What a way to end the first run of Tuesday Night Book Club. Great review on the book 'Strategic Doing: Ten Skills for Agile Leadership' by Paidi O'Reilly.Having one of the authors of the book join was a bonus! Thanks, Ed. We will be back in September. Have a great summer. #TNBC #tuesdaynightbookclub #bookclub #learning #communityThanks,Rob and Dec
The latest Tuesday Night Book Club Review is out now for your listen back. The final TNBC of season one before we break for summer is on 24th May at 8 pm Irish Time. You can sign up here https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ie#TNBC #tuesdaynightbookclub #bookclub #learning #communityThanks,Rob and Dec
The latest Tuesday Night Book Club Review is Deep Work, written by Cal Newport, reviewed by Marianna O'Neill.We're back on Tuesday 20th April at 8 pm. See you there. You can sign up here https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ie#TNBC #tuesdaynightbookclub #bookclub #learning #communityThanks,Rob and Dec
A deep dive into unraveling unconscious bias from the book 'sway' reviewed by Niamh McCartney is out now. Have a listen. I'm pretty certain you'll learn a lot. Thanks, Niamh. Great job. And a really positive conversation after too. We're back on Tuesday 6th April at 8 pm. See you there. You can sign up here https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ie#TNBC #tuesdaynightbookclub #bookclub #learning #communityThanks,Rob and Dec
If you're interested in learning, career development, and culture, then this summary by Aoife Lenox on the book 'Range' from David Epstein is well worth a listen. It might inspire you to read the full book. Great job again, Aofie. Welcome to the exclusive #TNBC double summarizer club (best name I could come up with).....thanks! We're back on Tuesday 23rd March at 8pm. See you there. You can sign up here https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ie#TNBC #tuesdaynightbookclub #bookclub #learning #communityThanks,Rob and Dec
Another fully loaded Tuesday Night Book Club session is out now for your ears to enjoy!Thank you Marianna for a great book review and for sharing countless tools and approaches we could use to help us make more time. Check it out now.We're back on Tuesday 9th March at 8pm. See you there.
Another wonderful Tuesday Night Book Club session is out now for your ears to enjoy!Thank you Ashleigh Tobin for a great book review and so well read. Check it out now.We're back on Tuesday 23rd at 8pm. See you there.
Hi all,Check out this week's episode of 1% Better with Allison Kreiger Walsh. Allison is a dynamic corporate leader, philanthropist, personal branding expert, and much, much more. Her charismatic leadership and passion for bettering the lives of others, near and far, has inspired thousands of people across the country. She currently serves as the Vice President of Business Development and Branding for Advanced Recovery Systems, a cutting edge, behavioral health care company based in Central Florida. Previously, Allison held several executive and leadership roles in McKenna Walsh Consulting and Professional Management, and UF Health Florida Recovery Center at Orlando Health. Allison has served on multiple local and national nonprofit boards and task forces including the National Eating Disorders Association, Eating Disorders Network of Central Florida, Project Opioid, and Orange County's Heroin Task Force Treatment Committee. She is the founder of Helping Other People Eat (H.O.P.E.), a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Allison is an author, podcast host, and former Miss Florida. She has been featured in national media outlets and publications including FOX News, Huff Post Live, and programs by Lifetime, PBS and NBC. I hope you enjoy this and please don't forget to subscribe to the ROTG presents channel.Be well,Rob
Tuesday Night Book Club - Part 16 How Women Rise reviewed by Susan Manning.Next one on 9th Feb - You can sign up here https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ie#TNBC #tuesdaynightbookclub #bookclub #learning #community Thanks,Rob and Dec
Welcome to 1% Better and the interview with Venesa Klein. Since 2007, Venesa Klein has helped some of the world's most successful companies build out the critical leadership teams that drive their successAs Partner at Calibre One, she successfully places C-suite and functional VP level leaders across a range of consumer internet, e-commerce, CPG, and category-defining technology companies. Klein also founded the company's Purpose-Driven Practice, which focuses on placing executives in growing organizations seeking to create innovation with meaningful impact.Prior to joining Calibre One, Klein was the senior recruiter at MarketTools, a market research, and technology company, where she was responsible for full-cycle, international, executive recruiting across the company. Klein was first introduced to corporate recruiting as a consultant at Google where she was recruited to build out their internal executive search function. She began her executive search career at The Pacific Firm, a premier Bay Area boutique firm. Her practice concentrated on the recruitment of executives for venture capital funded start-ups and established high-growth companies.Outside of work, Klein holds leadership roles within a number of animal welfare, environmental and educational charities. Her commitment to philanthropy and her two young children keep her quite busy.I hope you enjoy this wide ranging conversation with Venesa. You can find her at VenesaKlein.com Also, if you'd like to join up to the Tuesday Night Book Club, you can do so by registering to the link here : https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ieAnd remember, at #TNBC, you don't have to have read the book beforehand! Thanks for listening as always.Best,Rob
Welcome to Tuesday Night Book Club. In this first review of 2021, we cover the best seller 'The Happiness Advantage'. It was a great start the new season with a lovely group of mostly new members. Enjoy the review. Let us know what you took from it. Tell your friends about TNBC. We're back on the 26th January at 8pm. See you there.You can sign up to it (and any of the others scheduled right up to end of June) via this eventbrite link: https://tnbc2021.eventbrite.ieAlso, do get in touch with me or Dec if you'd like to take one of the slots and share a summary of a book that rocked your world. For those joining for the first time, the book review typically lasts about 30 mins and then we have chats and discussion for another 20 or so. Should be all done in an hour! And remember, at #TNBC, you don't have to have read the book beforehand!
Hi all,Just a quick reflection on 2020, updates on plans for 2021 and sharing 3 pieces of sound advice that stood me in good sted.Do check out the site for all the previous episodes - www.robofthegreen.ieSign up for the book club in 2021 - https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/tuesday-night-book-club-with-rob-dec-tickets-107330915658Email me if you've any coaching questions - rob@robofthegreen.ieLet's do this in 2021! Best,Rob
In this extra-special edition of TNBC, we provided a brief summary of well over 10 books that should give you more than a taste of what they are about. Check it out.We're back in early January to kick it off again for 2021.Happy Christmas, Rob and Dec.
Welcome to the podcast – 1% Better. I’ve talked to a broad range of successful individuals over the last 4 or so years doing the podcast. And everyone, I’ve learned something new. Many entrepreneurs have been on the show too and investors. My guest today, Xander Schultz, is both of these. He’s also an philanthropist. Which is also not unique. But what is very different about Xander is his story. I’m delighted to welcome Xander to 1% Better today. After facing adversity early - his Olympic champion father Dave was murdered when he was just nine - Xander Schultz found purpose as an activist focused on maximizing the freedom of oppressed people and elevating changemakers. As a tech entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, Xander was on the founding teams of two consumer social productivity technology companies Complete and Kifi, which was acquired in 2016 by Google. Following his exit at Kifi, Xander committed his entrepreneurial and philanthropic efforts to social justice, co-founding the refugee aid organization When We Band Together with his wife Zoë. They launched the organization after spending time volunteering on Lesvos in 2015. The organization is dedicated to ensuring displaced people have community resources, safe spaces, and positive places where they can thrive. Xander supports and leads initiatives that emphasize dignity and prioritize the most vulnerable. Xander is the host of What We Don't Know Podcast WWDK) where he discusses issues that define our time with leading change-makers such as Rashad Robinson, Andrew Yang, and Baz Schreidinger. In 2020 he founded “Defeat by Tweet” - a donation-based initiative raising money for the Justice Fund, Black-led political organizers in swing states, by using Trump’s tweets against him. Xander’s two great projects right at this moment (TIMELY) are Defeat by Tweet, now having raised $2million dollars since launch in June to get Trump out of office, and When We Band Together, which is currently raising money to provide supplies to the 13,000 refugees displaced by the Moria Refugee Camp fire in Lesvos. For more on Xander and to check out his podcast, go to defeatbytweet.orgFind Xander on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Xanderschultz
Heather Monroe, LCSW, is an integrative psychotherapist and founder of Monroe Wellness where she specializes in the healing of relational trauma. In addition to a private practice, Monroe Wellness develops online courses and in person workshops centered around neuroscience backed practices that change our minds, our bodies and our consciousness.For more on Heather, check out www.monroewellness.com Keep on getting better,Rob
Sarah is back and delivers another awesome book summary. Enjoy!!
Enjoy this one with Aoife. Remember, at #TNBC, you don't have to have read the book beforehand! Register for one of the upcoming book reviews here - https://buff.ly/2XM6lTB
Danielle Grant – of Your Mindset Mentor – Where peak performance meets consciousness I really enjoyed this interview with Danielle. Her story is an interesting one and her confidence and self-belief is infectious. She has some big goals - " I am on a mission to share my wisdom of spirituality and mindset with 1 million Entrepreneurs by 2025."For more about Danielle, check out:🎙PODCAST: https://www.themindvibe.show✉ danielle@yourmindsetmentor.com🌎 https://yourmindsetmentor.com Enjoy!Rob
1% Better – 3100 Miles Around a Park in Salzburg – Nirbhasa Magee Returns – EP188Last year I talked with Nirbhasa Magee about his experience running the 3100-mile race in New York. Full details of that below. This year, he’s running again. Only now, it’s in Salzburg. We caught up last week while he was running! Have a listen and be sure to check out EP133 from last year to learn more! Enjoy!I recently found an article on the BBC website about a 3100-mile race that happens every year. It’s called a run to self-transcendence and as someone that is very intrigued in self-development, I wanted to learn more. And hopefully talk with one of the runners that attempted and, maybe even, completed it. Not only did I manage to find one, he’s also a fellow Irishman. His name is Nirbhasa Magee and his the guest for this episode. Nirbhasa has been a meditation practitioner since his late teens/early twenties and through his practice, started to go for short runs with friends from the meditation group (Sri Chinmoys) he’s part of. One thing led to another. Before he knew it, he had moved on to marathons, ultramarathons, then 6 and 10 day runs and eventually the 3100 mile race. In this podcast interview, Nirbhasa tells this story in detail, shares the benefits he’s gained from meditation and running and provides some hugely interesting insights from his journey so far. Here is a summary and more about Sri Chinmoy (please excuse Typos):•How Nirbhasa discovered meditation •The key to a good meditation practice – even if it’s just 5 minutes per day – getting your foot in the door – this is the start of a building a habit•Always noticing if he missed the daily quotient of peace and joy i.e. a short meditation•Starting with a book ‘meditate like a master’ (or something of that name!) •Noticing the difference in the day to day life even if the it wasn’t a ‘great’ meditation•Finding deeper meaning and a feeling or pull of his being enjoying meditation•An overview of the mediation practices used early on: •Meditation Practice - Heart-Centre Mediations – Breathing and feeling the breath is coming from and leaving from the heart centre•The difference between concentration on the mind and the heart! •Finding himself coming out of heart-centre mediation with much more kindness on others and yourself •Techniques are just like a city map – the same with the meditation techniques – you get to know your heart just like a city and after a while you can throw away the maps! •Over time meditation becomes part of your being•Reflecting on the changes and impact meditation has on Nirbhasa – not borne out of sadness or loneliness •The one thing meditation has given him – a sense of fulfilment and purpose – not easily explained but more in a feeling •Mediation has taught him to cherish the joy of doing things not just the outcomes •Fitness & Running entered Nirbhasa’s life despite hating running originally •Mediation helped to be in the right inner space when running – this happened quickly after he started running •Getting into running longer distances more by chance running with others from the Sri Chinmoy centre •Getting into the space running the right way – running along ‘eternities road’ •Just doing 1-2 marathons every year initially but becoming more aware of the ultra-running•Hearing about much longer distances like the 6- & 10-day race and the 3100-mile race •In 2012, Nirbhasa, stopped in New York, and went to support the 6- and 10-day race. The feeling he had from this gave him the motivation to sign up for it the following year – a huge sense of peace being there – this is something I could do!!! •The 6- & 10-day races which are based on the most miles done in these days •How the mind can be limiting which lead Nirbhasa to sign up only to the 6-day race •The training plan for the 6-day race – having 2 great spiritual experience from the training itself – 1.Documentary – Spirit of a Runner on Vimeo – this lead to - The following day – an inner voice, why not move to the 10 day race instead2.A Talk that moved Nirbhasa – from a Sri Chinmoy seminar – learning about her meditation life – “it’s got the stage where I just sort of exist” – this was a statement he didn’t forget – but didn’t know what it meant….Having 3 big projects with work before the race – making the commitment – training was to be priority #1 – this was key! As this went along…put the important things first, everything else gets done! Like being an observer watching things happen! – A huge change•Dealing with misconceptions – that meditation is not accepting life’s responsibilities – but that is not the case - don’t what meditation is about •How the attitude of Meditation today is about leading your life….meditation is a key part of helping you be happy to be able to do everything you need to do and still be peaceful and satisfaction •Running & Training – avoiding injuries – lucky but also being able to connect into the issue and being able to find a workaround to overcome it •The attitude that you take when training and running is very very important – if you’re not running the for the right reasons…this can lead to injury or overexert! •There is a link between mental state and at which people suffer – when Nirbhasa runs, he must ensure he’s running from the right attitude – having a childlike consciousness when running! •The experience doing the 10-day race first time in 2013 – another big revelation doing it – setting a goal of 500 miles as a target – expecting to slow down on day 3 as all others thought – but as the days went on, Nirbhasa kept going and didn’t slow down – having 2-3 cosmic experiencing during the race •On the last day, after keeping a pace of 60 miles a day, decided to run all night on the last day and doing 91 miles on the last day, 622 miles overall and finishing 4th over•The power of the mind – overcoming the limiting beliefs •Meditation is about unlearning! About the 3100 Mile Race•3100-mile race around a single ½ mile block in Queens New York•The 3100-mile race is the longest of several ultra-marathons and other running races founded by Sri Chinmoy. •Not being allowed to run this unless you’ve done many multiday races before •Only deciding to run this after completing the 10 day. •60 miles a day is the average to run! •Deciding to run it for the first time but taking his time to sign up so doing the 10 day race a second time around and doing 702 miles giving him confidence for the 3100 •The training gives confidence more than anything•In 2015, in June Nirbhasa did his first 3100-mile race •Trusting the Universe to provide a response - Dealing with major cross roads, putting the questions or issue out there, even by writing a letter, and then meditating. Leaving the decision to God or the Universe to sort out and letting it to see what comes back •The notion of Spiritual Surrender – an ongoing and evolving process – not something that happens overnight •The 3100 Documentary including other self-transcendence runs (link to the documentary here)oIt’s a deep dive into Why people run and the spiritual explorationoThe 3100 Run and BecomeoFocus on Ash-Pri-han-nal – 14 times now 16 times?oYuri – do you have to be a follower of Sri Chinmoy?oRecord time -- 40 days - Ashprihanal Aalto has won the race nine times and participated 15 times.oShamita – Austrian – dropped out after 1000 milesoGyoman-san of the Monks of Mt. Hiei, JapanoNavajo Runner included•Nirbhasa’s experiences having run this 3 times over the last 5 years oThe physical adjustment taking a few daysoThe mental adjustment starting to calm down and a much more natural meditative state comes oStages during the race where meditation takes over and some parts of your being is having the time of its life!! That’s what keeps him coming back and get deeper every yearoComparisons with a silent retreat where the mind starts to calm after a few days•The race itself is a very safe space of spiritual transformation – with everything being taken care of and you’re running letting off steam and being able to talk and express himself is very important – can share the experiences with different to a silent retreat •From the 3 races Nirbhasa has completed, what stands out most? oFrom the 2019 race, after 35+ days, hitting a heatwave in New York making the heat 41-42 Celsius – Nirbhasa kept running and was so exhausted at the end of that day – leading to heat exhaustion inside his stomach – leading to 6/7 days that lead to walking most of the time! oThis lead to him learning to be happy no matter how he was doing – this is a key lesson – just to be happy no matter what! oA second heatwave come some days later – leading Nirbhasa to keep pushing forward but getting a recommendation from an Aru Vedic doc and being able to run again an hour later – the benefits of grass in his shoe that helped it cool down•To learn more about Nirbhasa and Sri Chinmoy check out:•Video called “Seeker” with Snatak on google the video will come up – check this out•This year, Nirbhasa after finishing the race, he felt he will do this every year •Sri Chinmoy links - https://ie.srichinmoycentre.org/More about Sri Chinmoy:•Background on Sri Chinmoy•Came to prominence•About him – Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, better known as Sri Chinmoy[1] (27 August 1931 – 11 October 2007), was an Indian spiritual leader who taught meditation in the West after moving to New York City in 1964.[2] Chinmoy established his first meditation center in Queens, New York, and eventually had 7,000 students in 60 countries.[3][4] A prolific author, artist, poet, and musician, he also held public events such as concerts and meditations on the theme of inner peace.[4][5] Chinmoy advocated a spiritual path to God through prayer and meditation. He advocated athleticism including distance running, swimming, and weightlifting