My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and and I am your very humble host! I am now onto Season 3! Seems like yesterday I was inspired to share a bit of my great stories and my trials and tribulations! This show is entirely produced, recorded, & hosted by myself and YOU are my inspiration! WHY? A very special person referred to me as a "TRUE BELIEVER" and I now realize that I am! My entire life has been based on helping people see that although YOUR armor may be dented and dinged, broken YOU are not and if I can believe in YOU why can't YOU! This show can be heard on many different platforms and is currently being downloaded and heard in over 76 countries! <br />As for who I am? <br />I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Energy Healer (Reiki, Tuning Forks, and Sound) a Past Life Regressionist, and a very passionate Mindset Coach! So I live to help and inspire others. I ask that YOU just listen to just one episode and maybe even pass it along to someone YOU feel can use the inspiration. I think when YOU are done YOU will see yourself differently! <br />Thank you to all that have been listening since the first episode and to those that go through and disect them and use many of my thoughts as your own....THANK YOU! I am honored by YOU! <br /><br /><br /><br />The show is supported by AUDIBLE.COM The Greatest Selection<br />of AUDIOBOOKS! For a 30 Day Trial, Visit<br /><br />© 2023 IAMVERYHUMAN Productions<br /><br />Music being shared with permission by Taddy Porter "Whatever Haunts You!"<br />

The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 139) "That was Then and This is Now"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but I really enjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing, and these are the stories we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS!Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and I hope YOU like my show! If YOU do, please let me know what YOU think!If you don’t like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :)  If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast, I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that.  Thank you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you! If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit: Mind’s Eye Meditations  Subliminal Sessions   Check out my first book! (Kindle version) Paperback is in the works for later this summer. You can download it right it now for under $5!!!! "The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 138) "Be Consistent"

This Episode is dedicated to my AUNT, Madalina Alavarez. RIP! Love You! Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but I really enjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing, and these are the stories we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS!Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and I hope YOU like my show! If YOU do, please let me know what YOU think!If you don’t like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :)  If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast, I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that.  Thank you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you! If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit: Mind’s Eye Meditations  Subliminal Sessions   Check out my first book! (Kindle version) Paperback is in the works for later this summer. You can download it right it now for under $5!!!! "The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 137) "The Power of YOUR Voice"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but I really enjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing, and these are the stories we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS!Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and I hope YOU like my show! If YOU do, please let me know what YOU think!If you don’t like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :)  If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast, I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that.  Thank you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you! If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit: Mind’s Eye Meditations  Subliminal Sessions   Check out my first book! (Kindle version) Paperback is in the works for later this summer. You can download it right it now for under $5!!!! "The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 136) "Freedom of the Mind"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but I really enjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing, and these are the stories we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS!Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and I hope YOU like my show! If YOU do, please let me know what YOU think!If you don’t like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :)  If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast, I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that.  Thank you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you! If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit: Mind’s Eye Meditations  Subliminal Sessions   Check out my first book! (Kindle version) Paperback is in the works for later this summer. You can download it right it now for under $5!!!! "The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 135) "Who do you root for?"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but I really enjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing, and these are the stories we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS!Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and I hope YOU like my show! If YOU do, please let me know what YOU think!If you don’t like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :)  If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast, I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that.  Thank you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you! If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit: Mind’s Eye Meditations  Subliminal Sessions   Check out my first book! (Kindle version) Paperback is in the works for later this summer. You can download it right it now for under $5!!!! "The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 134) "Your Golden Opportunity"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but I really enjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing, and these are the stories we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS!Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and I hope YOU like my show! If YOU do, please let me know what YOU think!If you don’t like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :)  If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast, I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that.  Thank you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you! If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit: Mind’s Eye Meditations  Subliminal Sessions   Check out my first book! (Kindle version) Paperback is in the works for later this summer. You can download it right it now for under $5!!!! "The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 133) "When no one is watching"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherpist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but i really lenjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing and these are the stroies we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS! Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and i hope YOU like my show! If YOU do please let me know what YOU think!If you dont like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :) If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions out my first book! (Kindle version)Paperback is in the works for later this summer.You can dowload it right it now for under $5!!!!"The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 (Episode 132) "The Delusion of Control"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherpist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but i really lenjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing and these are the stroies we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS! Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and i hope YOU like my show! If YOU do please let me know what YOU think!If you dont like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :) If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions out my first book! (Kindle version)Paperback is in the works for later this summer.You can dowload it right it now for under $5!!!!"The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 131) "When Life Gives YOU Lemons"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherpist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but i really lenjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing and these are the stroies we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS! Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and i hope YOU like my show! If YOU do please let me know what YOU think!If you dont like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :) If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions out my first book! (Kindle version)Paperback is in the works for later this summer.You can dowload it right it now for under $5!!!!"The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 130) "Complaining, Complaining, Complaining!"

Hello! My name is Jimmy Gonzalez and I am a Hypnotherpist, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Sound Healer, Mindset Coach, and a wonderful listener!WHY? Well, because I love people! I love story telling but i really lenjoy listening to YOU!Not just about what is wrong with YOU but primarily what is right with YOU! These are the things that make us amazing and these are the stroies we should focus on! I started this show to inspire YOU! To make YOU think and to remind YOU that YOU are pretty BAD ASS! Well, YOU are! I produce, record all of my shows and i hope YOU like my show! If YOU do please let me know what YOU think!If you dont like my show! Please let me know! I love criticism!!! It is how I learn to better myself. :) If you do like my podcast I came across this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions out my first book! (Kindle version)Paperback is in the works for later this summer.You can dowload it right it now for under $5!!!!"The Reset Yourself Workbook"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 129) "Lets think together"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 128) "Living A Purpose Driven Life"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 127) "The Prison of the Mind"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 126) "One more day!"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 125) "Do Today!"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 124) "Tell me what you want, and I can show you how to get it."

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 123) "+-="

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 122) "The Blame Game"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 121) "Perception vs. Perspective"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


The Reset Yourself 22 Podcast (Episode 120) " Being Assertive but not a Dick!"

LIKE MY SHOW? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!If you like my podcast I came across offering this service as a way for people to show their appreciation for my time. It is called Buy me a coffee! It is just as it sounds. If you would like to show thanks by listening to my podcast I ask that you buy me a COFFEE! The link will take you to a site where you can do just that. you for your support and please share my mission of inspiring you!If you would like to listen to my meditations, please visit:Minds Eye Meditations Sessions Reset Yourself Workbook you have any questions about any of my services please visit"


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