RZ Weekly

Each week we'll discuss three topics from the Religous Zionist and Modern Orthodox world. We'll share articles we're reading, ideas we're thinking about, and topics that interest us related to Israel, Judaism, Religious Zionism.

Leil Shimurim 5784 - Reacting to the Iranian Attack

WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Following the Iranian drone and ballistic missile attack on Israel, the RZWeekly team came together to discuss how they are processing that event, and how they are trying to connect to the mood of Pesach despite all the many other things going on.


HaRav Tamir Granot: The Pride of Serving in the IDF

This episode begins with some heart-wrenching personal perspectives following the week of mourning of Daniel Perez hy’d, and then proceeds with an analysis of Rav Tamir Granot’s powerful and heartfelt remarks to Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef’s hurtful comments.


Dealing with our (strong) feelings about the Chareidi Community

In this episode we do not discuss chareidim serving in the IDF. However, what we do discuss are our feelings towards the fact that chareidi yeshiva students are not serving in the IDF because they are learning Torah, while Religious Zionist yeshiva students are having their Torah learning cut short because they are needed on the battlefield. How do we respond to the fact that the learning of one group is seemingly valued less than the other? And, if chareidim are learning, we would certainly expect them all to be praying for the success of our soldiers. How do we react when some of their leaders suggest otherwise?


A Growing Rift?

In this episode of RZWeekly we examine the current emotional undertone within Israel and the related attitudes and daily experiences of Israelis, while comparing this with how many Jews in the diaspora – often under the influence of the general media - are relating to and interpreting current events in Israel. Given these differences, is the Jewish world united, or alternatively, following a period of unity across the global Jewish communities, are we seeing evidence of a growing rift?


The Mother of the Soldier inside Gaza

In this episode, Mali provides a powerful and personal insight on what it means to be the mother of an active soldier who is fighting 'inside' Gaza. And she offers some insights about how to support those whose children and spouses are fighting.


Defining Gevurah

What is Jewish heroism? How do Israelis blend gentle values with physical strength so that they are strong on the battlefield and yet sensitive at the same time? Why are some Jews uncomfortable with the image of the strong Jew? In this episode we ask whether our long exile prompted us to define strength in purely spiritual terms and how the current war has helped remind us that Israeli Jews blend both the koach of physical strength with the gevurah that includes restraint.


Shattered Paradigms

While we still shudder from what took place on October 7th, and while our sons and daughters fight for the security of our people and our land, as well as the release of 240 hostages, the topic of our latest episode of RZWeekly is 'Shattered Paradigms' where we consider what has changed, in terms of outlook and policy, both in Israel and beyond.


Coping with Loss and War

Yesterday evening the RZWeekly team recorded an emergency episode to explain what is going on in Israel and to offer some coping mechanisms to all those who are feeling overwhelmed. This is a sombre episode, but perhaps the most important we’ve ever recorded.


Unpacking the Unthinkable

In this emergency edition of RZWeekly, we respond to the disrupted Yom Kippur prayer service in Dizengoff square, we discuss the fears and fearmongering concerning public spaces, religious power, and Jewish identity in Israel, and we try and offer a broader perspective of what the present is and what the future may bring.


Contemplating Kohelet

David Curwin recently published Kohelet: A Map to Eden - An Intertextual Journey. We invited him to join us on the podcast to speak about what motivated him to write the book, what does 'Intertextual' mean, and why does he think the book of Kohelet, which is a hard read, is so relevant today. Give a listen.


RZ Soapbox and Playlist

In our last recording for 5783, titled ‘SOAPBOX AND PLAYLIST’ each of us metaphorically ‘stand on our soapbox’ to share something on our mind to which the others then respond, afterwhich we each shared 2-3 Elul playlist songs which speak to us (see comments for links). Wishing all our listeners a Shana Tova and, as always, please feel free to let us know your thoughts on this episode.


The End of Innocence?

The RZ hosts discussed a challenging article that recently appeared in Mekor Rishon claiming that the time has come for the Religious Zionists to take control of their destiny after decades of being deligitimized (in the author’s eyes) by the secular leadership in Israel govenment and society. This led to a spirited discussion about what tactics are appropriate for the Religious Zionist community to utilize to achieve its political and spiritual goals. You can find the article here: https://www.makorrishon.co.il/shabbat/647455/


Toning it Down

Is Israel facing a civil war, or is there a way to move forward as a society in a civil way? In response to a recent article interview with Rabbi David Stav where he asked that leaders tone down the aggressive rhetoric as we begin the month of Av, a period that we inherently associate with internal strife, the RZWeekly team reflect on how to find hope in these challenging times, and how to rise above the toxic discourse for the sake of our society.


2023 Summer Culture Edition

What are we looking forward to doing this summer? In this episode, Reuven, Mali and Johnny share some suggestions about what to read, watch and do in 'bein hazmanim'.


Dangers and Delights of Digital Torah

Nowadays, Torah educators and scholars worldwide are not only using but are actually relying on digital Torah databases to prepare their classes. However, while these databases are remarkable in terms of speed and accessibility, their use raises a variety of educational and, in some instances, ideological questions. Recently, Sefaria proudly announced the availability of a gender-neutral translation of Tanach, while other databases often ideologically limit what is available on their platforms. Given all this, in the latest edition of RZWeekly Reuven Spolter and Johnny Solomon discussed the merits and chllenges which arise from using these platforms, while concluding with a list of lesser known yet great resources available online.


Am Levadad with Rabbi Alan Haber

Rabbi Alan Haber has recently launched a series of online educational videos under the title Am Levadad where he explores the Jewish National mission and the centrality of Israel to Jewish faith. In the latest episode of RZWeekly we interviewed Rabbi Haber to discuss this initiative and why he feels these ideas are so crucial for all Jews.


Religious Zionism and the Israel Protests

How are Religious Zionists feeling, on what side are they protesting, and what is actually being said within various Religious Zionist communities regarding the judicial reform propositions? In this refreshingly insightful episode, the RZWeekly team analyse the more subtle discourse, which you won’t read about in the media, about what different Religious Zionist populations are thinking and the priorities that are inspiring some to support the proposals, and others to oppose them.


Remembering the Rav

In this episode marking the 30th yahrzeit of the Rav and his 120th birthday, Mali offers a range of nuanced insights about the Rav based on her article ‘The Rav’s Enduring Pedagogical Relevance’ (which is included in the recently published special edition of the Tradition journal), while Reuven and Johnny offer their thoughts about what made the Rav unique and what makes his ideas so compelling.


Why Yoni Can't Read: An Interview with Simi Peters

According to a recently published article by noted educator and author Simi Peters on 18forty, notwithstanding the significant costs and alleged high standards of Jewish schools, there has been a sharp decline in recent years in the Torah skills of Jewish men and women with many being unable to access Torah in its original Hebrew. In this episode we interview Simi and ask her to tell us more about her perspective, while each of us – given our experience and involvement in Jewish education – offer our thoughts.


Innocents Abroad: Johnny Discovers America

Not having visited the New York/New Jersey area, R’ Johnny’s recent speaking tour gave him the opportunity to learn more about many of the Jewish communities that he only knew from a distance. In this edition of RZWeekly, he shares ten different insights which, though not necessarily limited to these communities, were particularly visible to him during his visit. In response, R’ Reuven and Mali offered their reflections and, in so doing, considered some aspects of the modern American Jewish experience.


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