DiscoverROS Developers Podcast
ROS Developers Podcast
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ROS Developers Podcast

Author: Ricardo Tellez, CEO of The Construct

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Become an expert in robot programming with ROS by listening to the experts. Every week, we interview an expert in robot programming with ROS who will give us tips and tricks based on his experience. Learn to program robots with ROS from the experts!
106 Episodes
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers out there who are considering a career in robotics. Are you worried about whether ROS is a valuable skill and if companies are actually looking for it? If so, this episode is for you! This podcast explores real data to give you a clear picture of ROS job opportunities. We'll cover: 1. Degree requirements 2. Areas of specialization 3. Types of roles 4. Importance of prior experience 5. Skills in demand Take informed steps to build a successful robotics career!
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers out there who are thinking and worrying about the future of ROS. If you are worried about whether ROS will become irrelevant in the future or if all the companies building humanoid robots will replace ROS, then this episode is dedicated to you! In this Podcast, we will delve into what the Open Source Robotics Alliance is. Let me introduce you to Ryan Gariepy, who is the CTO of Clearpath Robotics and OTTO Motors. He is also the co-chair of the Canadian Robotics Council and a member of the Board of Directors of Open Robotics. Ryan is going to address all doubts regarding what the Open Source Robotics Alliance is. Welcome to the podcast, Ryan!
129. ros2ai

129. ros2ai


I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS Developers who believe that ChatGPT or Compiler won't take our jobs but rather help us become more efficient and create better, faster, and more intelligent programs. If you share this perspective, this episode is dedicated to you! In this episode, we will dive into Generative AI tools for robotics! Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Tomoya Fujita. We had Tomoya already on the podcast talking about Kubernetes for ROS. But today, he is going to talk about something different. Tomoya is a Software Architect/Engineer at Sony RDC US Lab. He is a ROS expert and a member of the ROS TSC committee. Today, he came to talk about his latest development ros2ai. Welcome to the podcast, Tomoya!
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers who want to use large-scale realistic robotic simulations. If you are thinking of working in that direction, this podcast episode is dedicated to you! Today we are going to talk a lot about simulation and how to do it with open-source code. Now let me introduce you, Adam Dabrowski. Adam is the VP of Robotics and Simulation at where he and his team have developed the robotics part of Open 3D Engine, an alternative to do realistic large-scale simulations in ROS  Welcome to the podcast Adam!
I would like to dedicate this episode to the people who are still working on autonomous driving. We believe that it will be the technology of the future, with many interesting and exciting job opportunities. We want to promote and support those who are actively involved in this field. So, if that describes you, this episode is dedicated to you! Today we are going to learn about autonomous driving! Let me introduce you to Santiago Montiel Marín. Santiago is a Ph.D. student and researcher at the Universidad de Alcalá, His research focuses on radar perception for autonomous vehicles. Santiago is one of the developers of AIVATAR, which is an open-source autonomous driving stack project. Welcome to the podcast, Santiago!
126. Isaac Sim and ROS

126. Isaac Sim and ROS


I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers who are considering professional robots and applications design, beginning with simulations. Starting with simulations is crucial, even if your preference is to work with real robots, to avoid errors and save time. If this is what you think when you are developing robots, then this episode is dedicated to you! Today, we are going to talk about simulations! Let me introduce you to Buck Babich, a senior Robotics R&D manager at Nvidia. Buck is currently working on manipulation, planning control, and simulations. Today, he will be talking with us about simulations, particularly 'Isaac Sim', the simulator developed by Nvidia for robotics. Welcome to the podcast, Buck!  
124. ROS for Drones

124. ROS for Drones


I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers who are thinking about using ROS for their Drones or may be trying to apply their path planning to drones. If you are thinking about using your favorite robot framework for drones, then this episode is dedicated to you! Today, we will talk about Drones and ROS, delving into everything related to the world of drones with an expert. You can gain valuable insights for programming your drones. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Kimberly McGuire. Kimberly is a robotics engineer at Bicraze where she develops the tools that connect the Crazyflie with the community of developers. She received her Ph.D. in 2019 with a thesis about "Swarm Exploration with Pocket Drones".    Welcome to the podcast Kimberly!  
123. ROS2 Control Round 2

123. ROS2 Control Round 2


I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers who have already switched to ROS2 to control their robots.  Today we are going to talk about the ros2_control with one of the main developers and maintainers of the packages. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Dr. Denis Stogl. Denis is the CEO and founder of Stogl Robotics a company for consulting about robotics. He is also one of the main maintainers of ros2_control.  
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers that are considering building their own robotics startup.   Today we are going to talk about this subject, how to build your robotics startup with a person that has already built two of them: one about hardware and another about software, and both of them are up and running.   Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you, Dominik Nowak. Dominik is the CEO and Co-founder of Husarion and also the CTO and Co-founder of Husarnet.    Welcome to the podcast Dominik!  
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers in Asia that are struggling to get their industrial robots with ROS. Do not be desperate. Keep pushing your ROS learning and application. There are a lot of people working hard to help you with that, for instance, the guys from ROS Industrial Asia-Pacific. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Maria Vergo. Maria is the consortium manager of the ROS-Industrial consortium Asia-Pacific. She is going to explain to us what the ROS-Industrial consortium is about and what is its current state as well as how much robotics impacts Singapore Welcome to the podcast Maria!
120. Space ROS

120. Space ROS


I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers that are building and programming the robots that will go to space in the next missions. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Will Chambers. Will was the principal technologist in AI and robotics at Blue Origin, where he cooperated to found the Space Robot Operation System, together with NASA and with Open Robotics. At present, Will works at Peraton as a Senior Director, Algorithmic Operations, AI, and Autonomy, and is a member of the Space Robot Operating System Technical Steering Committee.   Welcome to the podcast Will!  
119. Zenoh for ROS2

119. Zenoh for ROS2


I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers that are struggling to set up complex networks of ROS2 devices.   Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Julien Enoch. Julien is Senior Solutions Architect at ZettaScale Technology as well as Eclipse Zenoh committer. Today he is going to talk about what is Zenoh and why we should use it with our ROS2 robots.   Welcome to the podcast Julien!
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Limor Schweitzer. Limor is the CTO and founder of MOV.AI a company with the goal of infrastructure software for modern automation. His company has recently released the community edition of MOV. AI flow.   Welcome to the podcast Limor!
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers working on building small robots for practice while studying ROS. There are very few ROS-based robots for students that are reliable. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you . Victor has a large career in building ROS-based companies. He was the founder of Erle Robotics the first company to deliver drones based on ROS, Alias Robotics, a company concentrated on providing security to ROS robots and now Acceleration Robotics which is a company concentrated on… let’s see what it is about.   Welcome to the podcast Victor!
116. Delivery Robots

116. Delivery Robots


I would like to dedicate this episode to the people that use ROS to develop autonomous robots that (will) move around us in our streets, together with us, humans, doing some useful tasks. Now let me introduce you Tomohiko Furutani. Tomohiko-san is the manager of the AI Robot development section of Softbank. Welcome to the podcast Tomohiko-san!  
I would like to dedicate this episode to people that are working to make robots more understandable by humans. People want people to interact seamlessly with robots. That robots understand us and that we understand robots. Now let me introduce you Severin Lemaignan. Severin is a senior scientist in social robotics at Pal Robotics. There he works to develop ways to make communication between humans and robots easier. Today he is going to explain everything about HRI and his project about how to get a general framework of HRI for ROS robots.   Welcome to the podcast Severin!  
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers working on making efficient warehouse robots using ROS ( ROS-based warehouse robot). If you are in that field, if you are trying to make the picking system easier for all the warehouses around the world, then this episode is dedicated to you. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Gajamohan Mohanarajah. Gajan is the founder of Rapyuta robotics a company created in 2014 as an ETH spinoff focusing on cloud robotics. Welcome to the podcast Gaja!
I would like to dedicate this episode to the people that use other robotics frameworks different from ROS… and succeed. You know, ROS already provides you with a fully working robotics framework as well as many software for main robotics tasks. If you go outside ROS, the robotics world is cold, difficult, and hostile. If a company is able to succeed in such conditions, then that indicates strength and mastery. Good for you! If your company is in such a situation, then this episode is dedicated to you.   Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Denys Kanunikov and Sam Thornton.  Denys and Sam work at Mujin, a robotics company that…. well you are going to learn in a minute. For the moment, let me tell you that Denys is the lead robotics system engineer of Mujin and Sam is the Manager of Talent acquisition.   Welcome to the podcast Denys and Sam!  
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers working on using ROS for autonomous cars, then this episode is dedicated to you. Now let’s go to the meat of the episode. Let me introduce you Dr. Shimpei Kato. Shimpei is the founder of Tier IV as well as Chairman of the board of directors of the Autoware Foundation. Additionally, he is an associate professor of the University of Tokyo.  Welcome to the podcast Shimpei!
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROSDevelopers out there that have started or are already progressed doing progressing in programming robots by using FPGA and accelerating hardware of any kind. So if you are any of those engineers or ROSDevelopers using accelerate hardware for your robot, then this episode is dedicated to you! Now let me introduce you Giulio Corradi who is the principal architect industrial vision healthcare at AMD. Giulio, welcome to the Podcast!
Comments (4)

Amir Hosein Nourian

Great podcast ricardo 👌👍

May 7th

Amir Hosein Nourian

Great podcast thanks ricardo 💐

Feb 28th

Amir Hosein Nourian

Dear Ricardo I am a Ph.D. student working on ROS and RL for robot navigation! I have been listening to your podcasts for weeks and they are great! Thank you for your time and efforts but in some podcasts, your guest's voices are hardly hearable. I really appreciate your efforts ❤️

Jan 10th

Amir Hosein Nourian

Dear we can not hear his voice ….

Dec 6th