST SHOW @wellnesswithcandice RYG IT TO WIN IT! Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! Focus your intentions to be bigger than your fears. Self love and self care is truly the path that heals humanity one soul at a time, thus eradicating violence and poverty. CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Who is Coach Candice? She is a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world. She overcame limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment. *Self Love Expert™️ *Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert *Life Skills Competency Educator *Certified Medical Assistant *Motivational Speaker & Author *Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops *Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit *Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss *Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 *Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs & THe Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women’s Networking & Creative Coaching Group-Folsom, CA Follow us on Facebook & Instagram & Meetup @thesweetnine Website: @WomenEmpoweredEntrepreneurs Website: 👇Link to schedule FREE Discovery Session👇 Thank you!! --- Send in a voice message:
SELF LOVE “Love me like a child, Encourage me as if you would a student, Speak to me with love as if you would a little one. Show me the love through your actions and I’ll show you the truest of love ever known to humanity.” ~Candice Frazier, Author   Self -Love: Is not selfish – it is self preservation. it is essential to thrive. You can not give to others what you are not first giving to self.     WAYS TO EASILY CONNECT WITH SELF TO INCREASE SELF LOVE There are many ways to easily connect with self to experience more feeling of self-love and appreciation. From mindset to meditation and affirmations, understanding and acceptance of your sexuality and spirituality combined with proper self-care are the basic keys, to not only wellness but happiness as well. From mindset comes intention. Intention dictates action. Action delivers outcomes. Outcomes delivers desires. IT IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT TO WANT AND NEED. DESIRING = RECEIVING AND THAT REQUIRES A SPACE TO ALLOW THE UNIVERSE TO GIVE. ULTIMATELY ~ THAT WHICH YOU DESIRE ~ DESIRES YOU. SO HOW CAN I HELP YOU?? In the 90 Day Total Transformation Stress, lack of sleep, lack of fun and play, little or no sweet in life (think romance, intimacy, connection to others), will cause a pile up of unmet needs and that drives many behaviors such as emotional eating and even anorexia. This is because often the easiest caulking we can find a fill those voids to stop the bleed of self …. is sugar, other comfort foods and even casual sex/unhealthy partnerships. These behaviors even if may have been something that has been a go to for an extensive period of time, can be re-wired and re-trained in a way that allows for true transformation. Once rewired the body will require a healthy source of nourishment on all levels mind, body and spirit. The body will not entertain unhealthy habits, behaviors and beliefs as they now do not meet the new way of operating. Once these hygiene’s are restructured and become a new way of being, you can be different without having to remember to be different. This very shift will create more of a ripple effect in other areas, which creates abundance and freedom and finally more peace and happiness. This will allow more play, love and creativity to be enjoyed and expressed in an expansion of compassion self love an empowered living. All of these combined reduce stress, increase synergy and regulate sleep, all of which reduces cravings, stress hormones in the effects of aging /disease. When the body is no longer in dis-ease, it operates from a place of good health, which is truly an advantage when you need to be your best self and is truly the Boone of our existence as human beings. Time to raise the white flag and sign a treaty with yourself and invest in your wellness, in mind, Body and spirit with intention and understanding that things need to change. Sit in gratitude and awareness that guidance is available and to accept and request help is courageous and opens room for more choice…we all have the free will to choose. Do you continue to choose easy and illness and pain? Or accept responsibility for resistance in action that will increase choice in there for changes? Stop being swept away in the calamity of self loathing and love self to be the force of calm.~Candice Frazier RYG IT TO WIN IT! Reach out to me and together we will RESET YOUR GROOVE! Write a new story, step out of the pain, love you through your self care as you create full body wellness! CONNECT: Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. 👇Link to schedule FREE Discovery Session👇 ...RESET YOUR GROOVE PODCAST SHOW @wellnesswithcandice Thank you for listening! --- Send in a voice message:
BALANCED BLISS Where are you feeling out of balance? The Wheel of Life is waiting for you to discover what wants to be nourished. There are 12 Spokes and if one is flat, the outcome can result in imbalance all around.   Where do you want to feel more balanced bliss in your life? ·       Creativity ·       Joy ·       Spirituality ·       Physical Activity ·       Social Life ·       Relationships ·       Education ·       Career ·       Health ·       Finances ·       Home Environment ·       Home Cooking   Each spoke of the wheel is calling for balanced nourishment.   Shift the focus to what you want more of because where attention goes, energy flows and we are wanting to find balance in order to feel that bliss.
 Please enjoy these poems. I hope they help you and bring you positive vibes, hope and that you feel the love from my soul to yours! BALANCED BLISS  “First set in motion from self loves kiss. Lean in and be alert, everything is ok, nothing is amiss. I promise this experience, you won’t want to miss, Stay curious & banish the judgment of darkness. Step out of doing, Give it the fatal kiss, when you step into the being of balanced bliss, you are BEING as this life intended, not as is.” ~Candice Frazier, Author   SELF-LOVE I never understood the meaning of happy until I begin to love me for me, fiercely, unconditionally, with reverent curiosity. It was a powerful moment, I open my eyes, To the freedom of owning my truth and standing tall. Difficult it was, and yet the struggle was worth the final outcome after all. Seeking wisdom In it all, Standing courageously, denying fears call. No longer falling under the weight of it all, Awareness indeed did cause the walls to fall. Home to thee, my inner being did call, Finally listening and realizing that the key to happiness, was self love after all. ~Candice Frazier, Author “To love self is not selfish, it’s a gift that extends outward from you to humanity. So love yourself fiercely and without limits. Be love, Be You!”-Candice Frazier, Author 💚🦋🌈 As a certified health/life coach and an avid wellness connoisseur, I am passionate about helping educate people how to optimize their health. I am constantly studying, researching and experimenting within all aspects of increasing optimal health, happiness, mindset and prosperity. If you’re struggling with cravings, especially sugar, I can help! I have a handout that gives you 7 Solutions to get you started. I know that this will help you because it worked for me! I had a horrible sugar addiction that contriuted to several autoimmune illnesses and fibromyalgia! I found that taking sugar out of the diet helped me reduce the pain and inflammation associated with my illnesses. The 7 Solutions are user friendly and effective! Get yours today... email me at and use subject line “The 7 Solutions to Kick Sugar Cravings.” Find me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) at Wellness With Candice. Self Love Expert™️ Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert Life Skills Competency Educator Certified Medical Assistant Motivational Speaker & Author Creator/Speaker/Educator: Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, Finiks Ryzing and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops Founder of Elite Care Nonprofit Creator of the Mind Diet Program & Balanced Bliss Global Like Skills Ambassador Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0 Women’s Empowerment Coach & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Women Empowered Entrepreneurs Networking Group-Folsom, CA Join us for weekly WEE meetings to uplift, inspire, connect and learn! Meetings are always FREE! Bring a Friend! Follow us on Facebook @WomenEmpoweredEntrepreneurs Website: (under construction) 👇Link to schedule FREE Discovery Session👇 Thank you!! --- Send in a voice message:
In this episode we talk about how trauma affects the mind, body and the illness and disease that it causes. This episode brings awareness of techniques to come back to the present and reconnect to the body through the practice of yoga. If you’re someone that struggles with not feeling like themselves, feeling like nobody or feeling like someone else, struggling with feeling detached emotionally, feeling shut down or feeling confused and agitated ... this podcast will shed light on the darkness and empower you to take the first step in trauma and addiction recovery. When you have awareness you can transform that experience which you no longer desire to be in. Books covered: “The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma” by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. also: “Waking The Tiger: Healing Trauma” by Peter A. Levine and finally “Yoga & The Quest for The True Self” by Stephen Cope. 💫 Candice J. Frazier, CMA, Certified Master Transformation Health & Life Strategist Life Skills Literacy Educator & Global Presence Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0   CEO/Founder of Dragonfly Devas, Wellness With Candice, Zen Hikes & Elite Care Coaching Consultants.  Chief Strategy Officer/Executive Assistant @ Lanterns Light Healing & Consulting  Host: RESET YOUR GROOVE Podcast & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Chapter Ambassador at Women Empowered Entrepreneur's  "Transformation is a journey without a final destination."  "Fear is the way to your Greatness. Fear is the fuel to ignite your internal fire, that energizes you to accomplish your greatest desire."-Candice Frazier, Author "Life is the indelible ink that we create moment by moment with our mindset and our experiences." ~Candice Frazier, Author --- Send in a voice message:
Radiating beauty & Confidence and feeling Fabulous    Radiant Beauty “Radiate Beauty like the sun, Fill your life with Excitement, Adventure and all things fun! Be excited to be alive, through your veins, feel gratitude swiftly run. Loving self-first, guarantees your confidence won’t be undone. Fabulous no matter the look: suits, professional & polished or sweatpants and messy bun. It is our inner beauty that radiates and exudes the confidence outward, on view for everyone. Be You & Have FUN! Radiantly Beautiful and Confident One In this empowered self-love space, SUCCESS will be easily won!” ~Candice Frazier, Author. 🎤 Candice J. Frazier, CMA, Certified Master Transformation Health & Life Strategist Life Skills Literacy Educator & Global Presence Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0   CEO/Founder of Dragonfly Devas, Wellness With Candice, Zen Hikes & Elite Care Coaching Consultants.  Chief Strategy Officer/Executive Assistant @ Lanterns Light Healing & Consulting  Host: The RESET YOUR GROOVE Podcast Show Podcast & Co-Host of The Sweet Nine Podcast Show Chapter Ambassador at Women Empowered Entrepreneur's  "Transformation is a journey without a final destination."  "Fear is the way to your Greatness. Fear is the fuel to ignite your internal fire, that energizes you to accomplish your greatest desire."-Candice Frazier, Author "Life is the indelible ink that we create moment by moment with our mindset and our experiences." ~Candice Frazier, Author Contact: free copy available for download - Digital Copy of the Ebook on Todays episode! FOLLOW ON: Facebook & Instagram: Wellness With Candice --- Send in a voice message:
Master your mind, honor your body as you let go and find your flow. Learn how to step into wellness and balanced bliss to live a freedom lifestyle with host and and Master Certified Transformation Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author Candice Frazier --- Send in a voice message: